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A genius full of energy

Name: Eria Aoi

Background: Unfortunately, Eria does not know much about herself due to having amnesia. The only things she does know are that she got washed ashore, and woke up in a doctor's care stationed at a nearby fort. But despite her memory loss, it seems like she did retain her skills. Taking odd jobs here and there, it turned out she can cook, use tools quite well, and had a wide field of knowledge that has a knack for coming in handy.

Personality: At the core of her being, Eria is an eccentric genius with a heart for her fellow people. Those who know her think of her as a quirky girl with a lot of energy and motivation. But when work is not her main priority, Eria simply wants to relax in place to call home and be a lazy bum for a few hours.
Romance on the other hand, while on her mind, is not something she thinks about often. Still. She does muse about the future on occasion, both her

Special powers

Living Library: For a reason Eria does not remember, she has access to a vast repository of literary works, audio records, videos, and other forms of data. As if there was a ridiculously big and complex library right in her head. But she doesn't actively remember all of it at once, and usually only accesses small parts of it. Her favorite sections are about chemistry, biology, and the field of engineering.

Beginner Magic: Thanks to meticulous studies, Eria has learned how to use a few basic magic spells. A spell to produce a flame, a breeze of wind, create water, loosen earth, and telekinesis. All of them are however not useful for combat. The flame, as an example, is just about as big as an apple and can not be thrown further than one meter, and her telekinesis can only lift things she herself could lift with one arm. Great for grabbing tools at a distance though.

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Eria Aoi

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