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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2018 in Posts

  1. Location: Along with Ageon River, North of Rosayia Forest. [[Moved to Side Story: Loving Confessions.]] Location: Outside Daedrin's home, Upper Selil. Daedrin nodded at Izanagi’s request before leading Daegrin down the path towards the gates. He glanced over at his companion and said, “Please close the stable door behind us.” He then turned back around, trusting the man to do as he was asked. He approached the gate, letting go of Daegrin’s reigns causing the animal to remain still. Daedrin unlocked the padlock on the gate before swinging it open. He returned to his mount and lead him through before waiting for Izanagi to exit
    1 point
  2. Oh he's certainly going to be cruel alright. But hmm... With his next host, Xenoth was actually sealed within a crystal vase. Could it be that Natia is the one that put him in there? The next host is a servant boy of a Lord who... possibly, took over Xenoth's old estates. Or rather, his ancestors did and passed it down until the point where Xenoth escapes. That would tie in absolutely fantastically with the other RP I am doing with Kal, with the new host.
    1 point
  3. Name: Forest Troll. Region: Can often be found within deep forests (duh). Diet: They eat damn near anything that fits in their mouths, both meat and fruits. Description: An adult is usually about 5 meters tall. They live most of their life alone, meeting only on mating seasons, very territorial, they are capable of using tree trunks as clubs and skin of dead animals as clothing, confrontation is not recommended mainly because of their brute strenght. They are also known for being formidable foes that will hardly give up on a fight, some adventurers have reported trolls that kept on fighting even after losing an arm. When extrem
    1 point
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