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Upala Rex

Upala Rex

Name: Upala Rex

History: The king of the precious. This dark beauty, Upala Rex, hails from a line of kings and conquerors, a pureblood pedigree of the highest caliber. Depending on the setting of the roleplay, she may even be a member of royalty herself. Whatever the case, her family has held wealth untold and the  power that comes with it for generations, and such fortunes of her line are not to end with her. Vicious and as both as cold and beautiful as the precious stones her family mines, Upala has been educated to reign supreme from a young age, and unlike those weaklings she sees as lessers unfit for their family lines, she thrived in such a rigorously demanding, fortuitous, and yet negligent upbringing. She did not want for affection because she found not only other methods of feeding any longing for affection but also learned that she preferred her affections in such a way: efficient, possibly forced, quite nearly brutal, almost always merely physical, and most certainly hedonistic.

Personality: Cold, domineering. Either the heiress or already the leader of her family, it doesn't change that she is a born ruler. Those beneath her, even her own family, are insects. Common people? Maybe not even the dirt she trods on. Her entire life, she knew only to see the world in numerical values of worth, and she is in no need of enlightenment from a philosophy that is as common sense to her as it is to, say, for other people to know that they should drink water and eat food to survive. Even her affections are cold and stone-like. She watches, cares for, and uses as she wants those she values and desires. If you expect her to break into a soft and obedient lover, then prepare to be disappointed. Even in breaking, she is like a rock, and rocks do not get softer or malleable when they break nor can they be heated and reforged into a different shape; they merely shatter and then crumble in their entirety.

Physical Attributes: Like the stone her name is derived from, Upala does not generate heat of her own, nor does she appear to need it. However, much like stone, she is also quick to absorb heat and retain it, her body warming up as her victim (or suppressor possibly) gets colder. Like the scales of dragonkin or snake folk, patches of precious opal, yet much durable than mere opal, can be found scattered across her body, as smooth and hard as real opal, a sharp contrast to her soft human skin. Though, whether skin or stone her body remains unbreakable. On the other hand, her hair, though it shimmers and reflects light like precious stones, is silken and soft, no different from the hair of any other woman of the highest class, except it bears the same durability as the rest of her body. When aroused, Upala's stone skin, eyes, and the mark in the center of her forehead glow in rainbow colors, anywhere between a soft light to a radiant burst depending on the preferences given in the roleplay.

Other notes:

  • Upala is intended for a fantasy or sci-fi setting, anywhere between low to high and modern to traditional, due to her physical characteristics of skin that isn't exactly normal. She is of durable make, incredibly resistant to attacks of myriad sorts, from physical to magical to even mental. She does not dodge, for it is beneath her. Instead, she remains fabulous even as her clothes are shredded to pieces about her in her indomitable march forwards. In regards to offensive potential, this would vary from setting to setting. At base, she is a proficient user of the elegant cane sword she carries with her, the slender weapon turning into a precise and deadly weapons in the hands of this woman with a brutish yet elegantly executed, take all attacks fighting style. In settings more fantastical, whether it be by magic or science, her powers are based on the manipulation and creation of gemstones, throwing them out for attacks and creating defensive bulwarks with them or possibly even summoning earth elementals and spirits. However, her true strengths lie in her abilities as an enhancer, a buffer who refines the powers stored within precious stones to upgrade items and the people she owns.
  • If desired, Upala may be a futa. Just be aware that I am not super into futas so I don't rp them much and will probably need some convincing and persuading.
  • Upala is available as either a top or a dominant bottom. Now, I say dominant instead of power bottom, like most people would, because she is very much the one giving commands even while being fucked out of her mind into the ground beneath her.
  • Mind break. A genre that I very much find fascinating. Is Upala available for it? Obviously yes as the breaker, but how about as the breakee? ... Only in a psychologically heavy slow burn. We're talking upwards of even 75% roleplay to 25% smut.
  • Honestly, my preferred pairing for Upala is a 50/50 rp to smut ratio two-way power couple that is quite possibly evil or at best questionably neutral. Though, I will also accept good boy golden retriever type suitors for her.
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