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  1. Past hour
  2. collar/leash, nipple/labia clamps, branding, rotisserie play
  3. Jumi was not upset, she was just not sure what to do, after Shinigami went to wash herself, washing Mitsuko while trying to figure out what to do. She did not have a problem with Mitsuko washing Shinigami, something she would probably have fun doing. If anything, Shinigami seemed more upset, based on her reaction to what she had meant as an innocent question. She probably would have washed Shinigami, something like what she wanted, after making sure how but now, she was seeing what happened. She focused on washing Mitsuko now, moving to legs but not distracting her, by touching what was between, seeing if Mitsuko did have anything to
  4. Today
  5. I'm good with it. Two faceless bikers could grow faces and get named Bob and Tom.
  6. A teen daughter has had fantasies for years about having sex. Ordinarily, this wouldn't seem unusual, but her subject was.....she wanted her mother! this plot will involve bondage, plenty of sex toys and some humiliation.....I'm willing to play either the surprisingly dominant daughter or the mother. if you wish, we can switch it around so the mother dominates the daughter....either way, one of them will end up being a sex slave....
  7. 2 girls have been best friends since they were 8 yrs old....slept over at each other's houses, vacationed with each others families, attended school and even had the same teachers....but all good things come to an end. one girl has to move away, and it breaks both hearts, but she returns a few years later. an accidental kiss and they realize something they kept hidden....they are in love with each other! But how to keep it a secret? what would happen if their families found out? their high school friends? teachers? this plot would of course include clumsy first time kisses and (hopefully) plenty of lesbian sex
  8. Yesterday
  9. - Still searching for Mereoleona x William, possibly Pitch x Various Disney Heroines, Zestial x Velvette and Vox x Carmilla.
  10. The names fish man im mostly into mermaids and sirens and mermen so im personally abliged to roleplay with those scenarios! Contact if interested?
  11. Hi im looking for someone who would like to do a Elden Ring RP. Characters i can play: Miquella, Messmer, Melina, Ranni, Godwyn ((im willing to try others as well)) Pairing wise im down for any including rare ships and incest ships though since many of the main characters are related, We can put in an AU that makes them not related for those who want to avoid it. My rp style is 3rd person lit (2-3 paragraphs but i can do more to match longer lengths) and I prefer dark themed Roleplays. I also prefer to use Discord for my RPs but i can also use this site as well
  12. Basically it's an incest one ,where mom and dad are divorced and mom's been dating around ,eventually she decides to put time into her son ,and also due to so much mental trauma with men that he'd be perfect and fix her up ,so one day she calls him from his room and to tge kitchen ,where she's dressed up ,leash on in what ever clothes you so desire ,and offers herself to her son ,to cook ,please , work etc ,it'll start with me being more wholesome and you giving me as i please ,ill get more demanding over time ,nore dominant and so on ,bits of realism, so shopping, work etc are all parts of it ,the dynamic is a sweet and pleasing mom and her
  13. Welcome! I would like to use this place as a storage room of sorts for all the RP ideas I would like to try! Since I'm sure this is one of the things people would need to know right from the start, let me bring up characters and their genders. Same as with my other Bulleting Post, My character (MC) will usually be male. I can also do futa and female characters, but in the case of a female character, I'll only write FxF. Your character (YC) would preferrably be female, but I keep an open mind for futa characters aswell. Your gender as a writer doesn't matter to me, since we are simply two individuals working together on a story! (If you
  14. hi there! bit of a low effort post here I'm just your friendly neighborhood troll with a 12 inch penis and I'm looking for friends to chat with! I'm not interested in starting new roleplays at the moment as my slots are mostly filled, but if we chat for a bit I might have time in the future to plot something with you. don't be shy! come say hi!
  15. Pretty straightforward request. Currently yearning for someone to write as a MILF, or multiple, while I write a younger male character.
  16. I decided I would try and make an RP Bulletin post, so here I am. This will be one of two separate posts I will make, separating fandom roleplaying ideas from original Roleplays! I haven't done a lot of fandom RP before, but it's something I frequently find myself getting curious about. Often times I will be watching an anime or playing a game, suddenly wondering how much fun it would be to write a story in that setting. I like the idea that we would take the world from these other stories and throw our characters in them. Of course, this doesn't mean following the same plots that would take place in the original story 1-to-1, but instea
  17. LabdaKid


    Your little sister who’s always more than willing to take care of you in any way necessary.
  18. LabdaKid


    A sweet girl with a large chest and a secret: she’s a nymphomaniac
  19. Heya, the names Reaper, glad to meet ya. To give a bit about me I'm a simple guy who's easy to please. I love to write stories, music being my biggest muse for story ideas. I've been writing since I was around 11, so around 26 years now. I'm not the best at it, but I put passion into everything I write. My main character is Shanaka Longhart. He was my very first character and I've put a lot of work into him. Another character I like to use is Gajeel Igneel from my personal D&D world. I really like adventure and fighting style stories. I don't mind smut, but I like to have story involved in it, not just a one time pump chump. Still working
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