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Iliad V'rei

Iliad V'rei

Name: Illiad V'rei

Age: 24

Sex: Female


Iliad is one of few survivors of a bloody massacre of her people. The elven kingdom was completely demolished by humans who had assaulted them with vile plagues and curses that drained them of their magic.

When she was young, she always wondered why her people never simply made peace with the humans they always seemed so afraid of. She was always told humans were vile, greedy beings who wanted nothing more than to seize total domination of the world. She never fully understood why that was a bad thing. If the whole world was ruled under one people, there would be no more war or fighting and it'd be like everyone was one big family. It made sense in a child's mind, anyway.

In her childhood, Iliad was an adventurous young girl. She would often go on explorations through the forests surrounding her kingdom. At one point, she discovered an abandoned human settlement. She would bring her friends there and imagine being a part of human society. They would gather items from the forest and pretend to run stores or play house together. As she matured, she would use this place as a getaway, she had her first kiss and even lost her virginity here to a young elven boy.

But when the massacre of her people began and she watched countless men and boys die in vain trying to protect their wives, daughters, mothers, and sisters... only for those very same women to be dragged away screaming and begging in shackles, a battle they stood zero chance of winning from the beginning, she understood all to clearly why peace was never an option.

There is nothing Iliad wants to do more than to raise hell on humanity. She would feel no shame in painting the streets of human cities red with the blood of everything that breathes. But she's smart enough to understand that her pure hatred alone isn't enough to win her any battles. She spent many years dawning a hood to cover her distinctive ears and slipping into human cities. She searched high and low for any signs of elven slaves. She searched brothels, towns, private homes, perhaps the largest incident was a time when she completely destroyed a slave auction with cleverly placed explosives. All of this with the intention of liberating her people from the tyrannical clutches of humanity. Unfortunately, any elven slaves have had their magic permanently sealed away with markings across their necks. Without magic, these slaves are nearly incapable of fighting and most completely lack the spirit of rebellion having lost everything they've lived for already. Iliad spends most of her time stealing from the wealthy among the humans to feed the many slaves she's freed and relocated to the abandoned settlement she discovered in her youth. She'd renamed it Ur'ada after the elven word for heart, blood, and life. It would now serve as a refugee village for liberated slaves. Many train to fight without magic. Though they are physically weak, there are a select few willing to fight for revenge alongside Iliad. However, even the strongest of them know they stand no chance if Iliad were to get caught and lose her magic, too.

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