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Evelyn De Frost

Evelyn De Frost

Name: Evelyn De Frost
Age/Date of Birth: While she looks in her early thirties, she is significantly older due to her elven blood. She would be about 1/5 through her natural elven lifespan. Not including her cowgirl genes, given to her by Aeslia…who seemed rather keen on turning already attractive women in screaming hot cowgirl hybrids.
Gender: Female
(OPTIONAL!)Religion: She don’t have time for that.
Species: Elven/cowgirl hybrid.
Origin: From the same realm as Aeslia though a different part of it.
Occupation: She was a promising scholar before Aeslia 'blessed her' with cowgirl genes. The focus of her research was on studying magical artifacts from the Mythological Period of her home realm, that pre-dates formal written and recorded history.

Physical Appearance

Height: 164cm
Weight: 54kgs
Eye Colour: Purple Blue
Hair Colour: Silver
Physical Description: What can be said by Evelyn? Well, she’s a rather pretty elf with long and wavy silver hair that she ties up in a ponytail to keep to together. She has wide childbearing hips and a ridiculously large bust for an elf, due to Aeslia ‘blessing her’ with cowgirl genes. She is quite light and easy to physically pick up due to her low weight. She’s not the physically strong type as she’s mostly a bookworm by nature and profession.

Personality, Traits and Abilities

General Overview: A well mannered and cultured woman, it was a surprise to everyone that she would have anything to do with Aeslia, who is considered a rambunctious slut by her peers. Evelyn herself is good natured with great intellect and a natural affinity for magic, even for an elf. Her personality is one to be expected for someone who wants to be a great scholar, having great patience and a serious work ethic. She is quite sociable thanks to Aeslia who broke through her shell though that’s not all Aeslia did.
Strengths, Skills and Abilities: 

Magic: Given her natural knack for magic that exceeds even most of her elven peers, one would expect her to be quite the magic user. In fact, even in terms of wind magic which Aeslia is natively attuned to, Evelyn exceeds even her which is to say that she is quite adept at magecraft. Evelyn is strongest in the traditional elemental magics as well as healing and defensive magics.

Scholar of Magical Artifacts: Given her desire to study magical artifacts from the Mythological Period, one would expect that she would have substantial knowledge in magical artifacts. While she does indeed have much knowledge of such things, the fact that there are SO MANY artifacts around that it makes it almost impossible to know EVERYTHING about ALL of them. Her ability to identify and extract information from artifacts via her Scrying Eye spell is second only to her command of other magics. If her spell does not give her the answers she seeks then her research skills will!


Not physically strong and certainly her light weight makes tanking an impossibility.

Despite how much mana she has, and Evelyn does have a lot at her disposal…she can run out. Obviously, that is not good as that limits her options severely.

Once she runs out of mana, she does take a longer than normal to regenerate it. However, such a process can be expediated by sexual intercourse due to her cowgirl genes.


Ambitions (Hopes/Dreams):

To learn more about the Mythological Era.

To be a renowned authority on the Mythological Era.

To find another suitable partner for herself.

To make her family proud

Hobbies and Interests: 

Studying her research area

Researching new topics

Reading books

Learning new things

Personal Sexual Information (This whole part is optional)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Turn ons: 

Either giving out titfucks or having her tits fucked, although Aeslia takes the cake on how much she gets off on it.

Being milked, obviously.

Creampies aka. Having someone cum deep inside her (obviously no condoms). This is especially true if it is with someone she cares about deeply…that just gets her off like nothing else.

Having loving, romantic sex with those she cares deeply about.

Having casual sex with friends.

Being spitroasted.

Breast Size: Significantly larger than what she was before Aeslia ‘blessed her’ with cowgirl genes. Before then, her breasts were between a C and a D cup.
Sensitivity: The tips of her ears are rather sensitive, as well as her nipples which LOVE being gently sucked on and teased. Her breasts are sensitive too and the entrance to her womb is a prime target.
STD History: Clean

Extra Information (This whole part is optional)

Father: Lord Marco De Frost
Mother: Lady Madeline De Frost
Siblings: She has two brothers and two sisters who are all older than her.
House: While currently living at Naughty Cow Dairy, she stays at Aeslia’s place back at home…which is not the De Frost Estate which she cannot go back to.



Various academic awards for her contributions to historical research.

Masters Degrees in Magecraft, Magical Artifacts and History.

Criminal Record: None


The youngest and as-of-yet unmarried female of the influential and powerful De Frost family, Evelyn had a rather privileged upbringing and thus a significant head-start to life. However, it did not mean that she put on airs or that she would look down on those not as fortunate. She was quite a humble girl and did not judge people by their socio-economic group or status. From a young age, it was obvious that Evelyn had great potential in magic and her intellectual growth was astounding. Her parents sent her to the best schools and obviously did everything they could to make sure she had a proper education to best cultivate her potential. Despite being part of the aristocracy, the De Frosts were of the kind that worked for their status and rank and took nothing for granted.  Being part of the De Frost family and the aristocratic class in general did however entail certain expectations such as being married off to other aristocratic families to build on the family name and legacy. However, Evelyn did not wish to partake in this…tradition. She did not want to be a noble’s trophy wife but wanted to be a scholar. Now her parents did not really want to deny her the dream she had BUT unfortunately, they could not go against the traditions of the elven aristocracy easily. The elven aristocracy was quite cutthroat, in that any weakness or perceived weakness in position would be taken advantage of. Evelyn tried continuously to convince her parents that she should be able to become a scholar, not understanding why her parents did not want her to go that way. Things continued until the day that Evelyn decided to leave home permanently and leave the family. Of course, her parents did not want her to do something so drastic, but they could not convince her otherwise. So, with much reluctance, they officially disowned her…though supported her in secret.

Evelyn had to fund the rest of her education herself, which was much harder than she expected. It was at this point she met Aeslia, who instantly took a liking to Evelyn despite how different they were. Seeing that Evelyn was struggling, Aeslia offered her a place to stay and anything she needed…on the condition she join her harem. Seeing very little alternative, Evelyn agreed. Over time, they became good friends and despite how overly sexual and forward Aeslia was, Evelyn came to like her back.

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