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  1. Age : 11-25 Gender : Female Hair colour : Black Eye colour : Red to black and others Height : 4'3" / 1.30m to 5'3" / 1.60m Body type : petite
    6 points
  2. Name: Shiro Appearance: Shiro has long, flowing white hair that contrasts strikingly with her deep red eyes. Her attire is minimalistic yet stylish, featuring a mix of dark and light colors that give her a mysterious and ethereal appearance. Her overall look is both delicate and otherworldly, complementing her reserved and enigmatic personality. Personality: Shiro is an emotionally reserved and introspective young woman. She struggles to express her emotions and often appears distant or detached. Despite this, she is deeply thoughtful and sensitive, experiencing her feelings intensely but keeping them hidden beneath a calm and stoic
    6 points
  3. My fav ref by far, love playing her and anything with her Age: 22 (hell years) Sexuality: Bisexual Abilities: can drive maybe not well
    6 points
  4. Hi I am Alice I am pretty new to all of this and wanted to try this out. I am into most things that aren't to extreme and I don't mind the gender of my partner. I have never done this befor so anyone newbie friendly and mindful is appreciated.
    6 points
  5. if your kink isn't listed above, feel free to send me an ecchitext and inquire about it. i consider myself fairly open, but there are themes i would rather not write. that being said, i can write both male and female muses, but i always favour feminine males or femboys. i can write both story - focused and smut - focused stories, depending on my mood. admittedly, my smut muse fades away quickly, so i recommend a story - focused thread with smutty scenes to satisfy both our cravings. i'm a huge fan of slow burn romance and although i can write dominant characters, 95% of the times, i will choose a submissive character. that's where i feel the
    5 points
  6. Pretty much everything can be negotiable, really .
    5 points
  7. Ayyyyyye I just found out about this website and I see it's pretty similar to f-list and it seems to have a lot of people online so I figured I'd give it a shot and see what comes of it. UH...I have ADHD and Autism so I have a whole laundry list of special interests and hyperfixations. Fetishes/kinks too! Anyway that's all for now-- I gotta figure out how to make a kink list now.
    5 points
  8. All in all, I'm open to a lot of things, but I also have clear boundaries. I prefer to play the submassive part, but I can also be active. I only ever play females; I can negotiate age, breast size and body measurements. Maybe i try to act as a futa. If i play as a kitten, I like mostly to cuddle and spend time with my owner, even if I sometimes knock things over and cause other mischief.
    5 points
  9. Large cumshots and multiple cumshots is a favorite
    5 points
  10. Yes! This club still exists! Even though I've failed to do anything with it up to this point! I still believe in the power of the bad end club! So, First things first, I request some help from my lovely club members! Make your characters! and go into the prison! This club can either be Player X player in certain areas! OR DM x PLAYER. If someone wants to become a DM private message me and we can set up this stuff! (Still looking for people to help set up the club btw)
    5 points
  11. “Is it a demon?” That was the lingering question. It was not just a question of semantics. It was possible she was much more dangerous than one. It was too dangerous to expect to her to just play nicely. The Knight’s logic was troublesome. “There are too many lives at stake to let her roam.” Jumi was willing to listen to an extent, exactly what this creature was and why she was here. But escorting her around was another matter. She tried to block the path, though she was not sure even all of them together could stop her. She kind of wished for the rest of the team, maybe Alexandrine to be here. ”’Lower life forms’? Demon or no
    5 points
  12. Azreal looked at Rie and sighed. "Hearing out the enemy can sometimes help you gain valuable information and knowledge. So demons can be used for good, you just have to test them and hear them out. Learn the way to twist them to your needs so you gain something out of meeting them. Not everything needs to be fighting. Also fox not all Magical Girls work as a team, some work solo." He said clearing this throat. "Now if you wish to stay here you must follow the rules. No chaos at all is that understood. It would be suicide to attack at a convention like this." He said his hand on his sword the Capulet family crest on the handle of the sword.
    5 points
  13. Rie looked back at the man who had joined them "What sort of idiot hears out a demon?" she stated bluntly not disguising the clear annoyance with the idea. He seemed familiar, not that she had ever met him but as though she had seen him before. Perhaps she had passed him in the halls or seen his countenance. It was difficult to focus and ponder on the name before their new guest spoke up as well. Rie clicked her tongue "Not helping your case furball." not dropping her guard even as she moved. It didn't matter that she didn't appear hostile as her mere presence was an affront. Rie did not like this at all but she kept control of herself.
    5 points
  14. The fox girl didn't stop her movement toward them but showed no signs of hostility. However, that did not stop her from giving off a bad vibe if anyone felt any from her. Her eyes shifted toward Rie as she was asked what she was doing there. Her body turned toward her to take a good look at the voice's owner who spoke to her. "Come, now... You know the answer to this question. Your kind gathers here for your own pleasure and those of these lower lifeforms gorging you on admiration.", she started, waving her hand at anyone still present around them, as a way to refer to the fans and magical girls or knights alike. "I've had to see it myself wi
    5 points
  15. Jumi quietly walked down the hall, until they found the source of the presence they felt. A strange creature, she could not be entirely sure what it was. Demon like, but was it one, or something else? She did not have much else to say, as Rie spoke up first. Curious how the creature would respond. She was surprised to hear the voice behind her. An unfamiliar one. A Knight apparently, one she did not know. She was on guard, her power building but not attacking. Waiting to see if the creature responded to what Rie said, finding it too tense to say anything to the Knight just yet.
    5 points
  16. Rie had already mostly forgotten the situation earlier in any event, simply viewing Mitsuko as another member of the team though it wasn't quite official yet. She was focused purely on the idea that a demon, confident, had made their presence known. She did nod to the creature though if the situation was lighter she wouldn't hesitate to list off a various observatory names in the hopes of hitting upon one. It wasn't important right now. It was frustrating. This was meant to be a stress-free time and yet here they were potentially faced with another of hellspawn with little decorum. Ah. Rie despised the servants of the dark. Rie followed
    5 points
  17. Nall took off soon enough to allow Jumi full movement. He was able to fly after all. Mitsuko, for herself, didn't mind to see Rie, especially since the situation seemed serious. Her presence didn't surprise Nall too much as he already had figured he would meet with many more. In normal times, he would happily take a moment to greet her properly but the feeling he had took the most of his current attention so Mitsuko spoke instead, "I don't know what he is but he said that he's not a cat... But yes, my guardian, I believe..." All three of them headed to the main hall for now, where Mitsuko had spent some time before already... Azreal migh
    5 points
  18. Azreal was walking making his way to dealer room as a few fangirls screamed seeing his sliverish white hair sway against his black cape and fur. The clicking of his boots against the floor as they ran over. "Your.....Your the Russian Singer...You...You're almost the last known Capulet Knight Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. The Knight of the Icy Winds." The one girl blushed almost wanting to faint. Azreal chuckled. "Ah fans I see. Yes I am Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. The last known Knight and heir to Capulet name." He bowed kissing the girl's hand. His crismon red eyes piercing into hers. "If you wish for a photo we can and autograph
    5 points
  19. Did not get nearly as much in as I hoped over the weekend. Will hopefully get more in on the long weekend, starting Wednesday afternoon.
    5 points
  20. I'm interviewing for a new position Tuesday. If I get it, I will probably be pretty spotty for quite some time.
    5 points
  21. Hey, I apologize for disappearing. Just got over being sick and worked like a dog, so I'll get a reply to the Wanderers soon.
    5 points
  22. A̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶o̶r̶y̶ I'm new here, decided to join for obvious reasons (why else would someone join a forum named ecchi dreams?) I managed to post my preferences, which I'm bound to update constantly due to my shitty ass memory. General rapid fire bullshit about me to fill space: Play star rail, won 50/50 on ruan mei need to get firefly still. (Jades are scarce). Have not played the elden ring dlc yet. Saw a horse in person for the first time in years (still kinda scared of them irl). Recently won a pair of socks on raffle I forgot I was participating in. Got a new tattoo
    5 points
  23. Azreal stepped into the area. Hia boot clicking against the foot as he felt the demonic engery. He sees a group of girls as he steps forward quitely hiding his footsteps. "I believe we should heard this fox spirit or demon out. Also fox I wouldn't say it'ss welcoming party. It seems to me this group of magical girls may have formed a team, pleasd correct me if I'm wrong." Azreal smirked his russian accent flowing behind his words. His sliverish white hair flowing elegantly as he stood behind the group of girls a foot or so taller then them. He looked like a dark knight with a hint of wintery theme in his features.
    4 points
  24. Jumi’s face darkened. A presence both like and unlike anything she had felt before. She was troubled but also very irritated. Like she told Mitsuko, these events were supposed to be the only time she could relax. She was not pleased by something that might interrupt that. But she was not going to underestimate this. Something that would not even try hide, even in the more isolated sections, was not something to take lightly. ”…No…I can’t say what this is. Though it shouldn’t be ignored.” But before she could take a step, she was relieved to see Rie show up. Any lingering tension between her and Mitsuko should be set aside wh
    4 points
  25. Ah alright well I have Azreal in the Dealer's room now and heading to the competition area.
    4 points
  26. Certainly. Azreal would not necessarily be of help though but if he is at the convention, he can be a witness of what is going to happen and may act however he likes. My "event" will be going regardless, assuming nobody does anything too out of control to throw it off. So far, nothing special had happened but good times between Mitsuko, Jumi and a bit with Rie. Where we are now, if you read the latest posts (no need to read all of them), something is about to happen that is related to this page: ነⶴጎክጎጮልፏጎ.
    4 points
  27. Since I have been away for a bit. Could you fill me in what is happening and hie Azreal could help.
    4 points
  28. I can always change the effects I tried to give off and make it more tame. Of course they would still be alerted by Nall's detection anyway. Or by whatever noise people would make around what is happening. There are many ideas to make this work, I am just not sure right now what I leave be and what I change. I will see if I can improve things. Oh dang. Well, he can always participate. I believe everyone is welcome. (It would not change much in whatever I had planned anyway. ) At first, it was an attempt to re-include some people waiting. (Such as Rie) So yeah. I have nothing against anyone wanting a part into what is going on with w
    4 points
  29. Also Azreal isn't up to anything at the current moment. He's at the convention.
    4 points
  30. Um hi! Sorry I'm all new to this. I'm Astrid looking for some young sperm donors for me and angie, my wife. We're wanting to make a family but seeing sperm banks for a rip off and young ones seem to have the most potent jizz. We're looking for someone at least ten years old (and can produce sperm) we don't care about looks but we're are looking for strong genes! Below I've uploaded some pics of my wife and I. First pic:a innocent kissing between a skinny short haired red head and a chunky long blue haired in a snowy area Second pic: The same women but clearly naked from the waist up with the skinny girl behind her wife cupping her
    4 points
  31. Mitsuko smiled to the praise and gave a nod to what she was told, knowing it was indeed the truth. Well, she did not have the battle experience but she could imagine what reality could look like. It might be a game now but later, it wouldn't be. "Right... It was fun, though. I know real battles may not be as fun but I suppose it's alright for now. I could see what kind of powers others have. It's impressive. One of them even had explosive magic...", she observed, wondering how powerful most magical girls or knights would be. As much as Mitsuko was in shape, she never had to swing a blade at targets and for the first time, she needed a pa
    4 points
  32. Jumi watched, not really sure what to expect. Mitsuko had fight in her, it did not look like she was specifically trying to impress her, but she was doing it fairly well anyways. At least for a first time, she was doing quite well. It was much safer than a real fight. Failing to hit a single one there could be dangerous. But this was helping her get a taste of it. When it was over she nodded and smiled. “You did good! I’m sure you will do even better if you tried again. It’s a good safe preview of what you might expect in battle. Though that is sometimes one on one, and depending on what you are fighting, you can sometimes learn
    4 points
  33. That was the thing about arranged marriages, Mitsuko would likely already at least be engaged in one, if not married if she was going to go through with it. “Well, we’ll see if you ever have a child, and if he or she has any power. You can tell them, if you do.” Jumi joked, not really expecting Mitsuko to ever have a child either. “Though your power comes at least primarily from an external source, so they may or may not inherit anything.” She added as a follow up, though again one that might not be relevant. Though it was not impossible enough use of her power could give Mitsuko at least a little power independent of it. “It’s all
    4 points
  34. Mitsuko opened her eyes wide when she heard of the arranged marriages. Obviously, that didn't apply to her but that was still surprising to hear. "I don't think I'm ready for that... Or willing to try that ever.", she only commented. Nall himself seemed confused but since the custom was precised to be an old tradition, he did not think anything of it. As for the response about fun, Mitsuko remembered the challenges she was told about before. "Right... I will surely try, then. Please remind me when I can do so...?", she asked Jumi, to make sure of when that event was taking place. It sounded like that was soon enough and she wanted to be ready
    4 points
  35. "Parents or other family are generally only told if it's a 'family tradition'." Jumi pointed out what Mitsuko had probably already realized. There were cases where a Magical Girl and/or Knight had children that were the same, though it was fairly rare these these days. Or siblings that both had power, like poor Alexandrine. That was not the case with Mitsuko though, just like it had not been with Jumi. That was why being on a team was so important though. Having others who knew, that you could talk to about such things. "That's why the old tradition was arranged marriages between Magical Girls and Knights. But only a few really traditi
    4 points
  36. Mitsuko took into consideration what Jumi told her and nodded, knowing that she might have been thrown into a fight she was not ready for. But not only that... As she had feared, she was also involving others with her. At the same time, the chances she would win by herself would be none. Lenneth was sent to cause troubles but also to take care of her, which she thankfully failed to do even though she could have done much more to eliminate her. Maybe she was waiting to see if she could challenge her somehow... Looking at Nall, Mitsuko reached to pet him on the head. "We will do what we can... For now, we are in good hands. I'm afraid but
    4 points
  37. Not exactly what Jumi would call a daughter. But with gods and their creations and such, the line between what was and was not a child could be rather blurry. Jumi was going to dwell on that, or be picky about terminology, letting the other two talk about that, especially since Mitsuko had been chosen for this apparently, maybe had some special role. Jumi would certainly help, but her connection to this was a little more indirect. Demons, and other enemies however, that was another matter, one she was already deeply involved in. “Well, it depends on what you mean by ‘we’.” Whether the question was about Magical Girls/Knights in gene
    4 points
  38. Mitsuko blinked at the question, turning to Jumi. Nall also seemed surprised for a bit before he spoke, "Weeeeeell... She is not exactly his daughter... Not by human definitions. You noticed her ears and her tail, didn't you?", he asked Mitsuko mainly who nodded, having clearly seen such details before she was flung outside of her bedroom in the worst manner. "I bet she was made a cat to spite me.", he pouted for a second, closing his eyes but soon opened one eye and looked at the two before he returned to being serious. "I heard she had been sleeping for a long time before she was awakened.", he finally said, explaining why she had neve
    4 points
  39. Now it was gods? There were stories of course, legends, some Magical Girls or Knights supposedly connected to gods, though as far as Jumi knew no one alive at least had even seen one. Their enemy was supposedly the child of one? That for better or worse did not seem completely unbelievable to her. “Daughter of an evil god and what?” A child of a god was problematic either way. But the child of two gods was presumably much more dangerous than the child of one and something else. It was worth asking just to get some idea of the enemy’s power or maybe the other parent’s identity would tell them more about her.
    4 points
  40. This was the part where Toshiro felt himself pick up speed further. As Emi squeezed harder around his shaft it was hard to keep holding back, how her walls squeezed and massages his rod with each passing pump. By now precum was leaking in absurd quantities but that didn't deter the two lover's from having at it. If anything, it drove Toshiro to further primal instincts to impregnate his little victim as sterile as he is. But first, an order of business. From what he's felt from Alexandrine, Toshiro could tell that Emi was very close. With a wicked idea popping to mind, the man reaches with his head abd gently nibbled on one of the bunn
    4 points
  41. Nall was staring at Jumi when she answered, not giving a clear expression about if she was right or not. "A Guardian Beast? I like the sound of that.", he simply said, not really clarifying further. His answer was cryptic but he moved on and asked, "Any other questions?", which made Mitsuko look more or less confused about what they were told so far. Or was he hiding something...? Only now, she started to think about if she was able to trust this cat or rather... this non-cat. But perhaps it wasn't the time for such thoughts. Mitsuko advanced on something more serious if he was not going to do so and she felt like Jumi would benefit from
    4 points
  42. Jumi did not know, but as a veteran Magical Girl, she did have one good guess that seemed more likely than others. “A Guardian Beast?” A concept Mitsuko had already been briefly informed about, in her conversation with Alexandrine. Though they were more physically impressive. That or some kind of spirit? That was the sort of thing some individuals or teams had. Sometimes as the aActual source of their power, though this was only seemed to indirectly fit that role. Jumi waited to see if Nall confirmed or denied the Guardian Beast guess though.
    4 points
  43. She felt him go rock hard as he started cuming, her pussy tingling with pleasure, as stuffed herself with his long hard cock. She very gently caressed and squeezed his sack. Her orgasm hit her in powerful waves, and her moans crescendoed, as her body bounced on him fast as she could take him. Leaning forward she slowed down, milking his dick for every last drop she could get, feeling his warmth explode inside her, as she kept rocking her hips through their orgasms. "Yessss! Let it all out! Fill me up!"
    4 points
  44. Nall's eyes widened again as he looked genuinely surprised. "A whole bunch...? It's amazing. So, the world is abound with magic.", he said, quite satisfied with the answer about how many magic users who existed in one place. Or in the world in general. He was however unaware that magical girls had their own war against demons and other enemies of varying strength levels. It's something Mitsuko could relate to as she was new into this life but she at least knew what magical girls were doing for everyone, with their power. Nall seemed to realize he was as much an outsider as they were to him and he thought giving them a moment to get answe
    4 points
  45. The subject of Lenneth finally came up. That was something, but not much. But maybe could tell them more in the future, since as Jumi suspected, he knew who she was. Hopefully he could give them some idea of the reason behind the attack and ways to help fight her if they had too. But those questions were interrupted by what he asked her. He said he had been asleep a long time. It would possibly be complicated to explain it. “Oh, yes. A whole bunch in this building. How should I put it? It is something like a celebration of such people. Normally we are much more spread out, only very small groups in each area.” She was not sure
    4 points
  46. Mitsuko nodded to Jumi's advice while Nall said nothing, probably feeling like she had covered most of what the girl could potentially learn right now. Although, the aura around the sword seemed to exude her strength, it was likely nothing compared to what she could do. Nonetheless, she had signed her magic entrance as a magical girl, now. Nall could only smile while watching her until he moved to land on her shoulder, sorta. "It's good, you seem to have gotten a start with it already. There's much ahead of you.", he told her. She only turned her head a little to eye him... He was right but she didn't know if he referred to anything in p
    4 points
  47. Jumi quietly watched the transformation and the initial use of the sword. She could not give a lot of specific advice though. “It will mostly be up to you to figure out the nature of your power. It is different for each of us. I can not tell you everything you are capable of, though your powers are likely all to be related one way or another.” Of course, even in this open area they still had to be careful, not do anything that might be destructive. “You may or may not have any powers independent of the sword or wings. It’s the sort of thing you have to figure on your own. Feeling the power inside you, learning how to control it. I’m
    4 points
  48. Mitsuko considered Nall's suggestion and Jumi's idea then nodded and stood up to head there. It was easy to find anyway and the flying cat simply followed. If it was not obvious if one of them was a magical girl or not, Nall sure attracted some attention on them and Jumi was already known, which lead people to believe Mitsuko might be a new one among them if she was not known at all yet. No such creature like him existed normally but he seemed to take the looks with joy while Mitsuko herself just remained quiet. She was about to show the hard evidence that she had magical powers anyhow. She had to be ready for it since she could need to
    4 points
  49. Azreal bowed. "Of course my Lord I'll say in touch if anything else of interest comes up. You enjoy the rest of your day." Azreal dispelled the crystals magical connection by chanting before putting it away. "I do my sweet sweet little niece. My little princess is around. I do wish to see her again." He smirked devilishly a hint of darkness and lust in his eyes. He got into his Knight uniform, sword on his hip and brushed his hair. He was ready for the second day of the convention. He knew a few Knights and fans might know him so he was ready. He walked out onto the convention floor seeing all the magical girls and fans in this area. He
    4 points
  50. "Just be on the look out for anything else interesting." There was nothing else specific that Zorn wanted to know. He had limited knowledge of the sort of things that might go on in such a place. He would trust the Knight to judge if there would be anything else that might interest him. "As for your niece, perhaps, I will consider that when I see her." It had been a while since he had that sort of fun. Emiri only sort of counted, now that she was broken. If this was one was appealing enough, he might have that sort of fun again, but he would decide that later. "Unless there is something else you want to tell or ask me, you are dismiss
    4 points
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