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About This Club

Welcome to The Collective, on a world far from the issues of Earth, we have a established a new colony. Everyone works for the good of all, you know to each according to his need, from each according to his ability and all that. But perhaps what has drawn in more colonists is the practice of total free love within The Collective. Any two consenting individuals can go at it anytime, anywhere. The overall setting is a far-future high-tech setting on something of a frontier world, meaning highly advanced technology such as FTL spaceships, cybernetics, and gene engineering exist, but the world we are on is not fully settled and is thus lacking in large urban centers and certain amenities you might find on more fully-settled worlds.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Jack Stringer walked into the bar, disheveled and tired from a long shift. He was a young man of average height and athletic build. His blond hair was currently coated in a fine layer of soot. He ran the metal refinery, turning the ores dug up from the mines into metals to be worked. It wasn't glorious work, but it needed to be done. He asked the bartender for a shot of whiskey, and she slid it over to him. The barkeep was cute with a nice build and a vibrant blue pixie cut, Jack had thought about asking her to engage in some of that free love The Collective was famous for, but he was pretty sure she batted for the other team. So instead he just thanked her for the drink and slung it back
  3. A strangely rustic tavern with an old-timey charm. As one of the first buildings constructed when The Collective was established, the wooden walls and bar show their age, but it only serves to add to the charm of the establishment.
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