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Morta Darkraven

Morta Darkraven



Name: Morta Darkraven

Age: 18-300

Sex: Female

Race: Dark Elf Fae of the Unseelie Court

Hair: White

Eyes: Actually White

Height: 5'6

Weight: 125 lbs


Morta is a savage princess born to King Drakus of the Unseelie Court, her father is a fae and her mother was a dark elf. She doesn't take shit from anyone and she will let you know what she thinks of you. She has dark powers such as necromancy, possession, blood magic and much more. She usually works as an assassin for her father, if you bring offense against Drakus then expect her to be on your trail. She is a very skilled tracker and can find you almost anymore. If you offend her or even harm someone she cares about she won't forgive that easily, many men are in awe of her power but non can handle her. Many have tried to woo her as well but she is very hard to impress. But once you do gain her favor then she is very loyal and can be very loving. 

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