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Elieon/Elie Anna Capulet Age: She's normally anywhere from 16or older but it also depends on the roleplay and the race she's being. Race: Either Human,Vampire, Elf/Dark Elf or Dhampir. Chest Size: D48 Powers/Skills: I normally have her control fire. Her favorite type of fire to control is black hellish fire ((Like Hiei's dragon of darkness flames)). I sometimes have her control death or even fate with the help of tarot cards. She also uses blood magic/control but that's only when she's vampire or dhampir.It all depends on the roleplay. She's a great cook and a great leader. Weapon of chose: Sycthe, Sword, Dagger or Raiper Attuide: Elie is a kind and caring soul who cares for her friends and family. In a leadership role she's like a princess or queen. She puts her people's needs before her own. She acts alot like me in real life. Weakness/Fears: Deep Water, Neverending Darkness, Drowning, Spiders, Centipedes, and being alone in dark for to long. Roles this character fits best: Little Sister, Princess, Teacher, Office Worker, Librarian, Queen, Dutchess, High Class Honor Student, Class President, Commoner (if need be) or kidnapped princess/sister/etc.

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