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Lunar Dale

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The stories were unreal, plants that would blanket barren ground in days, trees that grew like weeds, plant life accelerated to such rates that the grass would wiggle before one's eyes, stretching towards the sun, minutes after being trimmed. Any scholar would have been overjoyed by the idea of being able to investigate an area, ripe with little miracles. And true. In the past, work like this had been done. But if the stories were to be believed, that exact research also caused issues. Issues that required a string of events, 60 years later, that resulted in a little caravan of 4 wagons, to transport not just their usual goods. But also, an alchemist.

The caravan lead watched as the sun rose in the distance, bringing life and color to the world around him. The brown dirt path that his horses pulled his carriages over. The green grass and trees beside the path. The limitless blue sky. Living as a mechant had at least some perks. Noticing some movement behind him, the tall and mildly chubby man moved aside. "Good morning. I trust your rest was... unsatisfying again?" Not that he could blame him. This caravan had the luxury of having one carriage dedicated to sleeping, having 4 mattresses instead of benches, and black linen as roof. A rather grim aspect was that it would double as hearse if needed, but nobody had to worry about that.

But as bad as the morning seemed to him, being on the road even longer seemed to be a possible option. The lead carriage he sat on stopped, and the caravan lead sighed. "Oh no. Now of all times." Looking ahead revealed the source of his suddenly dropped mood. A tortoise. A BIG one. An Adamantoise, though judging by the size, at least a young one by its standards. Compared to the weapons and tools available to them, it was the immovable object.

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Xander, would sit himself at the front of caravan, brushing his spell book the side as he plopped down next to the portly driver, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. "It was as good as one could expect. I'm not accustomed to life on the road. Fortunately I shouldn't be burden with this too much longer. Truely I cannot comprehend how you manage to do this day in and day out." He would lay his head back against the wood of the cabin feeling it jolt around with passing pebble or fallen branch. 

His eye would open wider as the sun crested the horizon bathing the sky in warm pastel oranges and pinks. He ponder a cloud drifting across the sky. He thought it bared some resemblance to a wolfsbane's flowing stalk. His gaze would shift down to the road ahead watching as the seemingly endless dirt path stretched on vanishing beyond the rising sun. His eyes would drift closed as and loud uncomfortable snores would escape his throat. 

As the cabin jolted to a stop before the block in the road. His hazy vision coming into focus at the sleeping adamantoise. "Well this certainly does put a damper on our plans." He gaze shifting the driver, "I don't suppose you have to move this burgeoning behemoth from our path?" He would chuckle softly knowing full well he didn't. One hand would raise up as small bolt of arcane energy would begin to form. His other hand slipping into a pouch and pulling out small beastary of local fauna. He'd let the bolt fly at the sleeping giants shell as he skimmed the brief entry. Then watch while his bolt was deflect off into the sky the magic dissipating soon after. "Huh, I alway heard their shells would reflect magic. Now I know it to be true."

He would hope off the caravan as he would begin to walk towards the road block. His hand fishing in his pocket for a peice of charcoal when it finally emerged he would lean against a nearby tree and began to sketch the adamantoise for his own notes. In a loud voice he would call out. "Once I've finished, any of you think you have the prowess, or brawn to remove this beast please try your best." He tone flat and soaked in sarcasm. He knew the most plausible outcome was simply waiting until, the beast decided on its own to grant them passage.

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Looking around, there were about 6 capable looking guards. Each equipped with steel weaponry, and light metal armor. The issue wasn't that they didn't have brawn, but that they simply didn't have enough to even budge this collossal pebble. "I can move it for you~" A chipper voice came from the third carriage. The one that held weapons, and apperantly, a little girl.



With a hop out of the carriage, a small figure appeared on the scene. Softly pink hair, eyes like gold, combat worn rags (yet not a scratch on her), and sun-kissed skin. The mark on her stomach was difficult to overlook, but it was also foreign. Not a rune at least. Everyone looked a bit confused at her presence, and the caravan lead was the first to speak up. "Young lady? I don't think I remember you on our passenger list." The only extra even the lead knew of was Xander. But although busted, the girl approached the front of the caravan with little worry. "Well... Maybe I paid someone to sneak me in, or maybe I snuck in while you were camping last night. But regardless of that, I'm sure you can forgive me if I save you a couple days of waiting, or a detour, riiiiight?" The guards and merchants began murmuring. Days of waiting? One of the merchants confirmed it even, mentioning briefly how he heard that if their timing was really bad, they could be stuck waiting for a month. A detour was also an option, but would cost them a week at least.

The lead wanted to believe her, but she was so... was little the right word? It felt like a tale inspired by David and Goliath when comparing the two. Noticing that she was not exactly convincing, Chloe went to the first carriage, hopped on, and showed the lead something she hid inside her cloak. Whatever it was, it made the merchant go wide eyed. "Just leave it to me, and kindly accept me as a passenger. Deal?" He hesitated for a short moment, but nodded. "Very well, uhm... Chloe, was it? But, how are you going to move that?" Apparently she showed him some kind of identification in private, hence why he knew her name. And as for Chloe herself, she looked over to the beast in the distance. True, even she couldn't move that with raw strength. Buuuuut... "I can wake it up with a good scare~ Monsters with a high defense do not expect sudden damage. But the downside is, I don't have quite enough mana for what I wanna do." She sighed, in the most theatrical sense possible, arms folded at her front, and continued in a dramatic tone. "If only there was a caster around for a mana transfer~" She was not going to ask him. It would be way more fun if that gentleman in robes rose to the occasion on their own. Plus, he probably had no idea what a mana transfer was. How would he? It was something, as far as she knew, only she used.

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She had so much bravado packed into such a small body it seemed almost unreal. It was clear to him that their personality would not mesh well, but it seemed he had no other choice at the moment. Xander would lean up from the tree pocketing his charcoal and notebook. He would look on and listen to the women as she gave her speech, making a mental not of this whole scene so he could sketch it out later. This moment was something he would surely look back fondly on even if things didn't go as planned. His eyes would focus on the strange marking on her body he could have sworn he'd seen something similar to it before but unfortunately he didn't have access to his full suite of books so for now he would just savior the mystery of it. 

Xander would do anything to get out of having sleep in the carriages longer than needed. He'd slept in many uncomfortable places in his studies but this was by far the worst. Hearing the mention of mana transfer would have his ears perk up a little. He'd heard of it in books. It was something only a select few people could, and even fewer of them human. Perhaps this women wasn't entirely human herself. Xander's mind would begin to race with the possibilities. However he would quickly snap himself out of it he did certainly want to see what she had planned. He would let out a deep sigh as made his way over to the leads wagon climbing up on to the steps. "If your after a bit of mana, then I suppose you'll be needing me." His tone flat, and distant. "Though I'm not sure you were here to witness but, the beast naturally reflects magic." From all that he knew about mana transfer he would need to have direct contact with individual.

He remained standing on the steps leading up the seats. He would reach his hand out in attempt to offer it to her for contact. "I'll allow you to take the lead on this mana transfer. Though don't get to greedy I wouldn't want anything to happen." His remark came off as very rude or condescending, but he didn't mean it that way it was from his very genuine concern. With is status as prodigy his pool of mana was nothing to scoff at it greatly exceeded even some of the most powerful court wizards he'd spoke with. If someone was unskilled or if their body lacked the fortitude they would be easily overwhelmed by the exposure itself let alone the process of taking some of it in. Though something about this girl made him believe she would have little problem taking what she needed from him.

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Oh what was that? Where was the emotion? Where was the drama?! On one hand, he looked tired, and she could guess why. But on the other... there will be punishment for killing the mood like that. Hiding her sinister intentions, she turned to him with a big smile. And from what she could tell, moody as he was, he didn't have a bad nature to him. Even warned that its shell would deflect magic. "I heard the sparks actually. And don't worry. My means of attacking aren't exactly magic, but where is the fun if I spoil the fun?" His following remark was a fair one, and Chloe's smile softened at that. "You have my word, you won't be in any danger. But having your mana drained, no matter how little, will exhaust you. So may I recommend you sit down?" And with that, Chloe hopped off the driver's seat, and got in front of the grumpy gentleman.

Chloe proceeded to instruct him to sit on his knees, warning him that if they did this standing, there was a realistic chance of him just falling over. Once he had made himself more comfortable, Chloe stepped closer, and even closer, until her boots were at the sides of his legs, stopping only when she was so close that he could both A: See the mark on her stomach quite easily, and B: Even somewhat catch her scent. Personal space seemed redundant for this. His eye level with her would be at roughly her chest. But looking up to her... didn't feel any less dangerous. She smiled. Something was wrong. That wasn't the smile of a sweet child that might be picking flowers in her free time. This was the smile of a bad child up to no good with someone on her eye level!

But before he could mutter much objection, the surrounding merchants broke out in a few "Ohhhh." "Wait, what?!" and a couple jealous remarks, for Chloe had reached behind Xander's neck, wrapped her arms around him, and pulled herself in for a kiss. "Wait, can she do that?" "Well, she already is." No hesitation whatsoever. She was so small in comparison, but that didn't stop her from a full on assault on his tongue, and was she even turning it upside down?! The difference in experience was clear. And also, that he was right in a trap. His arms would refuse to move, his body becoming heavy. All while a pair of golden eyes watched the man lose, and find delight in his reaction from the sensations that flooded his body.

With a quiet little smack, her lips finally parted, her tongue still out in the open, as if it missed his mouth already. Chloe wasn't completely unfazed either, having to catch her breath, and hugging Xander's head to her shoulder afterwards so that he would not lose his balance. After having taken a little moment to recollect her thoughts, she took a little breath and parted her arms from him as well. "Hehe~ Careful when you get up. Wouldn't wanna fall on me... or would you?" At least the effect the kiss had on his body faded... slowly. Though it felt as if he participated in sports, his limbs aching. At least he wouldn't be sweaty, and his lungs didn't hurt. Chloe even gave him two pats on the back, and carefully tried to help him drag himself to the carriage for more stable support. Normal contact with her seemed to not have any effect at least.

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He wasn't worried about himself, he doubted that she would take a sizeable portion from him anyway. "I've noticed you're one for an audacious display, I prefer efficacy, but so be it." It was clear already how different the two of them were. "I'm not to concerned about myself, I've been drained before it's a relative common practice. Though sure a transfer would be different in many aspects. I'm grateful to be able to experience it." He spoke plainly and honestly to the girl. He would happily oblige the girl kneeling down before her sitting on his feet preparing for the ordeal. Being so close to her was strange. Her aura was different from what he expected. He could feel something sinister, but not out right malicious. He would watch on as her boots landed next to his knees his eyes slowly moving up her sun kissed slender legs stopping on her mark to get a better look at it dedicating it to memory so he could research it later. His eyes moving up her flat stomach quickly over breasts, along her neck, but he didn't have enough time to look at her before he was pulled into the kiss. 

He wasn't inexperienced in this field at least he wouldn't admit it, just out of practice, that's what he would tell himself. Feeling her tongue so eagerly press into his mouth and take control so quickly his hands would reach up to try and grab at her, but they were just so heavy. Never in his life had he ever been kissed like that, and it was by some brat he'd only just meet taking advantage of him. The calls from the on lookers did little to quell his embarrassment. He would do his best, fueled by the emotions, his tongue would wrestle and fight hers for control despite the overwhelming dominance she had already displayed his attempts could best be described as cute, and futile. 

Once the kiss broke he felt the weight of his body return to him, he had never felt so heavy. He felt her pull him into her shoulders but he push back against her already feeling emasculated, he wasn't going to let it go any further. Though he lacked the strength to immediately break her grasp on him. When she let him go he would quickly force himself back to his feet, faster then she would have expected. The effects where certainly present and noticeable to a trained eye but he did a very good job of hiding. He had an impressive fortitude. His mind would replay the moment in his head as he did his best to sear the moment in his mind ... for ... study of course. "What do you think your doing? I'm sure that wasn't entirely necessary now was it. What game are you playing at Chloe? I'm not some toy for you play with or an actor in this show." His tone finally shifting from his cold calculated persona though it wasn't angry it was embarrassed and all could see it. "I will not be falling for you ~ falling ON you ~" he would quickly correct himself. "I'm stronger then you give me credit for." Realizing he was simply digging himself a deeper hole. He step closer to her and lean down and whisper into her ear, "I'll get you back for this." He voice playful and perhaps even a little flirtatious, how else was he supposed to react. 

He would shift back standing on his own while the crowd would murmur amongst themselves "Did that really happen?" "Wow what a lucky guy I should said I have some mana for her" one gaurd would say as he grabbed his crotch in vulgar display. That, for some reason, would get under Xanders skin and he quickly interrupted the crowd his voice booming out loudly. "Now then Chloe why don't you show everyone here what you can do now you've got your extra mana." Trying desperately to change the entire mood of the crowd to little avail.

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For someone who just had a good portion of his mana drained, this mage showed quite the strength. Usually people were on the brink of passing out from that. Even had the mental capacity to try and get back at her. If she didn't have a deal to uphold, she'd definitely try to find out just how much she could fool around with him~ Not that the competition around here was noteworthy. Especially one guard would probably not even be able to touch her, let alone get to prove his manhood, but that was a whole other story.

More importantly, he was right. "As you wish, and watch me closely~ You won't see this every day." And considering he liked to draw, she decided to give him something to remember her by. Chloe started walking away, a bit to the side as to not scare the horses too much once she got going. And while the process would usually be faster, no. She'd impress this mage with all of her style! First: She reached up. Darkness formed in her left hand. Pitch black, like something that didn't belong in this world. As she brought it to her front, it formed a bow. It reflected no light. Was it metal, or magic? Questions for later. "Truth is, with how much mana I have now, I could blast it to pieces. But let's not be too harsh. It just chose a bad spot to rest on. I'll give it a good scare with this." With her right hand, she reached back, as if someone was supposed to pass her something. But instead, a short sword appeared. It formed from particles of glass, which condensed, shaped, and finally added color. A quite fine sword actually. A handle of steel, with what looked like a light blue blade. Once she had a grip on the handle, the blade began to twist, get thinner, thinner, yet thinner. Even the handle twisted along until it all was barely as thick as a finger. It didn't take long until it looked like a giant needle, and once it did, Chloe put it on the string of her bow and pulled back slowly. As she did, the wind began to change. It swirled around her feet, forming a ring of dust at her base.

What was that sound? A low tuned whistle? Before anyone could wonder much more, the sound got louder, then with a thundering snap of the bowstring, went silent as the arrow was sent on its way, kicking up no dust, flying straight despite gravity, and... through the adamantoise?! No doubt about it. It roared, and even for a giant tortoise, began moving rather quickly. Anywhere it could, preferably forward, to get away from here. Chloe also made sure not to aim straight for its center. No, she aimed for what was almost a grazing shot along its upper front, leaving a little hole, but it would be able to defend itself with its mouth should any predator get funny ideas.

And like that, the path was free, and Chloe's bow vanished. Looking ahead, the arrow was nowhere to be seen. Did it dissolve, or was it still going? Whatever the case was, Chloe's bow dissolved, but she did not look tired at all. Not even warmed up even. And with the work done, technically, she could go back to having fun, right? So she glanced over to today's special someone. "You know... I could ride on your lap until we arrive." He could handle it too. Most of his exhaustion was just a result of the mana transfer. His own mana was plenty fine still. ...Buuuuut. "Just kidding." Yeah, he definitely could use a break from her antics. Holding her hand to her side, a ring appeared above it, and a flask with a blue liquid dropped into her palm. A dimensional storage, most likely. She approached, and held it to him. "A mana potion. And before you ask: Yes. But this was way more fun, don't you think?~"

As fun (and jealousy inducing) as the whole scene was for the onlookers, the head merchant clapped his hands twice to get everyone's attention. "Alright, alright. Enough fun for now. The path got cleared, so let's hurry." And as soon as Xandir would board the first carriage again, they would indeed move on. Everyone here had a job to do.


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Xander would most certainly watch on as she would take a wide arc around the horses he couldn't help but focus on her perky well toned ass. He knew it wasn't the right thing to be looking at but he struggled to think of much else after the kiss they had just finished sharing. It wouldn't do him any good to dwell on it, it would NOT be happening again not on his watch. He'd be ready next time, show her that he was just as capable as she was should he be given the chance. He would scoff under his breath at her remark. "Surely I won't be required to deal with this everyday."

His eyes would be transfixed in her watching as she extended her arm upward the dark void that spawned from her hands, the bow, the condensing of such power into such small and focused weapon. To be fair it was rather impressive, though he would not give the girl the satisfaction of, an expression, or even a passing word. As the wind would begin to howl around the Xander would reach down placing his hand on spell book to assure it was secured. His glance shifting around to see the other guards struggling to maintain their stance, and their confidence as she overflowed with a wellspring of power. As the arrow loosed and the thunderous snap echoed through area the gaurds, the lead man, everyone but Xander would reach up to cover their ears and kneel from the shock of the sound. "A clean shot, passing through the shell, no internal damage, simply a cosmetic wound, precise" he would remark calmly hiding his astonishment. 

At her remark his face would turn a soft pink color flush with blood. How brazen could she be, she knew what she was doing it was gratting on the man how effective she was. "I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you. So you can keep messing with me." He did his best to throw back a quip at her but it surely fell flat. He knew what a mana potion was, he knew how they looked, tasted, smelt, how to make them, he knew everthing was to know about a mana potion. Even that simple little remark would get under his skin, as he was not accustomed to this level of direct teasing. When it was tossed to him he'd catch it one hand and slip it into his pouch. "I won't be needing it though, my natural regeneration will be more then sufficient. Thank you though. Also you won't be sitting on my lap but you will be riding with the lead and I. We have much to discuss. Your small enough to fit." He would take a small jab at her height hopefully that would help him regain some of his lost ground. 

As the men would all get back to their stations Xander would make his way to the lead wagon and take a sit next to lead leaving a small space for Chloe. Perhaps she would need to sit on his lap if he wanted to get his wish, but that would be a last resort. His gaze would shift back up the sky looking as the wolfsbane could still drifted over head. The wind was at their back this would surely make the journey go by faster. Xander pat the spot next to him as he called out. "Hurry up Chloe we don't want to waist anymore time then we already have. Time is money." He would laugh softly to himself. He wouldn't be able to sketch anymore however he would be able to learn a thing or two about the woman. She had left him with a lot questions and he had a sinking feeling in his gut that he wouldn't be getting straight answers to any of them.

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He could regenerate mana that fast? Come to think of it, risen blood pressure and held back urges aside, he looked quite fine already. But even so. "Keep it. For emergencies. Better have one and not need it, than not have one but need it, right?" She would honestly prefer to leave him with at least a little sign of goodwill. What also surprised her was the invitation. She would have expected him to be glad to part ways. And so... She grinned. "So you wanna have small talk with a small girl, huuuh? Sounds like fun~" Following him, Chloe helped herself onto the edge of the seat, and at least for now, would not be more trouble.

His gut feeling would also turn out to be right. She was secretive about her age "As young as my tongue, and older than my teeth. ...But old enough to drink." where she came from "I'd rather not think about that." and especially her mark. "Look at you, asking all my secrets~" The few details that he would get out of her was at least her name. Chloe B Eizenberg. She also seemed to not have any solid plan of where she was going. But where he got plenty information from was when she was asked about her magic. 

"It's called tracing. See, I you might have noticed already that I have a dimensional storage. It is where I keep my weapons and other possessions. But I don't really want to scratch up my collection, see? So instead..." She reached forward with both of her hands, and from a couple of white sparks that danced like lightning, a pair of twin swords appeared. One for each hand.



They were rather short. Somewhere between a dagger and a shortsword. And then, Chloe handed him both of them. "Don't be shy~ I promise they are not any more dangerous in a rookie's hands than any other normal sword. Just don't throw one of them." Once he did take them, they felt surprisingly lig- what the hell?! While they seemed light, they were... attracting each other? What was this?! Magnets?! It also made sense now why she advised not to throw just one of them. It would surely come back, spinning too with how the blade would be spun by the wind. Their pull towards each other was quite strong. As if they ignored, or redirected, gravity itself. But once together, they felt almost weightless. As if they were made from paper. "Neat, aren't they? But they actually are just copies of the originals I hold. Tracing works by going through their creation process, using mana instead of the original materials. Simply put: I have to understand what materials they were made of, how the materials were shaped, and most importantly: Their history and purpose. It's the first points that give them shape, and the last two that give them their ability. Kanshou and Bakuya as example are the result of a tragic tale. A blacksmith who was ordered to forge a sword that could approach the realm of gods, and a wife who wanted nothing more than see him succeed, and hence sacrificed her life to his furnace. In the end, the sword he forged in grief was excellent. But not wanting to be apart from the one he loved, he threw himself into the furnace, and turned himself into a very similar twin sword. Even now, all they crave is the other's presence." When it seemed like he had enough of having to hold them, a mere thought of Chloe seemed to be enough to let the sword turn to dust and vanish. A bittersweet tale, and one that still kept going. But that was absolutely a tale for another time. "Tracing has limits however. My copies are short-lived. About 5 minutes usually, since that's how long most fights last at best. Or much shorter if I decide to use them as arrows. And I absolutely can not perfectly copy legendary items. From the top of my head: Excalibur. I understand its history and purpose, but not the materials and what shaped them. I'd need the original to research it. So until then, I'm afraid I can only provide something similar to a party trick Excalibur, rather than the sword of kings itself." And she was a bit bummed out about it too. Leaned forward, and huffed at it even. Tracing was an unusual way to utilize mana, and she was quite proud of how far she came with it. But it was only a matter of time probably. One day, she would hoard ALL the legendary swords and trace them to her heart's content.

By the end of her story, the gates of Lunar Dale were already in sight. In terms of scale, it was a village at best. Maybe... 50 or so people? The amount of buildings hinted at that. But it had its own stone wall, well maintained too. "Well, that's unfortunate. I was about to ask you heaps of inappropriate questions. I don't suppose you will at least tell me your name as thanks for entertaining you?"

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Hearing her tell him to keep it was, a kind gesture. He was a little surprised from the looks of the potion it was of high quality as well, not cheap. He would open his pouch and slip it inside. "Its always always a good idea to come prepared, that's why I've got a couple stashed away, but this will make a nice addition. Thank you." He would offer her a slight smile, he currently had nothing to offer her at the moment but he wasn't one to owe any debts but as it stood now, she was 2 up on him. He was surprised at how quickly she jumped on the opportunity to sit with him despite how cramped it would be. He thought about giving the lead a break and driving the caravan, but he wasn't to sure how well that would go over.

"Of course it'll be fun for you at the very least" his tone shifting back to his previous cold, and detached tone. He wanted to get information from her, and about her. That was it, plain and simple, again at least that's what he tell himself. So many years of his life he'd spent, in deep study refining his arcane skills and expanding his knowledge on alchemy. He was constantly under the pressure of the people above him  to achieve greatness. To live up to his legacy, though to him it felt like a shadow he'd never fully escape from. That's neither here nor their, it was strange to him that now of all times those thoughts and feeling would well upside him. 

Chloe was funny, playful and had interesting way of looking at things, he wouldn't admit it but it was nice to have someone who want breathing down his neck or trying to us him to further their own goals. He would chuckle at her statement about her age, it was such a childish way to dodge a question. She was good at it though surely she'd grown weary of people asking, it must be a common occurrence. He also expected the deflection of her marking it most likely held some sort of significance he'd have to unearth later, at least he was able to get an exceptionally good look it. At the mention of tracing he would be a little surprised typically tracing didn't lead to that much power, he'd known a few before in his studies but they always lacked the ability to mirror weapons abilities, she must be a cut above them. When she handed him the two blades he would once again be shocked typically the tracers he'd known couldn't lose contact with their weapons without them vanishing. He would take a moment to spin the blades feel their weight and pull to one another. He wasn't completely unskilled with a blade. He would have liked to refute being called a novice, however he knew it was true. 

As she began to explain more in depth about her abilities he would retrieve his notebook and his quill and begin to right all the information down. It was truely fascinating to him. Sense tracing used mana he figured with a little practice he could do it as well, not for weapons, but tools. He could already use manifesting but that generated an entirely new object so similar, not quite the same. When she would tell him the story he would listen, though he had already heard the tale before, it was a common that his teachers would use to enforce the idea that strong emotions can have disastrous effect on magic. It was to reinforce the idea that he needed to always keep a cool head least his magic get the better of him.

When she'd begin to mention legendary artifacts he would lean in a little closer. His mind would begin to race as to why she couldn't trace their abilities. Perhaps the abstraction of legends broke to far from the actual truth or perhaps those legends where just that legends and never really happened. What if both of those were wrong and she was actually missing something else perhaps she needed to make a greater sacrifice then just her mana. He didn't know, but he was determined to find out what exactly she was missing. All the knowledge he could gain from this was really getting him worked up. She sure did like to talk, though Xander preferred it that way. Talking about himself was... troubling. He'd avoid it as best he could. Perhaps they weren't as different as he thought them to be. 

Lunar Dale finally coming into veiw would be a huge relief to everyone this journey, or at least the start of his journey was finally coming to an end. He knew as much as he could about Lunar Dale. He knew the masonry of the wall was infused with gorgon blood, and basilisk bile. To aid in warding off monsters, the undead, and most magics. Though not nearly strong enough to stop him if wanted to. When she finally took a moment to ask him his name he was a little confused. Why? She wasn't going to see him much after this he had a mission, he wouldn't have time to engage in mundane tasks like this. However he would give it to her with a soft fleeting smile "Of course it would be rude for me not to tell you. I am Xander Darktithe" his soft and small tange of sorrow lingered with his words. He would then hop out of the wagon. He would walk over to speak to the lead, tossing him a few extra coins for allowing the stow away to tag along. Then he would make his way to the inn where a room was said to be prepared for him.

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Lunar dale itself was a charming little town. Properly plastered roads, wood and stone buildings. There was even a big enough market in the distance. Nothing grand, but considering how far out this place was, it was a big relief to know that some goods would move in and out. The people seemed relatively peaceful as well, and the amount of guards felt appropriate for the atmosphere. This was a peaceful place, no doubt about it.

As he went through the streets, and followed the directions given to him by his superiors, one building with a sign depicting a wooden bed came into view. 2 stories tall, somewhat away from the center of town. A good enough location to sleep at quietly. As he went in, the interior made it look more like a tavern. A counter in the left back of the floor, multiple tables around, and 2 sets of stairs leading up and down respectively. One he approached the counter, the large, middle aged man asked for his name, but once given, perked up. "Ah, yes. There has been a change to your room. It is only free for one day, but-" He reached below the counter, and presented him a paper. On it, directions. "If you follow this, you'll get to the mayor. Told me he would make time for you all day once you arrived. So either rest up first, or go to him right away." Changes to arrangements. Wonderful, wasn't it? But the man did at least offer him a key for one of the room upstairs. "And let me know if you want food or drink, will you? Considering who you are, first meal and drink are on the house." At least in that regard, he would have him covered.

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Xander took his time walking through the town, taking in its sites, and atmosphere. It was quaint and sure charming to some. However, he preferred the solitude of his lab, no one to bother him, plenty of space for his work. Once he'd found his way to the inn, he would let out a small sigh, "So much for peice and quite." He would whisper under his breath as he approached the man behind the counter. "Wait, the room will only be free for one day?!?!" The initial shock of the statement sent Xander back in his heels before he would quickly pull himself together. "That is ... fine I supposem. I've got plenty of remedies, and tinctures I can sell to make the money. It's only a small deviation from the plan." He would lightly tap his fingers impatiently on the bar top as he let the man finish. "Ahh a free warm meal would be lovely it must be better the rations I've been eating. The traveling merchant was kind enough, but he was far from a chef. I suppose I best be off to see the mayor then." He sighed, he was tired from his journey, but he didn't like leaving a task undone. He wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that their was more work to do. 

Leaving the tavern as he walked down the sparsely populated roads he would reach into his pouch and pull out a smaller pouch filled with his coin. He would reach in thumbing through it counting how much he had brought. In short not enough, he would need find some sort of side job. It was irritating sure that he'd need to work along side his research, but it wasn't anything Xander really needed to worry about. He placed his wallet back into his pouch, and follow the instructions on how to get the Mayor's building. After a few minutes of whistling while he walked he would make his way to large, stone building. At glance nothing about seemed special. However, upon further examination, he could see that in the fine masonry of the building some old ruined had be etched into the stone. It was mostly likely from its first construction. They were simply to ward off beasts however they didn't work, it was just an old wives tale.

He'd push his way through the large wooden door, with a beautiful stained glass inlay of a flowering orchid. Inside the large building  Xander was meet almost instantly with a small room, with chairs to his left and right by the door, and large mahogany desk, with pretty younge women sitting behind. He long auburn hair hanging loosely of her narrow face and covering the shoulders of nice spaghetti strap dress. "Hello, what can do for you today sir?" She would ask in bright chipper tone. 'Just my luck. How many of these chipper upbeat girls will I have to deal with. Chloe was already enough for one day hell one life time' he would think to himself behind his blank expression. "Hello, I'm here to speak with the Mayor. I am Xander Darktithe. I've been sent by the guild to resume research in the surrounding areas." His flat tone did little to draw anyone closer to him, and he preferred it that way. People where difficult to deal with all of them  so different, so hard to read, and understand. Unlike his alchemy which would react the same way in the same conditions. The younge women would hope up from her chair, with bounce. "Of course Mr. Darktithe. I'll return shortly, just be patient." She would say her warm friendly demnor never cracking. She would happily walk through the small door to her right disappearing from sight. "Ugh, why does he seem so creepy, Darktithe was alway such a spooky name" she should speak quietly shaking off her discomfort before she began to bound happily to retrieve the mayor. In this free time Xander would pace through the small room snooping slightly his curiosity getting the better of him.

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After a short while, not only did the secretary return, but a man was coming with her. An imposing aura, sharp eyes, focus. Perhaps a familiar soul. But more importantly, he came right to Xander, and offered him a hand.



"I've heard much about you. My name is Li Zhong, mayor of Lunar Dale. If you don't mind, I'd like to continue in private." He went through the trouble of picking him up personally. At the very least, Xandir seemed to be worth his time and respect. A good thing.

Once in the Mayor's office, he would of course be offered a seat on the couch in front of the large desk. The rest of the room was exactly how it should have been. Books upon books on one wall, a large desk with writing utensils carefully arranged, cabinets filled with envelopes and folders, and no room for nonsense. This was an ideal office to get some work done in.

Mayor Li took a seat as well in the chair behind the desk, and wasted no time. "You are a busy man, and exhausted from your journey, so I will get to the case. There are 2 things I need to discuss with you that can not wait. First: Our last doctor unfortunately moved out a short while ago to pursue bigger dreams. So rather than let you have a room in the local inn, I offer you a house. 2 stories, a basement, a laboratory, and garden for any botanical needs. You may use anything you find there, and even sell products at a reduced tax rate. Your guild agreed to this should you agree as well. In return, I ask that you take care of any townsfolk that might require medical attention. 2 of the rooms on the base floor are fortunately prepared with extra beds already." Li of course knew that Xandir wasn't exactly a doctor, but he did know that potions were potent cures for many things.

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At the sound of approaching footsteps Xander would return to the front of the desk, watching Li entere the room.  Xander could feel the pressure in the room change, his eye would go to meet his quickly return the sharp gaze. Xander would step forward reaching his gloved hand out to to shake Li's, both individuals grips were firm and unwavering. "Of course lead the way" Xander would gesture as he followed behind the man something about Li felt ... off, but Xander couldn't quite put his finger on it. Perhaps it was a hold over from his wounded pride earlier in the day, or perhaps Xander just felt threatened either way he did not like Li. 

Once inside the Li office Xander would remain standing so he could get a better look around the room. Taking it all in quickly skimming over the titles of the books. Many he himself was formilar with, and had read in the past. Scanning the documents trying to decipher any motive or intent. All of this was unfortunately common place for him, skepticism  of those whom he's sent to work under. Nothing would immediately jump out at him.

After listening his proposal he would let it linger air for a moment. "I've got no problems selling my goods with the full tax, I don't intend to attempt to make a profit here. I've got a job a to do. Medicine isn't out of my field of expertise so I'd be more than happy to work to help the people of this town. However, as it stands that is only request." Xander would furrow his brow, half in challenge, and half in curiosity. His focuse would shift back to Li matching his gaze. 

It was common to lead with the more readily acceptable request first, to get your foot in the foot. Xander knew he had no real choice  but to accept both requests and the pit in stomach told him the Li knew it as well. 

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"I understand your position, Xandir," Mayor Li replied with a slight frown. "However. I hope you can reconsider and see the benefit in this arrangement for both you and the town." As Mayor Li finished speaking, he noticed movement outside the window and turned his head to look. "Excuse me for a moment, Xandir," he said, walking over to the window and opening it, and finding... huh. "May I help you, miss?" Quite impressive. This window was on the second floor, yet she held onto the ornaments outside the wall, and the window sill somehow.

"Why hello there, Mayor Li!~" an awfully familiar, and cheerful voice said. "I was just passing by and couldn't resist the urge to say hello to my favorite politician in town!" Mayor Li rolled his eyes. "I doubt that," he said, not hiding his annoyance. "What brings you here?" Chloe giggled. "Oh, nothing important," she replied, and once Li stepped aside, she lifted herself in. "Oh, hi there, Xandir! I just heard something good. Apparently there is a smart person coming into town for a stay in job. And now, here, you, are~" Mayor Li looked at Xandir, his look obvious, wondering if and how these particular individuals knew each other.

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"Well I think..." Xander had begun to speak, before he was cut of by the woman in the window. A real lively town,  someone must really need the mayor's attention. Xander thought as he would pace across the floor, his footfalls silent on the hard wood. When Xander would hear the voice of the women ring he out he couldn't hold back his own exasperated sigh. "You've got to be kidding me" he'd mumble under his breath. After listening to their breif discussion Xander would straighten his posture and look at Chloe. "Yes, it is I. I'm here to do undergo some research in the area. I have a fair bit of renown from my homeland."  His voice seemed to exude confidence unlike the last time the two spoke.

Xander would shift his gaze back to Li his eyes narrowing as he meet his gaze. "I think their has been a bit of a miscommunication. I want to do the work. I want to help your people, but I don't the reduced tax rate. It's critical for a community, especially one as isolated at this to receive it's tax income to help provid the necessities for it people. I don't want you robbing Peter to pay Paul, as the saying goes. I am not motived by money. Just he the unique opportunities I'm afforded here for research." Xander was calm, and clear, I'm his attempt to clarify his statement. He would take a step closer to the desk resting his hands on the hardwood, likely elm from the looks of the grain and color. "However, you still have yet to discuss the nature of your second request with me. I think its crucial to understand everything I'm agreeing too. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked, raising his brow. 

If their was one thing Xander didn't like it was being kept in the dark. Secrets were power, and he wasn't keen on letting someone have that over him

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chloe reacted with a bit of awe, and curiosity, was about to say something even. But Li cut her off, raising his hand, gesturing that this was more important than a little quip. "It appears we have a misunderstanding." Li went back to his chair, sat down, pulled out some documents, signed them with a fountain pen, and then pushed both a bit closer to Xander. "When a person works, some sort of compensation is always needed. That is common sense that we both agree on, correct?" After a confirmation, Li continued. "But thinking strictly like that is the way city folk think. I understand it, and will refrain from commenting on it. However. People can do things for each other without a deal basis. To help others is the instinct of those of good hearts. Hence, think of this as an opportunity to have more freedom, and choose freely who you want to support. A peek into how we village folk think, and a present to start a healthy relationship." Taking a look at the documents, it would turn out like quite a present. He'd have to pay some tax for the house he was about to receive, but even that was at a reduced rate. All in all, Xandir would have control over 70% of his income, as opposed to 50% as city folk were used to.

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Xander would listen for a moment, thinking in silence. Perhaps he was being to cautious. Not everyone was out to get him perhaps he needed to view this as a simple act of kindness instead of a ploy to get some leverage to bargain with later. Xander would nod his head softly. "I do believe that their is a bit of misunderstanding. I hope you can forgive my resistance. I'm accustom to more of a ... how do put this. More cloak and dagger when it comes to matters like this." He let out a soft sigh as he took a step back, relenting on his pressure. 

"This seems to be something more genuine. It is a welcome change Li. Hopefully, in the future I won't be so bullheaded." He would let out a soft chuckle as he his eyes meet with Li's again the sharpness they both shared having dulled to more firm kindness. Xander would still be weary of the kindness that's being displayed to him, but would vow to himself to make a more deliberate effort to see things as they were not through his biases. He would walk back to the couch in his room and sit down letting this take a more comfortable, friendly tone as opposed to tense exchange. 

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They reached a point of mutual understanding. Quite satisfying, wasn't it? "I'll look forward to your growth then." Meanwhile, a certain little lady was, while of course relieved about how this turned out, getting a bit impatient. Noticing this, Li cleared his throat and moved on. "Ahem. As for the other thing. You are aware that you are to be assigned a B rank adventurer, correct? In a..." He took a short look of Chloe, who caught on, and grinned, leaned forward, looked forward to this part specifically. "...stroke of good fortune however, it just so happened that an A ranker got wind of your situation." As he would turn his head to look at the little minx, slowly, but surely, something she held in her hand came into view. A golden card, which she teasingly held in front of her mouth. Not that he'd need to see her lower face to know that she was grinning. Those cheeky little eyes gave it away.

These cards would usually only be used within the adventurer's guild as identification. But the reputation of these little cards went a bit further. It helped that they were no tightly guarded secret, and neither was their ranking. Everyone started with a stone card, and would work their way up to iron, copper, silver, and gold. A platinum card would be exclusive to the hero. But if this card was real, it would mean that she was quite a force to be reckoned with. "How about you take me instead?~" Not that the behavior of the little brat made it seem that way. But then again, it was probably smart to be underestimated on purpose.

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Xander would sink back in his chair and sigh softly, you've got to be kidding me he'd think to hisself. His gloved hand reaching up the rub his temples, eyes somehow more tired now then before he entered the building. "Oh well would you look at that an A ranked adventurer who I've been in carrage with for at least week, unbeknownst to me might I add." He spook in cold flat tone. "I must be soooo lucky" he glance over to Li in an attempt to garner something, anything a look of sympathy would suffice at this point. After deep breath, Xander would adjust, sit up and glance over to Chloe, who was devilishly smiling behind her golden card as if to taunt home further. "You don't have anyone else?" He asked his tone shifting more lighthearted and playful.

As Xander got the response he knew was coming as he looked over at Chloe. Before giving weak half hearted grin. "Welcome to the team I supposed. I am just so beyond thrilled to have you" clearly over exaggerating and playing up how he felt. It was a strange mix of emotions happiness, sadness, hopeful, irritated it was a malestrom that Xander would need to deal with some point. He focused on the postives now perhaps he'd get the opportunity to pry deeper into her secrets. Uncover the truth behind her mark, her age that she so coy-ly hid from him. Perhaps he could even help her unlock the full potential of her magic tracing. However in doing that he would need to find some way to deal with her constant teasing, and brattiness, if he got lucky then perhaps she'd get bored of him and move past all of it.

His eyes would travel back to Li a smile across his lips. "This really will be fine, she's plenty skilled enough, even if things do get out of hand. She has a good heart ... I think."  He'd shoot glance back over to her. "Well in any case I'd like to get an opportunity to examine my facilities as soon as I can. My mission must begin soon. Please tell me once more how to get to my new residence." He asked in flat tone despite his own feeling of excitement. He really shouldn't have been surprised she was an A rank adventure and with the gold card as proof. She was gifted exceptionally so. Perhaps Xander could use this to his advantage. 

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On 4/19/2023 at 8:23 PM, Dirtydan said:

Xander would sink back in his chair and sigh softly, you've got to be kidding me he'd think to hisself. His gloved hand reaching up the rub his temples, eyes somehow more tired now then before he entered the building. "Oh well would you look at that an A ranked adventurer who I've been in carrage with for at least week, unbeknownst to me might I add." He spook in cold flat tone. "I must be soooo lucky" he glance over to Li in an attempt to garner something, anything a look of sympathy would suffice at this point. After deep breath, Xander would adjust, sit up and glance over to Chloe, who was devilishly smiling behind her golden card as if to taunt home further. "You don't have anyone else?" He asked his tone shifting more lighthearted and playful.

During each mark, Chloe seemed to raise her smugness to levels unknown to man. Bullying him was fun~ And for the sake of comedy, a little "Ack!" left her when he asked for alternatives, and began moping in a corner.
Li chuckled at the question, finding himself in an odd position where he would and would not want to be in Xander's shoes right now. "Technically, there is someone. But it's not someone even remotely close to the caliber of protection Chloe can provide." A little glimmer of hope shone from the corner of the room. Did Li just compliment her?

On 4/19/2023 at 8:23 PM, Dirtydan said:

As Xander got the response he knew was coming as he looked over at Chloe. Before giving weak half hearted grin. "Welcome to the team I supposed. I am just so beyond thrilled to have you"

Usually she would have jumped right on to that. But alas, he hurt her little feelings, and instead got a "Hmph!" and cold shoulder from her. Complete with a pout and mildly puffed up cheeks. ...A quick peek if he was looking, then back to cold shoulder and pouting.

On 4/19/2023 at 8:23 PM, Dirtydan said:

His eyes would travel back to Li a smile across his lips. "This really will be fine, she's plenty skilled enough, even if things do get out of hand. She has a good heart ... I think."  He'd shoot glance back over to her.

"Hrmmmm... Okay, maybe he is nice after all." A little compliment went a long way. So okay, for now, she just took a deep breath, calmed her little heart, and returned to a more neutral, work-focused expression.

On 4/19/2023 at 8:23 PM, Dirtydan said:

"Well in any case I'd like to get an opportunity to examine my facilities as soon as I can. My mission must begin soon. Please tell me once more how to get to my new residence."

Without skipping a beat, Chloe held a key out to him. "I think you will like it. Considering it'll be my job to keep you safe, I went ahead and scouted it out. No worries. I will trace myself a key when I need it." The key wasn't exactly simple in design, but it didn't really compare to having to memorize exact details and measurements.


With all the documents signed, and the key already in this duo's possession, Li considered his part of the job done. Or at least the start of it. "If anything comes up, just let me know. And until then, enjoy your stay, and good luck with your work." Chloe went ahead and opened the door for the two of them, gave Li a polite little wave, and went to the streets with Xander. "You know..." She started, walking a bit ahead of him. But... after a little pause, she signed. "Nevermind. I'm definitely overthinking it anyway." She was a bit bothered, but odds were, she just needed some time to process things. For now, focus, even if something was grinding her gears. Reaching out with her left hand made a scroll appear, which she held to Xander as she kept walking. And it turned out to be a map.

For such a small place, it still had plenty to offer.


((Quick OOC note: It's from a game of course, and we don't have to use it. But it does provide a good sense of scale of the village, so I figured "Why not?" If you are against the idea of a map, let me know.
On and while the idea of calender days can be used, I'll simplify it though since I have no interest in limiting certain things to certain days. Every shop will close on sundays, except the bathhouse and tavern. Stinky people need baths, and hungry folks need meals!))

The other houses were unmarked, and hence probably residential. All of these marks were drawn onto a pre-made map. Someone went through quite a bit of effort on short notice to get it ready.

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When Chloe would glance over to Xander she could clearly see that he was in fact looking at her, his face showing his concern that perhaps he did genuinely offend her with his comment. After the pleasantries with Li were finished and he'd follow her out his office. "Chloe surely you know I didn't mean what I said. I was merely teasing you a little. I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't think you to be so sensitive I'll be more careful with my remarks."  He would speak softly. Once he'd taken the key from he would slip it into his pouch without a second thought. It seemed like it didn't take up any space at all inside it. As she began to speak he would listen concerned that she would cut herself off like that. "I will not never mind. What is it? If the two of us are working together I think it pertinent that we share feeling even if it seems trivial. Please, what where you thinking?" He'd ask this being the first time he'd actually taken a moment to try and prob a little deeper into what she was thinking. 

He'd watch on as she produced the map it seemed her tracing would work with more than just weapons. Though it wasn't surprising giving her natural talent. "This map is quite impressive. It will definitely help me find my way around. Thank you." He was trying to take gentler tone with her now, both because he was concerned she may still be holding a grudge and because deep down, though he would refuse to admit, he liked her. Perhaps he felt something a little more, she was very ... attractive, and it would seem that she too enjoyed his company not mention the kiss. With thought it he would lick his lips discreetly he could still taste her. He would take a few more minutes looking over the map before pointing out a building. "This is were ...we'll be staying?" He asked with a bit of hesitancy he hadn't shared a space with a women in years if ever. As the finally made their way outside he would take a deep breath of fresh air. "So Li is a bit a character don't you think? He seems like a competent Mayor. What are your thoughts?"

Xander was eager to see where he'd be staying and get his work space set up for research. He knew it would be daunting task to uncover the secrets of this place, but he was more then ready for the challenge. Their was so much for him to learn and to discover here. If only he had the time to dedicate to it. While the two would travel he couldn't seem to take his eyes off this little firecracker as she lead him through town. So confident, so sure of herself, perhaps he'd get to see a different a side of her. This however was strictly business he'd tell himself trying to detach himself for the general attraction he felt towards her. 

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Chloe listened to Xander's apology and couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush. She knew that he didn't mean any harm, but hearing him acknowledge her sensitivity made her heart flutter a little bit. Feeling like a worry less was on her mind, she let out a sigh. "It's alright, Xander," she said, looking away, in an attempt to avoid his gaze of her flushed face. "You're lucky I have a crush on you." Still processing things, she left it at that for now. But subtlety? The usual song and dance? That had already been thrown out the window by her from the start.

As he looked over the map, Chloe felt a sense of pride when Xander complimented her work. "Thank you, I'm glad you like it," she said, feeling a little more confident.

When Xander asked about their accommodations, Chloe nodded. "Yes, that's where we'll be staying. I think you'll like it. Plenty of space~," she said, leading the way towards their lodgings.

When Xander commented on Li, Chloe couldn't help but laugh. "He's definitely a character, that's for sure. But he means well," she said, feeling more at ease with Xander now that they were on better terms.

"But just you wait." She started, ran a few steps ahead, then turned around. She was grinning, beaming across her face. Her arms behind her back to puff up her chest a little. "I'll show you how good I really am, so you'll have no choice but have a crush on me too~" Leaving him to process that, Chloe went ahead to one of the nearby houses. Specifically, their house. "Hey, are you coming or what? I'll pick the bigger bed if you don't hurry~"


The small town house was located near the center of the town. It had two stories and a basement, and was furnished with only the bare essentials: chairs, tables, beds. There was also a restroom, but no bathtub. The exterior of the house was made of rough, weathered wood and had a simple, unadorned design. A small front porch with a roof offered a bit of shelter from the elements.

Inside, the ground floor would right away lead into the living room. A big table, a few chairs around it, and a fireplace at the end of it. To the left, the restroom which although not fancy, at least had a porcelain throne, and a sink. Another door on the left led to one of the bedrooms. The door on the right led to a kitchen roughly half the size of the living room, and the cupboards were stocked with wooden dishware, as well as cooking basic cooking utensils such as pans, pots and knives. A stove, and a sink were ready to be used, and a trapdoor in the kitchen would lead into a big and empty basement.

The basement itself wasn't spectacular, but it was made from stone unlike the rest of the house. Air and sunlight would come in through a small, high up window. One Chloe couldn't reach unless she had a chair or ladder. A minor problem for later. Someone also left a couple barrels and crates here, which were empty, but in good condition and probably useful later.

Upstairs was one big empty room, as well as a with basic furniture: a bed, a chest of drawers, and a small table with a chair. It had a window overlooking the street, as well as a small balcony overlooking the back garden.

Overall, the house had a cozy and rustic feel, with simple furnishings and a lived-in atmosphere. Despite its lack of luxury, it would provide a comfortable and functional space for its occupants.


With everything explored, the two of them would end up in front of the bedrooms. Each had its own advantage. Chloe went to Xander's left side, crossed her arms, and spoke in her usual bemused tone. "So... Which one do you want? The one with the balcony and window, or the small one downstairs? ...Or do you wanna just use one and cuddle in the night?" She just couldn't help it, and grinned while looking straight at him~ But of course, the actually correct answer, and she knew it, would be to let him have the second floor to himself. The big empty room would make for a fine lab or office... though the offer was a fun thought~

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At her first remark Xander would nearly stop in his tracks 'lucky' 'crush' 'him'? None of that made sense in his head. Why he's just a scholar and a mage, she was an adventure, a powerful one at that surely her intrest in him something that would pass with time it has, he just had to ride it out. He'd swallow hard as he picked back up the pace to match hers. He would node as she poke. "Good I'll need plenty of space for my research, and experiments hopefully something with some good natural lighting surely this home will have all I need." As she ran head he'd pause and watch, seeing her so happy, her expression so vibrate and smile so wide he couldn't help but feel his own heart melt slightly "You've gotta be kidding me?" He'd say in a hushed tone as she began to speak. 

Hearing her words only did more to soften his heart, a soft wam sticky heart goo at this point. It was so sweet and incredibly adorable though their was absolutely no way he could let this slide. He'd clear his throat, and adjust his collar. "As intrested in your abilities as I am , we are here on business, and I don't mix business with pleasure. You'll find it rather unlikely for me develop those kinds of feeling for you Chloe." He say in his typical cold and detached tone as he quickly walked past her. His hand reaching up his chest as his heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't take much more of this cuteness, he'd crack soon. He pushed passed so that he'd have to stop blushing so hard from her adorable little speech. 

As the two explored the house together he'd not the lack of an an actual bathtub as they went through. He quite liked the basement for his experiments. It had plenty of space, and storage. It had an easily controlled access to sunlight. He also did fancy the larger bedroom upstairs, it would be good for him to store all his books and get a little privacy which he surely knew he'd be needing tonight to help, 'manage' his feeling. 

Xander would reach his arm out and drape it over her shoulders and pull her closer to him as he looked at her. She'd find his grip was actual quite good for a mage, and he smelt of wood and citrus, a satisfying mixture to be sure. He'd look into her eyes with a smile, two can play this game, or at least he thought he could keep up but her wit was nearly as sharp as her blades. "Sure, you just want to cuddle with me. I remember the way you kissed me the first time we meet. You won't get that lucky again." He smile softly as he let his fingers delicately drag across her  sun kissed shoulders blades as he turned to face her. "I'll be taking the room upstairs, but if your a good girl I may let you come and visit" he would let out soft chuckle thinking hoping he'd finally gotten the upper hand in their relationship.

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