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Gina Sumpter

Gina Sumpter

Name: Gina Sumpter

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Bio: Gina is a straight-A honors student who has had it drilled into her head from a young age that, as a woman, she has to work extra hard to prove herself capable in a sexist, male-dominant society. She's always placed herself under tremendous stress to succeed in everything she does which has caused her to break down under the pressure several times and ultimately causes her to drop any hobbies she tries to develop, deciding instead all of her efforts are best spent studying. She is dual-enrolled in high school and a local community college and leaves herself little time for socializing. She feels the need to prove once and for all that women are more than capable of not only performing as well as, but even better than any man before. She believes that by succeeding, she can not only prove to men that women should be given the same amount of consideration as men in her field, but inspire other women to follow in her footsteps in other fields of work.

Gina is studying to become a surgeon, and has already received many offers for scholarships to promising post-graduate universities, but these only pile on the pressure she feels to never fail and always get perfect scores because she's terrified one slip-up will cause her to get complacent and cause everything to fall apart.

During her freshman year of high school, Gina tried to take a Theatre class where she met her only friend Felicia Quinn who tried, but failed, to encourage her to open up. Despite the friendly encouragement of Felicia and the rest of their classmates, she felt humiliated after stumbling through an improv scene and hastily left the class. Even after the fact, Felicia stayed close to her and the two continued to talk whenever they had the chance.

In her Sophomore year, she found herself distracted by a longing for intimacy after noticing other students pairing off and the way they would smile and laugh together. She ended up getting some lines mixed up in her notes which ultimately led to her getting a B on an AP history test. Even though the grade was still solid, she'd had perfection drilled into her head for so long that she was mortified.

When Felicia noticed how badly she was reacting, she forced Gina to take the rest of the day off. Felicia took Gina with her and the two went to a local park where Felicia started to play some songs for Gina. Between Felicia's music and jokes mixed with the ambience of nature and the setting sun, Gina, for the first time, truly felt connected to another person. It was a truly magical experience for her.

Unfortunately, the experience was quickly soured when Felicia was met with what she felt was excessive disapproval from her teachers when she didn't have her homework finished early nor have all the answers prepared for the lecture. She had to double down on twice the amount of work the following night and instantly regretted wasting the entire day with Feliica. Ever since, the two slowly started to drift apart to Felicia's confusion.

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