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Name: Ernesh Decebal

The ruthless leader of a powerful and well supplied criminal organization, Ernesh is not one to cross lightly. Being the youngest in his family to take over as the group's leader after his father's questionable demise, he has proven himself to be more than capable for his position; quietly keeping notes on those aside from himself who are important for the organization's proper function (including their own "sly" plans), keeping their forces well enough off that they could do virtually whatever they pleased without much fear of interference from any sort of law enforcement group, and well beyond. Doing so well, one could almost fully expect the lifestyle of "taking whatever he wants" that he has grown into-- and has prompted him to even set out to do things on his own, and without too much fear after explicitly making use of his organization's resources to augment his own body to such a degree that anything less than a well coordinated strike from a fully armed military squad wouldn't alarm him all that much.

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