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Private Roleplaying Characters

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  1. Valiana Sulur

    Middle child of Erasmus and second in command of the Daughters of Carnal Sin
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  2. Erina Sulur

    Oldest daughter of Erasmus and head of the Daughters of Carnal Sin
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  3. Erasmus Sulur

    Erasmus, Demon lord of lust and hedonism. Father to the daughters of carnal sins.
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  4. Raina

    Name : Raina St. Claire
    Age: 27
    Orientation: Straight (Questioning)
    Race: Nekomimi
    Raina works at an antique bookstore attached to a modest café. Naturally, she adores reading and can never get enough coffee or tea. Despite her reclusive tendencies due to her hobbies, Raina is a bright, warm young woman who treats her customer's gently and with kindness - certainly more than she's paid to do.

    At 27, Raina has never been in a serious relationship. Between work and her studies towards becoming an archivist, socializing has been put on the back burner. However, she's steadily become more and more interested in exploring this part of her life, including fantasies about mingling with women, or even men of a different species than her own.
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  5. Kayla

    Name: Kayla Irvings
    Age : 20
    Orientation: Bisexual (Phallic Lean)
    Race: Nekomimi

    Kayla is a quiet, nervous woman in her early twenties. While most of the images here reflect depict her as human, by default I play her as a catgirl/nekomimi. I'm open to playing her as a human, but only if I'm explicitly asked. 
    Kayla can speak, however she often displays an odd reluctance to do so, preferring to communicate via body language and facial expression. After enough time and patience, she may end up speaking more openly with those she trusts. She is sweet, sincere, and admittedly a touch naive and trusting of strangers.
    • Album created by burmecia
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  6. Autumn Crawford

    This is not the cannon name for this character, only to be used in roleplay references 
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  7. Tanesha Grey

    This is the the cannon name for this character. This is for roleplay references only
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  8. Rebecca Winters

    This is not the cannon name for this character, she is to reference characters in roleplays
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  9. Callum

    Callum is an aspiring painter who has fled an abusive past. If you're curious to learn more about him, let's build a scene together. (Under Construction - more to come shortly)
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  10. Hanami Sakurai

    Name: Sakurai Hanami (last name first)
    History: Raised happily surrounded by a loving family, Hanami has no particularly stimulating points in her history, unless you count all of the physically stimulating encounters she's had with all manners of genders, races, and even objects ever since she discovered how good it felt to be touched down there. She has lived a largely carefree life as the dearly beloved daughter of a lesser known daimyo. The nth child of many and hardly the brightest of them (though, strongest is up in the air), she lived a life free from the burden of responsibilities while still being able to benefit from her father's wealth and high status. In other words, she was allowed to do whatever she wanted growing up.
    Personality: Hanami is feudal Japan's version of the girl-next-door. A little ditzy, perhaps a bit precarious, clumsy just when the time is right, but always kind and there for her loved ones when they need her. She is definitely an individual that goes by her own wavelength, dances to her own tune. Therefore, regardless of the setting, it's never a matter of whether she's one of a kind or normal compared to everyone else, she is always who she is, and part of that is having quite the sexual appetite. Her manner of dress, even, is provocative precisely to elicit attraction and lust and is so open precisely so that her entire body can be easily accessed. In less fantastical settings, she wears aphrodisiacs created from various flowers as a sweet-smelling perfume that promises a fun time for both herself and any poor (or lucky) sap who ends up too close to her. In more fantastical settings, her backstory might include being blessed, possibly even having her desires subtly enhanced, by a deity or spirit of fertility.  It should be noted, though, that her nymphomania is not to the point that all suitors are welcome. Moreso, just that if she likes someone and thinks that she wants to do it with them, she has no further qualms. Her body is her temple and life is short like the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring. She enjoys the flower viewing while she can and lives with no regrets.
    Other Notes:
    Hanami is a very positive person. Usually, that positivity is nothing very strange. However, when pushed into certain extreme situations, such as non-con, it becomes eerily disturbing. Hanami does not want to be raped, usually. If she ever has rape fantasies, which I'm not saying is impossible, she will have no shame about it as she does most things. However, in the event of an actual and nonconsensual rape, should Hanami start to feel good while being raped, she no long cares about how everything started nor does she process the trauma of rape. The rape has become something she enjoys, so she will willingly participates in it without a single hint of doubt. Hanami specializes in archery and the use of daggers. She is expressly forbidden from swords and naginata as they are respected weapons of the samurai class and she has... Well... Disrespected them quite thoroughly across multiple attempts to teach her such weapons. Hanami can't help it. Even now, she will regularly use her daggers to ease any needs between her legs between love making sessions. At least with daggers they're no symbols of honor and prestige. In all of her iterations, unless specified in the rp itself, Hanami is infertile by default, whether it's biologically or because of weird god shenanigans where, instead of becoming pregnant, being bred "breeds" the land instead with greater prosperity. It is ironic, given her flower theme. However, it is also another reason why she bears no responsibilities despite her age and can so happily accept all kinds of suitors into her warm insides. The only consequences of sex in her life is pleasure, so Hanami sees no point in treating it with any greater gravity.
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  11. Upala Rex

    Name: Upala Rex
    History: The king of the precious. This dark beauty, Upala Rex, hails from a line of kings and conquerors, a pureblood pedigree of the highest caliber. Depending on the setting of the roleplay, she may even be a member of royalty herself. Whatever the case, her family has held wealth untold and the  power that comes with it for generations, and such fortunes of her line are not to end with her. Vicious and as both as cold and beautiful as the precious stones her family mines, Upala has been educated to reign supreme from a young age, and unlike those weaklings she sees as lessers unfit for their family lines, she thrived in such a rigorously demanding, fortuitous, and yet negligent upbringing. She did not want for affection because she found not only other methods of feeding any longing for affection but also learned that she preferred her affections in such a way: efficient, possibly forced, quite nearly brutal, almost always merely physical, and most certainly hedonistic.
    Personality: Cold, domineering. Either the heiress or already the leader of her family, it doesn't change that she is a born ruler. Those beneath her, even her own family, are insects. Common people? Maybe not even the dirt she trods on. Her entire life, she knew only to see the world in numerical values of worth, and she is in no need of enlightenment from a philosophy that is as common sense to her as it is to, say, for other people to know that they should drink water and eat food to survive. Even her affections are cold and stone-like. She watches, cares for, and uses as she wants those she values and desires. If you expect her to break into a soft and obedient lover, then prepare to be disappointed. Even in breaking, she is like a rock, and rocks do not get softer or malleable when they break nor can they be heated and reforged into a different shape; they merely shatter and then crumble in their entirety.
    Physical Attributes: Like the stone her name is derived from, Upala does not generate heat of her own, nor does she appear to need it. However, much like stone, she is also quick to absorb heat and retain it, her body warming up as her victim (or suppressor possibly) gets colder. Like the scales of dragonkin or snake folk, patches of precious opal, yet much durable than mere opal, can be found scattered across her body, as smooth and hard as real opal, a sharp contrast to her soft human skin. Though, whether skin or stone her body remains unbreakable. On the other hand, her hair, though it shimmers and reflects light like precious stones, is silken and soft, no different from the hair of any other woman of the highest class, except it bears the same durability as the rest of her body. When aroused, Upala's stone skin, eyes, and the mark in the center of her forehead glow in rainbow colors, anywhere between a soft light to a radiant burst depending on the preferences given in the roleplay.
    Other notes:
    Upala is intended for a fantasy or sci-fi setting, anywhere between low to high and modern to traditional, due to her physical characteristics of skin that isn't exactly normal. She is of durable make, incredibly resistant to attacks of myriad sorts, from physical to magical to even mental. She does not dodge, for it is beneath her. Instead, she remains fabulous even as her clothes are shredded to pieces about her in her indomitable march forwards. In regards to offensive potential, this would vary from setting to setting. At base, she is a proficient user of the elegant cane sword she carries with her, the slender weapon turning into a precise and deadly weapons in the hands of this woman with a brutish yet elegantly executed, take all attacks fighting style. In settings more fantastical, whether it be by magic or science, her powers are based on the manipulation and creation of gemstones, throwing them out for attacks and creating defensive bulwarks with them or possibly even summoning earth elementals and spirits. However, her true strengths lie in her abilities as an enhancer, a buffer who refines the powers stored within precious stones to upgrade items and the people she owns. If desired, Upala may be a futa. Just be aware that I am not super into futas so I don't rp them much and will probably need some convincing and persuading. Upala is available as either a top or a dominant bottom. Now, I say dominant instead of power bottom, like most people would, because she is very much the one giving commands even while being fucked out of her mind into the ground beneath her. Mind break. A genre that I very much find fascinating. Is Upala available for it? Obviously yes as the breaker, but how about as the breakee? ... Only in a psychologically heavy slow burn. We're talking upwards of even 75% roleplay to 25% smut. Honestly, my preferred pairing for Upala is a 50/50 rp to smut ratio two-way power couple that is quite possibly evil or at best questionably neutral. Though, I will also accept good boy golden retriever type suitors for her.
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  12. Ernesh

    Name: Ernesh Decebal
    The ruthless leader of a powerful and well supplied criminal organization, Ernesh is not one to cross lightly. Being the youngest in his family to take over as the group's leader after his father's questionable demise, he has proven himself to be more than capable for his position; quietly keeping notes on those aside from himself who are important for the organization's proper function (including their own "sly" plans), keeping their forces well enough off that they could do virtually whatever they pleased without much fear of interference from any sort of law enforcement group, and well beyond. Doing so well, one could almost fully expect the lifestyle of "taking whatever he wants" that he has grown into-- and has prompted him to even set out to do things on his own, and without too much fear after explicitly making use of his organization's resources to augment his own body to such a degree that anything less than a well coordinated strike from a fully armed military squad wouldn't alarm him all that much.
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  13. Metis

    Name: Metis
    A being of an infinitesimally small chance in a place that by no means should exist, merging technology with both divine and demonic energies-- that is what Metis is, and he is just as powerful as one would expect from such a combination. Taking after the rest of the demonic legions that call the chaotic and lawless place he resides within, Metis has risen to being a powerhouse of alarming proportions in his quest to take up the mantle cast aside by the first devil; as one would expect of one with such a lofty goal, scheming and crafting plans are things that he excels at quite nicely. And while more often than not they ultimately only end up benefiting him , he has repeatedly shown himself more than willing to craft plans that benefit both himself and another party... provided he sees benefit in keeping them as an ally, rather than merely using them as a stepping stone. Towards this end he has actively reached outside of the realm that his home resides, and has had a hand in orchestrating a number of situations that to this day entertain him with their current states-- be the dark plans successful, or even still ongoing due to the interference of some forces of "good". This isn't to say all of these ventures have been on the "benevolent" side, however, as a few have resulted in those who received his assistance fully squandering the resources he provided them and had to be punished accordingly. After all, if there is one thing that Metis cannot stand, it is the waste of his precious resources.
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  14. Luca

    Just some images I know they are AI generated, I don't have the spare money to commission a real artist at the moment, and I my self can't draw to save my life.
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  15. ~Hecate Poe The Hex Manic/ The Sex Manic Roleplaying Character~

    ~Hecate Poe The Hex Manic/ The Sex Manic, Roleplaying Character.~
    (~Check those links out for more sexy Heacte~   https://imgbox.com/g/3xhi3FIhmK
    https://imgbox.com/g/DBtyT6JU6F  )
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  16. ~Selene The Medium Roleplaying Character~

    ~Selene The Medium, A Character for roleplaying.~
    (~ Check this link for more sexy Selene  https://imgbox.com/g/87N8FMX87p  ~)
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  17. Angela, Faith's Servant

    Name: Angela, Faith's Servant
    History: Angela, servant of God, either once was or still is depending on where in her life the story unfolds. Left abandoned on the steps of an orphanage, she grew up to be a woman of the veil, putting her faith into God and dedicating her heart and soul to him as a nun of the church. However, though her destiny lay in devotion, it was to the wrong she devoted herself to. In her time at the church, she would be corrupted by men and her own body alike, for devil's blood ran through her veins, filling herself and those around her with sinful urges, and that was assuming that fate didn't simply drop her into the hands of men that needed no convincing to begin with. Through her fall to her base bodily desires, Angela comes to realize her true destiny, as a worshipper and spreader of the devil's salvations, the pleasures of the body, and she completes her metamorphosis from tempted to tempter.
    Personality: The defining traits of Angela throughout her life are obedience, loyalty, and unwavering faith, to the point of unhealthy dependance. Where her faith lies between god and the devil determines the rest of her personality, from innocent ignorance to manipulative selfishness.
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  18. Geo "Renzo" Larenzo

    A young Crow and son of the renowned  archeologist turned Crow, Dr. Bronn Larenzo. 
    Geo had big dreams of adventure as a child and looked up to his father as a hero of the ages, who he aspired to be just like when he grew up. His father's profession as a Crow lead him on several journeys to locate, excavate and study the coveted technology left behind centuries ago by The Visitors, which lead to a privileged life, yet not one without charity as the Doctor would often help the needy with the excessive rewards earned from parties willing to pay for recovered artifacts.
    Geo's dreams of a bright future were shattered when his father vanished without a trace one day. It was theorized that he was taken by pirates, yet there was no ransom or evidence. He was just... Gone, leaving Geo alone in the world. 
    Learning to fend for himself over the years, Geo eventually started to used an alias, Renzo, to hide from any interested parties and soon became a Crow like his father before him. 
    Renzo is, in many ways, the opposite of the hero he dreamed of being as a boy. He is arrogant and disinterested most of the time, finds himself at the bottom of a bottle on quiet nights and only has a regular gig because an old friend of his father's took pity on him. Still, he is a skilled thief, an expert Crow and a formidable fighter who won't hesitate to get into a scrap, often used as a... "Negotiator", if things go sour diplomatically. 
    He can be quiet, in many ways he can even be enigmatic. He, himself, isn't even sure what he is seeking and is practically just going through the motions of day-to-day existence.
    Despite how rough around the edges he can be, he still retains a soft spot for the poor and children. 
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  19. Sonia 'Rabbit' Ionescu

    desperate for cash she found her self heading into the zone. Her skill as a medic proved useful for an expedition to the center. She only made it to Pripyat before being captured and later "joining" Monolith. Known as Rabbit she serves the "monolith" with all conviction until the voices stopped and left her alone without a purpose.
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  20. Kusana Dragoon

    Kusana Dragoon:
    The dragoons are an ancient race of dragons with the ability to transform between human form and dragon form. However, they tend to look down on humans and all other races, hence why they usually stay in a humanoid dragon form. Powerful physically and magically, they were hunted to be used as combat slaves until the rest of them hid away in the forest and mountains. Being the proud race that they are, the dragoons would inbreed, not allowing anyone to taint their bloodlines.
    Kusana was that exception. Her mother mated with a human, producing her, the taboo of the village. As such, she was hated, abused, shunned, and isolated by everyone. At the age of 5, her eyes were branded with the mark of the dragoons, making it known as she was the first and only tainted blood in their village. She began to develop trust issues, growing stronger as a halfling, but being unable to transform. She stays as a hybrid of dragoon and human, unable to turn fully human or the humanoid dragon form. And if she tries to turn into a dragon, she loses all control, having temporary amnesia when she pulls out of it.
    In the end, Kusana ran away from her village after hunters took the rest of the people, just surviving out in the wild and relying on her animal instincts to live to the next day. 
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  21. Nerezza

    A young looking and cute mage, Nerezza is much more than she seems on the outside. Many mistake her to be an angel because of her kind and innocent nature, but she’s a demon in disguise. Nerezza’s speciality is spacial magic, able to travel between worlds and universes with ease. But she’s also known as a magical genius, having lived for thousands of years with nobody knowing her real age. She knows all sorts of different types of magics, able to cast anything with ease while looking like a 13 year old girl. The truth is that when she was 13 years old, she was part of a ritual that replaced her heart with that of a demon’s. Thus began her journey of being consumed by darkness into a demoness that looked like a goddess. 
    ‘Queen’ Nerezza: 
    In light of her tragic change from a normal girl into a ritual ceremony that changed her forever, Nerezza developed split personality. Nicknamed Queen, this side of Nerezza is rather sadistic, though if she meets the right person, she can be submissive. She’s the stronger side of Nerezza, enjoying to show off her power, magic abilities, and corrupt people with her darkness. She also has the ability to create demons, using it to turn the world into a game— a war against her and the rest of the world all for her own amusement. In the end, Nerezza cannot control Queen despite how well they get along. 
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  22. Kuran Viper

    Mercenary Kuran:
    Having a complicated childhood of being kidnapped at the age of four, thrown into the American orphanage system, gaining Alexithymia because of the trauma, and stealing to survive, Kuran is a complex character who eventually finds stability in her adoptive Russian father. She speaks 3 languages: Japanese, English, and Russian, trained since she was adopted into a child soldier. Not only does she have skills with all sort of weaponry, hand to hand combat, infiltration knowledge, espionage skills, but she’s also skilled with electronics. 
    For the most part, she keeps to herself, not talking much and enjoying sweets as she tries her best to go along, completing missions and going home at the end of the day to play some video games. But there’s a lot more to the emotionless mask she has on. 
    Bandit Kuran:
    A young elven female who has a complicated history of her family being executed and she being on the run for many years. Kuran steals to survive, going about taking coins, items, and even weapons to complete her contracts as she becomes a hoarder. Having nothing of her own to love and care for, she resorted to stealing what other people love in order to find a way to discover what it meant to love something. Older and more successful, she’s becoming skilled with hand to hand combat and working with a bow and arrow, practically never missing her targets. More importantly is that she’s learning more about the world bit by bit, including about her own body and self. 
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  23. Shizuoka Crimson

    Magic Shizuoka:
    A small looking half human, half demon, Shizuoka is a mage whose goal is to improve her magic abilities for one purpose: to kill her mother, Nerezza, known to be the creator of magic herself. Shizuoka has a strong attitude, refusing to let anyone stand in her way although she doesn’t mind accepting help. She’s arrogant and looks down on people, using her magic abilities to burn people in her way and always getting her way. And she has the skills to back it up, being a magical genius that has mastered many different types of magic and is still going. 
    Dr. Shizuoka 
    A young looking female, Shizuoka was born into a rich family of doctors and pharmaceutical owners. She’s always been the pride of her family, being known as a medical genius and graduating Harvard at the top of her class at the age of 16. She’s now a young doctor working towards the cure for cancer, although arrogant and can back up her claims with her skills. For the most part, she’s calm and collected, being rather kind despite the way she scolds people out of worry. She is rather spoiled too, having only the best of the best things in her life, and expecting things to always go her way or the highway. However, if you insult her, her skills, or someone she cares about, she won’t hesitate to explode on you. 
    • Album created by Reyna
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  24. Vex Blackthorne (Alternative appearance)

    Simply enough this is an alternative appearance for Vex Blackthorne one of my main wolf characters whos typically I black wolf... however I found this guy and just..... mmmm yeah.... wish he existed back when I created good ol Vex
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  25. Gowther

    name: Gother
    Age:  32

    Background : reoccuring slave - kidnapped and enslaved at a young age then threw the years grew to have more violent tendencies till eventally no one wanted to buy them anymore. though sexually abused at times gother was originally a working slave rather then a sexual one. they possess sexual and support magic.

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