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Cassandra Sexi'zatazi (Version A)

Cassandra Sexi'zatazi (Version A)

Name: Cassandra Sexi'zatazi

Age/Date of Birth: Due to her ability to reincarnate endlessly, only she knows how old she is.

Gender: Female

Religion: Was Once a Creation Goddess, yet that was a long time ago. No one believes in her as that anymore. By the Utopian Church, she is the End Incarnate.

Species: In her home Universe, she would be considered of High Elven Stock, a genetic close match with this Universe's Sexi'zatazis for some reason. However, there may be more in her genes than what is expected.

Origin: A Parallel Universe to this One, From a Planet Called Faerun.

Time Taken: From Calendar Year 1432, supposedly.

Speciality: Cooking Master

Physical Appearance

Height: 183cm

Weight: 70kg

Eye Colour: Blue Eyes

Hair Colour: Blond Hair

Physical Description:

What else can be said about this Sexi'zatazi woman who looks like a traditional elf ripped out of a Dungeon and Dragons game, with patently unrealistic proportions? She certainly has the looks of an elven woman, with the long blonde locks of hair and piercing eyes. Her body, sculpted by the gods and eyed by many to her displeasure, is of typical elven female stock. With a flat stomach with firm abs, long shapely legs, wide hips and a plentiful rear end, it appears that the Dungeons and Dragons game she was taken from was one lovingly crafted. However, there are a few imperfections in her body. Such as the obvious bags under her eyes and several obvious scars over her body including her back.

Personality, Traits and Abilities

General Overview: This woman is quite the emotionally unstable wreck and a rather pitiful being...though pity is not what she wants. She actually wants non-existence though no one can yet provide her with it. While she can pretend for a time to be stable and happy and functional, the fact is that she might not be. Perhaps she is just a pleasure doll, destined to please everyone and yet never herself until the very day she breaks. Perhaps she is just bringing this on herself, having made a Universe full of life...and having it taken away by her own creations. No one has gotten close enough to her to see what exactly lies in her soul...if she even has one. She says she hides her 'true self' from everyone but the fact is that she doesn't really know what her 'true self' is anymore or if there was one to start with.


Strengths, Skills and Abilities:

Magic: Her magical abilities are actually quite something, beyond her peers back in her world and beyond what Cassandra (Version B) is capable of. She has a wide arsenal of spells at her disposal but she hardly ever has a chance to use them. Given that she feels that she's not capable (even of dying) and nothing good comes from her, she doesn't use many or any of her spells. Which is unfortunate, as her magic is quite powerful. However, there may be another reason she doesn't use them.

Reincarnation: Yes, this Cassandra also can reincarnate upon death. Her reincarnations, like the other, retains all the knowledge and skills that she got from previous lives. What she has retained through her reincarnations, no one is certain of.

Reality Ending Curse - All the Evil in the World: Considered by the Utopian Church as the Original Sin of Creation, Cassandra mysteriously bears this curse on her soul. No one exactly knows how this curse functions...and no one knows because once unleashed, no one survives. Likened to an all consuming black hole that nothing escapes, this 'curse' is said to destroy anything and everything once unleashed. According to Cassandra herself...if you get to to talk about it, is that most of her abilities have gone into preventing this evil from ever leaving its place inside her and destroying everything.

Ever-Expanding Reality: The Counter to the Reality Ending Curse, this ability is tied to Cassandra's nature as an ex creation goddess. It is said that this is the very thing that keeps the Reality Ending Curse from escaping and ending reality. As the Reality Ending Curse can be characterised as an ever expanding black hole, the 'seal' that holds it should counter its nature. This technique creates within Cassandra an ever-expanding internal 'reality' that expands at a rate tied to the rate at which the Reality Ending Curse expands, thus maintaining an equilibrium of sorts. How long can she maintain this equilibrium though is a question that has not been answered. 

??? - An unknown ability linked to Cassandra's nature of an ex-creation goddess. She has never made mention about this ability to anyone, so no one knows what it is. 


Magic: Seeing that she puts most of her energy into keeping the so-called Reality Ending Curse from ending reality, people will generally not get to see what she is capable of.

Reincarnation: Generally not useful in staying alive, as its effects are mostly post-death. However, if she does die in another universe other than her home one, she suspects that she will return to her 'home universe' where she does not want to be.

Reality Ending Curse: The only real 'weakness' of this ability is that there is no obvious way to stop it once unleashed. The only way to stop it is to kill the host before it is unleashed. However to kill this host requires the use of a weapon that kills deities at the very least.

Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams): 

To start off with, this woman will have very few dreams or hopes except for perhaps finding a way to cease existing. To help this woman regain some sense of purpose may be handsomely rewarded....or it might not. 

Hobbies and Interests: 




Observing Nature


Personal Sexual Information

Sexual Orientation: While this woman will tell you at first that such a question is hardly relevant, the fact is that the woman does not really remember the last time she's had something of a relationship and thus can't really honestly say. She does want to be loved, though she suspects that may never happen. 

Turn ons:

- Sex with someone she loves deeply.

- Intimacy in general

- She enjoys the arousal of others, especially those she loves.


Turn offs: 

- Certainly does not like vore, gore and necrophilia. 

- Certainly does not like being abused.


Breast Size: E cup?

Sensitivity: While her 'pain receptors' don't seem that active when it comes to pain, they are when it comes to pleasurable stimulus. In fact, it seems they are quite hyperactive when exposed to pleasurable stimulus. She is actually quite a sensitive girl (to pleasure) and her reactions to it are quite unusual. She might not react quickly for the first few attempts but keep trying and you might get a surprise. 

Additional Sexual Information: 

While she apparently does like being dominated and is usually submissive, there are times where she may not like it. She is rather uncertain of what her preferences are due to evidence of severe abuse and neglect.



Awards/Commendations: None. Considered the End Incarnate by the Utopian Church.
Criminal Record: Being the End Incarnate by the Utopian Church.

Bio: It is known that this Cassandra Sexi'zatazi was born on the planet Faerun in the 1300s of the Church's New Calendar to two heretics normal High Elves in a cultist outpost peaceful village north of Sylvenhold, that does not exist anymore as it was purified burnt to the ground in 1432. Her summoners parents were the town healers heretical scum of this damned place of evil, whom dare praise the name of the False Goddess whom worshipped a different god to the Church. The god they worshipped, in secret, was a minor deity known as the Light-bearer. While the Light-Bearer most likely never existed and was most likely a relic of an earlier era, the contents of the writings of and about the Light Bearer seemed to resonate with believers of all sorts. Considered by the Utopian Church as a manifestation of the False Goddess and thus heretical, no one actually knows the origin of the Light Bearer's works. Cassandra's life started normally enough, her birth was not marked by any dire omen or anything though the date was not auspicious. According to the Church though, her birthday marks to the exact day of the Great Fall where the Great Ancestors fell from the heavens due to the machinations of the False Goddess. The Church however was not influential in the Sylvenhold region until at least the 1350s. Up to then, Cassandra had a rather peaceful though boring life with her parents. However, after the Church became more established in the 1370s, things in Cassandra's life started to change. She started to have strange dreams about things and events that were inexplicable, things that she could not know of. Her dreams were detailed to a point that they were almost like vivid memories. 

What did her dreams concern? Many things though she hardly talked about them. Why? Because what the dreams contained scared her. She also started to hear things not of this plane of existence. Were they gods or the whispers of the world? She did not know but she knew not to mention it. Such things like this were not talked about for good reason. After all, only those chosen by Utopia would have these gifts and there was NO WAY someone like her could be chosen. That was not all that occurred, her magics seemed to grow exponentially strong as she grew...stronger and faster than her High Elven peers. Her parents, while pleased with her progress of her studies and her control of the magic arts, became increasingly concerned by her strange behaviour and her seemingly distancing herself from everyone. Her parents often tried to get her to open up but to no real avail. 

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