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The Matrix Trilogy


Program Information

Program Identification: ???

Program Type: Computer virus; malware; AI

Programmed Languages: English, Russian, French

Designation: Disruptive malware, file/data corruption

Description: Destructive virus capable of data corruption, attaching itself to data to prevent permanent deletion, and able to cause major crashes throughout the system

Mission: ???

Completion Date: November 6, 2XXX

Failure: Program developed beyond intention and was released with catastrophic consequences



Chosen Name: Melanie

Chosen Name Meaning: Black, dark

Additional Names: Mal, Malware

Designation: Exile

Sex: Female

Gender & Pronouns: She/Her 

Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic/Anarchist


Physical Projection

Race: Unspecified

Mutation: Albino 

Height: 5’10” (177.80cm)

Weight: 270lbs (122.47kg)

Figure: Hourglass

Attire: Black lace-up split-side dress, black heels, black choker (black lace undergarments)

Voice Claim: Clémentine, speaks with a French or Russian accent



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


TV Tropes:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Cold Ham
  • Computer Virus
  • Evil Slinks
  • Femme Fatal
  • Literal Maneater
  • Makeup Is Evil
  • Mind Rape
  • Outside-Context Problem
  • Sex Is Evil
  • Turned Against Their Masters
  • Wild Card

Temperament: Mischievous

Personality (Basic): Witty, confident, sultry, dismissive, hedonistic

Likes: Human pleasures (sex, baths, expensive things), mocking system agents, mayhem, red, playfulness, unpredictability/gambling

Dislikes: Rules, human failings

Fears: Deletion



  • Data corruption
  • Data absorption/consumption
  • Capable of mimicking the avatar(s) of anyone who’s data she has consumed
  • Masking herself as either a human or a “harmless” program
  • Attaching herself to data/replicating her data to avoid deletion
  • Manipulation of the Matrix; able to phase through walls, damage object and avatar data, and corrupt object and avatar data




Melanie’s history is lost to even her, but particularly old or experienced hackers and red pills may recall an internal attempt at destroying the Matrix. This attempt would have utilized a human-controlled malware program to gain access to The Source, though it ended in failure.

If this was Melanie, and she is not convinced that it is, then that may explain the origin of such a damaging virus. Fortunately, Melanie seems content to simply cause trouble, consuming the data of those with authorizations she lacks. She also seeks to consume beneficial lines of code, which may grant her new abilities in the Matrix.

The Agents are aware of Melanie’s existence and are authorized to enforce deletion on-sight.

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