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Mont Leonis

Mont Leonis

Based on the character in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, this is an AU version of the character, to the point that the only thing canon is the name and the designs. Please consider that before messaging about the character.


Basic lore:

In a land far, far away, in a land called Ardra, lies a series of several kingdoms, all of them at odds with each other and held back by a series of alliances that are shaky at best - as every single year, conflict arises between these kingdoms over the most minute of things - over land concerns or even because a noble refused to marry another one and the trickle-down effect of keeping this suffocating affair forces everyone to take arms.

And one of those domains, heavily choked between several realms that wish to eradicate it, is Leonis. Undersized and proud land, with a rich history and a focus on military ruled by a warrior Oelde. King Oelde's future is secure with his heir;

Mont Leonis has become a regular in the father's army in the many skirmishes thanks to the training regiment given to him from birth to be the future Leonis deserves.

But despite their rich and almost obsessive culture of war, this petite kingdom has a card up its sleeve. A ring that can summon or be summoned to other worlds, let it be to retrieve knowledge, beckon powerful entities, or even recruit vassals to assist them in turning the tide. This ring has been in generations in the royal family. And in a surprising turn of events, Mont was the one to receive the fabled item.

After the king died, the court struggled to keep this small feudal country afloat, but they worked together and verified all options. It didn't take long but they were able to give Mont the confirmation - he was to be their king. With the ring around his finger, crowned in the same room his father ruled, covered in soot from war and sweat from fighting the enemies of his people, Mont Leonis the First - the Child King - was dubbed the true heir to a land that roars louder than a Lion.

His journey will be almost near impossible. But Leonis was built on near-impossible odds anyway. What's another one for a child destined to wear the gold on his brow?



Proper and kind - Mont is a stickler to rules until he has to break them. He doesn't carry the shame many his age carry he's not able to have a strong sense of morality due to how many lives are at stake with his actions. Nonetheless, some childish joy does peer out of his presence as he is not only a child, but he understands that there's nothing more frightening than a kid pretending to be an adult and acing that audition.

Despite being thirteen, the Leonis scion excels at being a royal better than most people could dream of. Then again, most people aren't groomed to be the successor to a warring state. And he knows it, keeping his pedigree away until needed - after all, one doesn't get to power without putting many people in their place, including family. And once you exiled a cousin or two for treason, you gain a certain degree of brutality that ill needs to be brandished in public.

He sees his ring as a tool to success and yet as a toy. You would corrupt yourself knowing you can summon many people to visit you at a moment's notice. Despite his lackluster magical training, Mont's genetics allow him to cast magic above his level of expertise. (Thank his mother for being one of the strongest black mages in the world.)

Hell, his entire DNA was planned from the start, Oelde ensured to use the right woman to breed the perfect blond child to carry out his will, drinking potions to aid his upbringing and even using magic to alter some of his biology. He's an in-vitro baby but with some rituals in the mix, all of it to satisfy the needs of a paranoid king.

Despite his cushy upbringing, Mont has garnished a reputation as a king who understands the struggles of the common soldier. Leonis lives and dies through its military, so the young king isn't oblivious to the plight of war. But he isn't so naive to think he's one of them. He covers himself in the best armor and pampers himself in the finest the world can offer because he can afford it. After all, a ruler is above a general - so why shouldn't he sleep enveloped in silk sheets? Distance is needed to ensure optimal results. He would improve the barracks and the people's homes - but he'd do it while riding a chocobo dressed in glitter and prestige.

After all, isn't royalty a product of nepotism and politics with the fling for the theatrics?

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