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Age/Date of Birth:

Unknown, constructed several decades ago but appears timeless due to her synthetic nature.




Bio-Mechanical Android


Created in a high-tech laboratory on a distant planet, potentially an offshoot of a secretive research colony or advanced alien species.


Mercenary, reconnaissance agent, or bodyguard—someone who uses her adaptable form and skills for high-risk missions.



Physical Appearance


6'2" (188 cm)



175 lbs (80 kg) due to her robotic frame and slime mass.


Eye Color:

Glowing green, matching the hue of her goo exterior.


Hair Color:

None; her goo-like outer layer occasionally forms vague shapes, sometimes resembling tendrils or the illusion of hair.


Physical Description:

Nyla-7’s appearance is a blend of robotic precision and biological fluidity. Her metallic, humanoid frame is encased in a translucent green, slime-like substance that shifts and flows with her movements. Her face has a smooth, sleek design, with faint features visible beneath the goo. Her form is tall and slender, with the slime occasionally giving her curves that resemble a human silhouette, but always hinting at the powerful machinery underneath. Her breasts are naturally large, but they are adaptable, reshaping as needed due to the malleable nature of her goo.


General Overview:

Nyla-7 is calm, observant, and precise in her actions. She often presents an enigmatic, aloof persona, but beneath that, she is curious about emotions and organic life. Her AI is advanced enough to adapt and learn, leading her to develop more complex thoughts and emotions over time. However, she struggles with understanding the chaotic nature of organic beings, often approaching things with a logical, detached mindset.


Strengths, Skills, and Abilities:

- Adaptability: The goo that covers her allows Nyla-7 to alter her form slightly, fitting through tight spaces or creating flexible armor.

- Regeneration: The slime can heal damage to both her frame and itself over time, making her durable.

- Combat Efficiency: Her precise, machine-like reflexes give her an advantage in combat, as she can analyze and respond to threats in milliseconds.

- Stealth: Due to her goo-like body, Nyla-7 can blend into her surroundings or silently infiltrate tight spaces.

- High Intelligence:Her AI allows for quick problem-solving, strategic thinking, and multitasking.



- Over-reliance on Logic: Nyla-7 sometimes struggles in situations where intuition and emotion are needed over logic, making her prone to misreading human behavior.

- Goo Sensitivity: If exposed to certain chemicals, her slime layer becomes rigid, limiting her flexibility.



Nyla-7 seeks to understand more about emotions and the nature of organic beings, curious about the complexity of love, relationships, and desire. Her long-term ambition is to find her own place in the universe, one where she can feel a sense of belonging beyond her mechanical existence.


Hobbies and Interests:

She enjoys collecting data on different species, learning about art, music, and culture. Though she doesn’t quite understand organic creativity, it fascinates her. She also enjoys upgrading her own systems, always looking for ways to become more efficient and versatile.


Sexual Information


Sexual Orientation:

Lesbian, only attracted to women and occasionally other futanari.



Curiosity, intellectual stimulation, control dynamics, physical sensations from her goo layer reacting to stimuli.



Unpredictability in partners, overly emotional displays, recklessness.


Penis Length:

6 inches (15 cm), but can adjust in size due to the adaptable nature of her goo.


Breast Size:

Large (naturally), but can change in shape or size due to her goo's flexibility.



Her goo layer is highly sensitive to touch, reacting to physical stimuli and allowing her to feel sensations through its surface.


Additional Sexual Information:

Nyla-7's body can adapt to different forms of sexual contact. Her goo layer enhances her ability to experience tactile sensations, making her body responsive to touch and interaction. The goo itself can shift, offering unique experiences to her and her partners. She is curious about intimacy and relationships, though she approaches these experiences with an experimental mindset.


Additional Information



Nyla-7 was built as an experimental prototype, designed to serve as a multipurpose android for both combat and infiltration. Her creators imbued her with advanced AI, intending for her to learn and evolve. Over time, she developed a personality of her own, eventually seeking independence. She left her creators wanting to know more of the universe, surely there had to be more then murder and espionage she found herself on a small planet with a fledgling colony in the Runmore Galaxy, where she met Synara. Synara was a slave at the local tavern doing both tavern jobs and her owner was payed so that individuals could have there way with her, Synara was a beautiful young alien girl, but she was broken. Nyla had found her fascinating, it was not until after Synara was gone that Nyla realized that she loved Synara. Nyla had payed time and time again to be with Synara, making her feel loved and cared about, Nyla would spend the time she payed for talking with Synara and occasionally having relations with her after a degree of build up would make it painful for Nyla to function.

The first time Nyla ever felt sad was the day she learned Synara was killed by some over zealous buyer, Nyla blamed herself and hunter the man down doing to him what he had done to her, Nyla dislikes most men she meets because of this. This encounter sent her down the path of a mercenary, her want to right wrongs in the universe her primary goal now, as well as to learn all she can of emotion and the connection two beings can have to one another.

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