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Hanami Sakurai

Hanami Sakurai

Name: Sakurai Hanami (last name first)

History: Raised happily surrounded by a loving family, Hanami has no particularly stimulating points in her history, unless you count all of the physically stimulating encounters she's had with all manners of genders, races, and even objects ever since she discovered how good it felt to be touched down there. She has lived a largely carefree life as the dearly beloved daughter of a lesser known daimyo. The nth child of many and hardly the brightest of them (though, strongest is up in the air), she lived a life free from the burden of responsibilities while still being able to benefit from her father's wealth and high status. In other words, she was allowed to do whatever she wanted growing up.

Personality: Hanami is feudal Japan's version of the girl-next-door. A little ditzy, perhaps a bit precarious, clumsy just when the time is right, but always kind and there for her loved ones when they need her. She is definitely an individual that goes by her own wavelength, dances to her own tune. Therefore, regardless of the setting, it's never a matter of whether she's one of a kind or normal compared to everyone else, she is always who she is, and part of that is having quite the sexual appetite. Her manner of dress, even, is provocative precisely to elicit attraction and lust and is so open precisely so that her entire body can be easily accessed. In less fantastical settings, she wears aphrodisiacs created from various flowers as a sweet-smelling perfume that promises a fun time for both herself and any poor (or lucky) sap who ends up too close to her. In more fantastical settings, her backstory might include being blessed, possibly even having her desires subtly enhanced, by a deity or spirit of fertility.  It should be noted, though, that her nymphomania is not to the point that all suitors are welcome. Moreso, just that if she likes someone and thinks that she wants to do it with them, she has no further qualms. Her body is her temple and life is short like the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring. She enjoys the flower viewing while she can and lives with no regrets.

Other Notes:

  • Hanami is a very positive person. Usually, that positivity is nothing very strange. However, when pushed into certain extreme situations, such as non-con, it becomes eerily disturbing. Hanami does not want to be raped, usually. If she ever has rape fantasies, which I'm not saying is impossible, she will have no shame about it as she does most things. However, in the event of an actual and nonconsensual rape, should Hanami start to feel good while being raped, she no long cares about how everything started nor does she process the trauma of rape. The rape has become something she enjoys, so she will willingly participates in it without a single hint of doubt.
  • Hanami specializes in archery and the use of daggers. She is expressly forbidden from swords and naginata as they are respected weapons of the samurai class and she has... Well... Disrespected them quite thoroughly across multiple attempts to teach her such weapons. Hanami can't help it. Even now, she will regularly use her daggers to ease any needs between her legs between love making sessions. At least with daggers they're no symbols of honor and prestige.
  • In all of her iterations, unless specified in the rp itself, Hanami is infertile by default, whether it's biologically or because of weird god shenanigans where, instead of becoming pregnant, being bred "breeds" the land instead with greater prosperity. It is ironic, given her flower theme. However, it is also another reason why she bears no responsibilities despite her age and can so happily accept all kinds of suitors into her warm insides. The only consequences of sex in her life is pleasure, so Hanami sees no point in treating it with any greater gravity.
  • Album created by Headless
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