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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2019 in Posts

  1. If she was going crazy before, Natia was beyond gone now. Every thought in her brain was fading, it was like she was becoming stupider with every pound of Rowan's mighty cock. With his hands moving from digging their claws into her hips to forcing her shoulders down to the ground, Natia truly felt powerless. Even if she wanted to stop, she had no control over her own body. One could even argue that she was being raped at this point. Yet she wouldn't have it any other way. With the force he hit her with, the air from her lungs was knocked out again and again every time she'd managed to catch her breath. Before long, her tongue was hanging out
    1 point
  2. Location: The Wretched Rat Tavern, Delwore. Perhaps it was a hidden power, or perhaps she was just that lucky, or perhaps everyone just saw an easy target. Whatever the case, whenever she entered a room Luna typically found it filled with people just as happy as she was! Okay, maybe not everyone's mood was lightened up, but she typically found plenty of friendly faces! Even this quiet, depressing tavern seemed to brighten up with her arrival! Not that she could help it of course. Luna just found happiness to be a better mindset! In her experience it only made everyone's day nicer. Luck? Her long ears perked straight up! Those behind
    1 point
  3. It took a few moments for Natia’s demand to sink into his lust-addled brain and he couldn’t help but to smirk, loving the fact that she was so willing to concede to being his mate. A part of him did hope that she would be able to mother his children, but he wouldn’t be disappointed if she couldn’t. He would love her all the same. Her commands, and demands for him to fuck her harder and faster were ones that he could not resist. The feeling of her pussy gripping around his cock was driving him wild with mating lust, and he wanted nothing more than to just keep going and ploughing her until she lost consciousness. His grip on her hips tightened
    1 point
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