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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2019 in Posts

  1. @Akira A goofy grin spread across Emi's face. One hand moved up to rub at the back of her head, eyes finally snapping up towards the boy's face. Hey! She couldn't help it! This was one lonely bunny! Could one really fault her for staring a bit longer than usual? No. The answer was no. It was totally no. Unfortunately Isaac was on to her little plot! Now she had a choice to make. Either give up her deepest sexual fantasies, which was way too embarrassing to admit, or go for a dare. If she goes for a dare then clearly it would be to also strip naked! And if she were to deny that? Well she'd lose and he'd probably choose that anyways.
    1 point
  2. Drats! That could've been fun. The bunny's ears drooped down to the sides of her head for a moment. Oh well. Life goes on! That meant he probably could touch her! But, well, this just wasn't his sort of thing. That crossed a few questions off her list. On the contrary his was pretty loaded! But she was going to answer truthfully. Another note was quickly written down. 'Yes.' She paused. There wasn't really any reason to ask him the same. It was obvious. Sex was the obvious conclusion to this game. Again, it was a matter at this point of who would outlast who! Which of them would fold and start it up? So after a few moments she
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  3. Just like before, Emi put up quite the show, but this time, for even longer and with way more intensity. The way she moved, both her hand and the rest of her body, the many lewd noises that escaped both her lower and upper lips... all of that just made a hell of a package. Isaac himself had to focus and force himself to not begin masturbating again. He had to hold himself back. After all, he had the funny feeling he would need all his strenght and stamina soon enough. Just like all good things must come to an end, Emi was enventually done and the game had to go on. Emi's question was, well... a bit surprising to say the least. "Uhm... no
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  4. A spirit? Neat. So he talks to spirits. Emi slowly glanced around the room. Wait. Was he in here now? It only brought more lewd thoughts to her. Perhaps he could join in! Wait could they even touch a spirit? Now she had quite a few questions to ask! Unfortunately Isaac went on the offensive. Crud. I'm going to lose at this rate! Even so she would comply. With a slow nod she opened her legs once more. The hand on her breast started to grope and squeeze with more vigor as she finally now noticed it was there. Her other hand returned to her slit, rubbing two fingers in little circles against her squishy mound. Wet noises filled th
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  5. Finally! A question that was easy to answer! And probably the first one that didn't involve sex in anyway shape or form. She was clearly trying to step down from the whole thing. That likely meant she was at her limit and trying to hold back her sexual urges. That was something Isaac simply had to take advantage of, but for now, he had some explaining to do. "That was by best friend and partner, Yoshitzune. He is a Yokai spirit to whom I would trust my life, if necessary" Now for her dare. He had to think on something that would push her to the absolute limit, and he knew just the thing. "I dare you to masturbate until you are about to
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  6. The little rabbit's eyes were glued to Isaac's hand while it drifted downwards. He started to masturbate for her, just as she'd dared him to do, but at this point it wasn't really surprising at all. They were both clearly horny. While she observed Emi didn't even notice the hand on her breast shifting around, softly groping and rubbing against the slightly squishy region. Her other hand drifted down, fingers settling upon her left thigh. Fuck. This is tough. At least the truths should help calm us down. At least, a little bit. Heck at this point I wouldn't even disagree to a good romp. I bet it'd feel pretty great. Hurt a bit at first bu
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  7. Emi sure put quite the show there. She even went as far as surpassing the 1 minute limit, and clearly was showing herself off to Isaac. Which obviously got his attention. Needless to say, he was almost hypnotised by that scene and his penis got as hard as it could possibly get after seeing that. Keeping lewd thoughts out of his mind was absolutely impossible now. Emi's new dare wasn't really surprising considering how far both have gone and at that point Isaac couldn't really complain much. He did as he was asked. He positioned himself better and more confortably on the couch, completely exposing his rock hard dick. With his right hand,
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  8. Emi could feel Isaac's eyes upon her body. Sure, her chest was disappointing to most, but her rump was nicely rounded for her size! It certainly wasn't big either, but it had a nice shape. And her thighs? Well she had a very strong lower body. They were a little fuller than normal. Her hips were just a little wider than her shoulders as well, giving her a slightly curvy shape overall despite her petite stature. Very basic huh? It seems like a nice one though. Very romantic. I like. Well Isaac's dare was one she should have expected. Unfortunately he'd chosen his words just a bit more carefully than she had. It was a very dangerous o
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  9. Finally, he was also able to get her naked. Not being the only nude person in the house sure made him feel a lot more confortable. Needless to say, as Emi stripped herself out of her clothes, Isaac took the opportunity to have a good look on her body. It is very unfortunate that the bunny girl's breasts were in fact very small since, like pretty much any other man, big breasts were a very desired thing to see. Still, he instead focused on her very well defined ass and tighs, which were also well desired among most men. Her nether region was also on full display, causing the detective to lock his vision the for a long as he could. Soon,
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  10. Heck. Right again. I think all this friskiness is getting to me. Oh well. Least things can cool down in a moment. His dare was somewhat expected. She could already see where he was going with it. He'd stay naked and, thus, so would she. Not that she terribly minded. No, especially not when she was already so flustered. So with a shrug she stood up. The first to go was her tank top. Fingers slid underneath the hem, pulling it up and off her body before it was tossed aside. As to be expected her chest was almost completely flat. However she did have slightly budding breasts, hints of fat evident around the soft pink areola of her nipp
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  11. As he read the next note, Isaac already saw the opportunity to, hopefully, frustrate her as much as she has been doing to him for the last couple of minutes. Using his logic and argumentation skills. "Well, you includded 'what' and 'why' there. Effectively making two questions instead of one. Therefore, I will only answer the first question" again, that smug attitude was back "I... actually don't know for certain if I am being honest... I guess maybe a nurse/patient roleplay...? I never really thought about it..." he replied with a shrug. Isaac never really had stopped to really think about that particular thing, mostly for lack of... experie
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  12. Oh! Perfect! Emi nodded slowly, staring at her notepad. Right. A good truth. Through all this frisky dare slinging she'd forgotten what sorts of things she'd wanted to ask. But he'd asked her some very personal things. She might as well do the same, right? 'What is your deepest sexual fantasy and why? Also I will try a dare.' At this point he was naked and Emi was, well, getting quite warm beneath her clothes. Heck he'd already rubbed her off for a minute! And honestly she hadn't even worried about getting naked since the beginning of their little game. Sure, circumstances were different, but she'd been naked around people befo
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  13. Finally, Isaac saw a chance to put a stop to that madness while also retaining most of his pride. Not specifing if he wanted truth or dare after making his question to Emi turned out to be a happy accident. "Well, actually..." he began while rubbing the back of his head "...I was planning on going for truth next. You know, all these dares one after the other are getting... annoying"
    1 point
  14. What? Now Isaac approached her! And for a few moments she was utterly confused. How could he interpret it any other way? She wasn't specific enough?! No, she thought she'd been quite specific! Heck she'd even specified not finishing just so he didn't end up getting her dirty! Suddenly her arms and legs were frozen. The poor bunny's eyes widened in horror, ears drooping back against her head. Her breathing picked up, quick and frantic while she found herself bound in place. The same strings had kept her from her shifting before. She was effectively trapped and, unfortunately, it was one of her bigger fears. However Emi wouldn't
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  15. Ok, no. Hell. No. Isaac has enough self respect to know when a girl is trying to humiliate him. As if being the only one naked, wasn't bad enough, she was ckearly enjoying herself while submitting to all that, which made him even more annoyed and frustrated. That said, Isaac once again found a chance to prove just how well he could use his brain. She didn't say 'masturbate yourself', so... "Trying to humiliate me huh? Well, you should have been more specific" he replied with a grin before getting up and quickly placing one of his hands inside her pants and over her genital area while using the other hand to spawn strings, that immediatly
    1 point
  16. Okay. I admit. That was pretty clever. As Isaac's little robot dance came to an end Emi gave the boy a soft round of applause! She had to admit that she would not have thought of that. Next time she'd have to be a little more specific. He was too clever to give too much leeway to. His question wasn't too bad. In fact they were pretty obvious. A simple one for her to answer. While she wrote out her note she also tried to consider what sort of dare to give him. It has to be something more difficult. More embarrassing. I mean, that might work, but it'd be pretty lewd. Well, if it works it works, right? Yeah. I doubt he'll do that.
    1 point
  17. A dance eh? She probably thought she was being smart in finding a way to force him to get up, but he was smarter than she tought. "Whatever type of dance? Ok then" again with his confident and smugh attitude, he began to do a robot kind of dance while moving only his arms and and torso. After a minute had passed, he stopped. Now for another truth. He figured it would be best to keep his approach the same "I want you to tell me where are your most sensitive and arousing spots. Like... where do you most like to be touched?" that was sure to make her even more unconfortable. Her reaction while writting about it was something he really wante
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  18. Well. Crud. How did I not see that coming? Perhaps she went a little too hard out the gate. Now there was little she could do to get Isaac to go for truths! And daring him to do them seemed like cheating. She wouldn't stoop so low. Still, she had to dissuade him from going the dare route so easily! On the other hand she could just have fun with it. Eh, why not both? With a slow nod she wrote out another note. Might as well also prepare for his round of questions! It'd make things go a little more smoothly in her mind. 'I dare you to do a dance. At least for a minute. Whatever type of dance you'd like. Also to make things easier: I c
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  19. As much as Emi tried to hide, Isaac could see how flustered she was. He clearly made her unfortable, so he at least he got that, but she was playing hard to get, which was more annoying and frustrating than anything else. Her fantasies, though... damn... for such a young looking girl she sure was slutty. He avoided thinking too much about it so he wouldn't have to deal with... well... hidding a boner. As for her question... well, that was pretty obvious. "Dare" he replied with a simple shrug. What the hell else could she ask of him?! He was already naked for fuck's sake!
    1 point
  20. Location: Emi's apartment (714) 9:52 am. That damn girl. She clearly was avoinding the dare part because she knew he would dare her to get naked as well. In that case all he had to was to come up with a 'truth' she wouldn't want to answer or at least something that would be very awkward for her to tell. There was one thing keeping him from coming up with something, though... "Would mind stop staring? My eyes are up here you know?" he said while pointing at his eyes. In a few moments, he had decided on what to ask her "I want you to tell me about your deepest sexual fantasies" once again, the smug grin was there. She would surely fee
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  21. Location: Emi's apartment (714). 9:49 AM. Wait what? Once more those brilliant blue orbs widened in surprise! Immediately Emi's mind went blank, no longer required to think up a good question to ask. There was hardly any hesitation before the boy started to strip. But Emi didn't shy away. No, this wasn't the first person she'd seen naked. Of course it was a much nicer circumstance, but it was also different. Instead of torture she was enjoying a game and some friendship building with a boy close to her age. Suffice it to say her reaction was a bit different. Emi's face went red, but she allowed her curious gaze to wander. From
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  22. Location: Emi's apartment.(714) 9:47 am. Well... that surely escalated quickly. Needless to say, he once again go red as a tomato, only to look at her face and see that she very serious about it. Playing the game naked? Came on! To be fair, he did tell her to do her worst, but still... it doesn't help that he began the game acting all confident too and by the look on her face, she clearly wasn't expecting him to comply, which means that actually accepting would lead to a very funny reaction from her. Not only that, his pride was also at stake here. He looked down for a moment to calm himself down and consider his options. Before long, hi
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  23. Location: Emi's apartment (714). 9:45 AM. Dare? A bold start. Especially with that smug grin! Emi's grin was sly. He did say do her worse, right? She might as well take full advantage of that. And, well, she figured it might break the ice a little regardless. So she wrote down a note and held it up. 'I dare you to play the rest of the game naked.' He did say worse. And he is pretty handsome. Win win for me. Though I doubt he'll actually do it. Gotta think of a good question.
    1 point
  24. Location: Emi's apartment (714) 9:43 am. Truth or dare eh? It's a simple enough game and it sure could be a lot of fun. Not to mention things would probably go a lot more straight forward now. He found no reason to disagree. Emi also went ahead and began the game. His first thought was to go for 'truth', but he was still feeling a bit bad for the 'boobs' thing, so... "Alright, I choose dare. Do your worse!" he replied in aplayful tone and with a smug grin on hid face. He was also curious to see how far she would go.
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  25. Location: Emi's apartment (714). 9:41 AM. Emi nodded her head slowly. A hand moved over, gently patting Isaac on the leg. He sure did get serious for a moment there. But right now wasn't the time to get worked up over such things. They would get what was coming to them. Someday. Now it was her turn to choose the game. Never have I ever was pretty fun. It was a little better for learning about each other too! But truth or dare did allow more direct answers. It also allowed miniature prizes! Well, sort of. That depended upon what one dared the other. She had some rules that would help too, as Isaac would learn with her next note.
    1 point
  26. Location: Emi's apartment (714). 9:39 am. Emi's secret didn't really turned out to be was the detective was expecting. Still, it sure was a hell of a secret. Being pretty unkillable? That sounds very handy, but in the way she explained. She clearly suffered because of that ability. It also shead a bit more light on she is able to do the things that she does. It would be reasonable to believe that would often get herself hurt ehile stealing stuff, but with that power? It shouldn't be a problem. Still, Isaac felt even more sorry for Emi and got even angrier at The Syndicate. They will pay for treating a human person like a tool. "I am sorr
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  27. Location: Emi's apartment (714). 9:37 AM. A secret? One hand lifted up, rubbing at her chin while eyes focused towards the couch between them, brows furrowed slightly in thought. In all reality she probably would have rather done something else. Heck, she would've removed her shirt before something like this! But then there wasn't much to show off in doing that either. I'm already trusting him a lot. Okay. Fine. I mean it's technically something I've not told others, right? And it won't really hurt to divulge either. Emi nodded once, as if reassuring herself of her decision. Another note was written out before she held it
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  28. Location: Emi's apartment (714) 9:35 am. After reading Emi's newest note, it finally made sense. She meant that in the litteral sense of the word! And she was right! Since she is mute, speaking to someone was in fact, something she must have never done. But at least Isaac learned something about her: she was born mute, instead of losing her voice in an accident or something like that. "Ohhhh... now I get what you meant. Yeah, when it comes to literally talking to someone, then I guess it makes sense, but you have to admit that I do have a point about the interpretation." Much to the detective's surprise, she agreed and put down her
    1 point
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