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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2018 in Posts

  1. “Good girl,” the fake Lisa purred. She leaned over and placed a hand on the back of Lisa’s head. She moved in and began to kiss Lisa, and wasted no time in pushing her tongue in Lisa’s mouth. The passionate kiss lasted for what seemed to be an eternity before the bot pulled away. “I hope we get to train again soon.” And with that she left. After she was gone, Lisa was forced to wait a couple minutes before the next bot was brought in, and the next phase of her training could start. Slowly, a large male bot was brought in, in the shadows. He walked slowly, confidently until she could see him. Dom towered over her on her knees. He licked h
    1 point
  2. "Yes.... Yes... I will..." Lisa answered panting, her heavy breath moving her breasts, which in turn tugged the rope against her ultra sensitive pussy. Every breath she took send another little wave of Lust through her body. She licked her lips, knew what was expected from her to say. And this time she wasn't so sure anymore if she didn't agree, it seemed easy, and she couldn't deny it aroused her. "I live to serve, my body belongs to my masters. If am a good slut they will reward me with pain and pleasure. If I fail the they will ignore me like useless trash. Pain is pleasure, pleasure is pain." She arched her back, exposing her
    1 point
  3. The Lisa bot kept giving Lisa attention until the girl came. She played with Lisa’s breasts, kissed down the back of her neck. One of the tentacles came up from under Lisa and began to rub her clit while the others fucked her cunt. The speech from before started to play again, but very quietly, so Lisa would be unable to tell if it was actually being played or if it was just inside her head. After she came, the tentacles removed themselves from her pussy, and floor under her closed up again. The Lisa helped Lisa lower herself down onto her knees and then walked around Lisa and clapped her hands together. ”Very good, you might be the
    1 point
  4. Slowly the hallucinations blended in with the real world. On the monitor Lisa could see herself, bound and trapped in a metallic room. It was strange, the longer she kept on watching the more sure she was that this wasn't a movie, that her almost forgotten dreams haven't been dreams. The things on the screen, those were the real world, her real life. Her purpose. She felt light headed, as if she was passing out. When she came through again she was in the room, felt the ropes cutting into her skin. The metallic tentacles drilling into her. Her cunt dripping wet. She couldn't answer to her own question, all she could do was to
    1 point
  5. "Y-yes daddy! Yes daddy!!" She screamed out, startled by the sudden bang against the cage, the yanking of her chain caused even greater pain in her shoulders and neck. "Ow! Ow!! Daddy it hurts!" As her father immediately calmed down and leaned down to her eye level, he could hear her sobbing louder as she stared him in the eyes. After the sudden burst of anger, she was confused by how gentle he was out of nowhere, yet it somehow helped her to relax slightly. At least for a brief moment. His harsh grip on her chain relaxed, allowing her to return to a slightly more comfortable position. Perhaps it was her own naivete, but something about seein
    1 point
  6. The Lisa bot clapped her hands together once the gag was in, as she seemed ready to bounce up and down on the spot. "Aw, look at you, all tied up like a present waiting to be opened. Any master would be proud to see their slave bound up like that, they would be so pleased to see a slave who knew her place in the world. Now that we're done with that, it's time to move onto your reward." As she said that, she moved behind Lisa. Her hands reached up to cup Lisa's breasts, she started to lightly squeeze them, while the floor under Lisa's feet shifted slightly. A small mass of electronic tentacles started to snake their way up, smaller than m
    1 point
  7. I've been pretty out of the loop when it comes to video games outside of Nintendo since I haven't exactly had the money to go around recently. I could sell some old games, but my brother is a hoarder and refuses to part with any >.< That's a difficult question, there are so many cute things out there! If I had to choose off the top of my head though, I would say it'd have to be Lucas the Spider
    1 point
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