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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2019 in Posts

  1. (Starting to run low on good images of the characters I picked for the girls. Gonna try to find images that at least kinda match what's going on, you'll have to use it as reference and come up with the image with the appropriate characters. Will prioritize character images but just saying that now.) (Additional note: This is going to be a shorter chapter just to make sure I get something out.) Jack went in to school the following day. He didn't care if they got sent home, he didn't care if he got suspended, he was going to beat the ever-loving shit out of those four. He'd seen it with his own eyes, the condoms were still gone that m
    1 point
  2. Jack couldn't believe what was going on with his life right now. Was this all in his head? Were the nerds actually...? He started getting ready for school and saw the cracked drawer again. He scowled and opened it, checking his box of condoms. Weren't... weren't there more in there? He'd never felt the need to keep count before but he could have sworn that there were a couple more. Two? Four? He wasn't certain. He wasn't sure if it was any but the number seemed wrong. Was he paranoid? Jackie had told them to steal some from him and two of them claimed to have come by the house... no, that couldn't be right. But he had proof... did he? He actu
    1 point
  3. (So I'm gonna be using images as references generally for this story. They might not fit perfectly but just try to imagine the incongruant details fit the written description instead.) Jack was dumbfounded. There was no way that picture was real, right? He'd heard someone talking about those new programs that could take someone's face and put it on someone else and make fake porn of them. This definitely had to be that - there was no way his mom would have fucked any of those nerds, let alone all of them - but... how did it come from her number? Had they stolen her phone last night? Or hacked it? Or... she was naked under that apron the
    1 point
  4. What becomes of mortals when they die? It's a simple enough question but the answer itself is quite complex. You see I have been obsessed, sort of, with death since I was six years old. I guess you could say it was the first “real” event in my life. I had walked I'm to my family home after school and had found my father had hanged himself from the foyer balcony. It had left a deep impression on my still developing psyche. Fast forward twenty years later and I am still searching for an answer to some unknown questions. As morbid curiosity I joined a paranormal investigator club on my college campus. There were only a few of us in the clu
    1 point
  5. I woke to the smell of Drakkar Noir, Damien's cologne. My eyes fluttered open to see him leaning over me. "Hey, you okay? I heard a scream and came running to find you sprawled on the floor." A blush creeps across my cheeks at the proximity between us. "I- I'm fine, thanks Damien." He moves back so I can sit up and I realize I'm only in my nightie. My cheeks grow and even darker red as I see his eyes trail over my breasts. I clear my throat and he looks back up at me, a blush on his own cheeks. "So uh…" he looked away for a moment. "Amber and Alex already started investigating the lower floor. We are left with up here… Hey you okay?" He glanc
    1 point
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