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Rayleigh Xistone


Name: Rayleigh 'Xistone' Aquamarine

Race: 'Birthstone' (Race also goes by 'Thunderstone', 'Colourstone', and others; basically a stone radiating enough psychic energy to radiate hard light constructs for a body and other visual feats that feel physical)

Sexuality: Genderfluid Female Pronouns Chaotic Pansexual Submissive Lean

Age: 31 years of human life though her body hasn't aged much physically since...college classes? (Possibly a result of not being near her mother)

Height/Weight: 5’1 ft/199 lbs. [6 inches wingspan slightly cracked 'Manta Ray shaped'/about 12 lbs.]

Occupation: College Drop Out/Freelance Artist/Wannabe Mixologist/Groupie and Studying Keytarist for 'SugarPunk' an indie band

Personality: Rayleigh is very chaotic with her personality. First impressions may start off as meek and quiet; but if she finds enough reason to make a connection she will hook onto it and work off that. Usually friendly, upbeat, easily one of the nicest people to say 'SUP FUCKERS?!" and it is completely genuine. She's easily horny and has sexual urges on the brain often. And it goes weird when she's given reason to let it get weird. She's more than willing to go beyond 'human', maybe it's all the alcohol she drinks? Regardless if surrounded by the right energy she can light up a room with her infectious good time. Some would say she comes off as very fae like in nature. Sweet, creative, charming, and not exactly the smartest thing to fuck with. Akin to bees or spiders Rayleigh knows how to 'bite' when she needs it. As long as she's allowed to do what she seeks out then she's VERY content. However she does seem to have SOME sense of knowing when things ARE serious and it's time to focus no matter how tough it seems.


Weapons: Spray paint cans of 'Prismatic Paints', roller-skates, 'Pocket Dimension Knife' (basically a giant swiss army knife which can form seemingly unlimited 'tools'), technically can form ANYTHING out of hard light but honestly she hasn't come close to discovering that kind of pure potential she has. She's kind of a dunderhead. At least it makes her headbutts effective.


Pocket Dimension Knife 'Forms':

Giant knife (cause what else would you start with?), giant paintbrush, boomerang, pop-up closet, keytar, skip-it, Proton cannon, paint roller, toaster, puppets, confetti cannon, sledgehammer, lathe, 



-Is basically just a stone forming a very affective and convincing 'human disguise'. As a result can survive insane amount of damage as long as she remembers how hard her construct body is. However since she's convinced herself she's 'human' for so long she does A DAMN convincing job thinking she's more durable than she actually is.

-Technically has super human strength, endurance, dexterity, and even wisdom...though it has been noted her intelligence DOES suffer a bit from a genuine birthstone.

-Able to form her body however she wants to if she wills it right. As a result she may make random small changes without being aware of it. Honestly if she wasn't used to human form she could probably chose any animal or creature she's seen before to mimic perfectly.

-As a 'human' her energy and dexterity are definitely of note as she has trained herself in parkour affectively....and less impressive but still passable 'anime esc fighting styles'. Honestly it's just made up from all sorts of fighting styles and weapon techniques. She actually does her best with spray paint cans and roller-skates.

-Pocket Dimension Knife: Allows her to 'pop up' any tool she considers using for a fight whether it's the most cliche looking stuff, random tools like a gun that shoots caltrops, a ripcord spinning top, the list goes on. Honestly if it's something she can envision can pull it from the Knife like a samurai with a seemingly bottomless sheath of weapons.

-Able to produce constructs and blasts of hard lights which can be incredibly durable or strong. Honestly she's not very good at understanding this power yet but it kicks on sometimes.

-Can technically 'reform' her limbs and body parts on command as long as it's not damaging to her mainstone.

-Stone has high resistance to many forms of energy and the stone itself is super durable practically diamond like.

-Can form hologram like displays for illusions and solid copies to aid her....though she has only done this once by accident.

-Is able to collect and pull up data from electronics she has interacted with. SHOULD have photographic memory but honestly it's rare that it works for her.

-Functions SO MUCH like a damn human it's almost like putting a damn handicap on her. It's implied she doesn't even need to breath but she still panics in water and when being choked because she's so convinced she's human that she 'limits' herself 

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