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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2020 in Posts

  1. Rowan was pleased when instead of fighting back against him, he felt her tongue surrendering to him. Playing along, but never trying to push back against him, allowing him to completely dominate the kiss. He absolutely loved every moment of her submission. It made him ache for her even more, and his cock throbbed even harder than before. He needed to bury his cock inside of her, and soon, before he went insane. Her clothes and submissive nature were driving him wild and it was only through sheer force of will that he didn’t just rip those clothes from her beautiful body before he fucked her senseless against every surface of the bedroom. He p
    1 point
  2. Rose flinched again when Anhara spoke, unable to stop a small hiccup from escaping her as the tears continued to fall against her will. She didn’t want to show such weakness towards the other girl, and yet her body was betraying her. She wanted to curl up even further, but the body above her was far too close for comfort prevented her from doing so. She felt frozen, unable to decide what to do or say. She was so scared of angering the other girl and causing her to lash out because it seemed that the smallest of things set her off. Rose had never felt this vulnerable or scared in her life, and inside she was praying non-stop to God, praying th
    1 point
  3. "A job? You would really make such an arrangement for me?" Sophia clasped her hands over her chest as if in surprise. "Oh, thank you so much, sir! I really need one right now so that would be a great help." Sophia was no stranger to using her charm in order to get what she wanted from people, but she had never pushed them to this extent. Still, she had these men wrapped around her fingers. It was quite adorable the extent they were willing to go to please her. A precious smile grew across her lips as she looked up at the owner of the hotel. "Even if it isn't necessary I just wouldn't feel right not paying you back for such kindness. No man's
    1 point
  4. 1: Great answer. 2: Pool, but only because there's no sand. Open windows or AC for car rides?
    1 point
  5. Location: Sapphire Mantle Hotel and Spa (Luxury Hotel); Early morning Kaylaen almost fell off of the bed in surprise when she turned her head and looked at him, winking. It became very obvious that she was playing with the officers. She had turned from the really shy, too-scared-of-the-police to the same seductress from the night before. It was as if some switch had been flipped and she had turned into a completely different person. Not that he minded, in fact, he found it pretty hot and it was rather entertaining to see her wrap these older men and neatly place them into the palm of her hand. He watched in amazement as she turned back a
    1 point
  6. Natia's heart skipped the moment Rowan placed his other hand on her hip. He was taking control already and that was simultaneously exciting and, strangely enough, a little scary. Rowan was quite savage the way he dominated her out in the woods. And now she had tempted him more than ever before. It was no secret that she'd be met with far more than the first time. Yet she'd been lusting again for that same violent beast ever since that fateful night. With his trousers rubbing against her covered ass, she could feel his erect cock throbbing against her. It was far harder than before and made her whole body temperature rise like a fever. While t
    1 point
  7. Anhara was practically bursting with adoration as poor Rose squirmed and contorted, hiding away in vile disgust. The despair running through the sweet girl's bones and seizing control of her innocent little heart... And those tears! Finally, she'd managed to coax them from her beautiful sapphire eyes! So pitiful, so pathetic, so enticing. "Look at you, you're so scared... Could it be that you feel guilty? No, no... I don't believe you do. I think in your pretty little head you think you're innocent. You don't think you deserve punishment. I can see it in your eyes. You just don't understand..." She continued to speak in her hushed voice. "But
    1 point
  8. Rowan was broken out of his reverie when Natia suddenly twirled around, breaking their physical contact. He blinked his golden eyes as he watched her move around, showing off the sexy outfit from all angles. He swallowed, finding that his mouth was suddenly very dry. He couldn’t believe how different she looked. Like an innocent little seductress, and he felt honoured to be able to see this. He made no resistance when she took his hand and spun herself back into his arms, pressing her arse against the bulge in his trousers. He shuddered at the sensation, feeling the rough cloth of his trousers being rubbed against him. He shuddered again at h
    1 point
  9. “‘Kay.” Rose almost breathlessly said when Anhara told her that while she was polite, she had still made a demand. Her body was still tense, expecting some kind of retribution from the unpredictable girl. She just wished the ground would just swallow her hole, and trap her there. Anything to get away from Anhara. She flinched a little when Anhara asked how she should be punished. Her breath caught in her throat as fear clawed at her. Her eyes went wide when the dildo was moved closer to her, and she cringed back, scooting back into the bed in her attempts to get away from it. Just having that thing near her, especially with what Anhara had ju
    1 point
  10. Rope, shibari is just aestheticaly pleasing to see even if it needs more work put in (though of course I don't mind using it in conjunction with metal supports or spreader bars). Pool sex or beach sex.
    1 point
  11. Location: Thorndown University Campus Brighton did his best to stifle a look of utter disgust at the mental image of plates that held day old food on them. What he couldn't suppress was the shudder that went down his body. Whereas the lawyer was a bachelor, Brighton wanted things to be clean when it came to the sink area of his apartment. He had a few distinct memories of living with a few roommates that had less than adequate manners in that department. He quickly cleared his throat as he straightened up. Looking down at his button-up shirt, he gently brushed any crumbs that fell from his muffin. The same biscuit had not been touched s
    1 point
  12. Iris's eyes widened when a cuff slapped over her wrist, the metal clicking noise as it fastened around it like a death rattle in her ears. "Wha-" She gasped, twirled around and pressed against him as his arm wrapped around her throat like a python, constricting air and blood which immediately built pressure in her head. She tried to scream but her airways were obstructed, she tried raising her hand up to try and take it away from her throat but instead he cuffed her arm behind her back too, the position making it impossible to move her arms since they were bent at the elbow behind her, the small length of the chain of the cuffs preventing her
    1 point
  13. Bubblegum: "Experiment? I'm guessing that means you want to experiment on something?" She walks over to a large monitor. It had multiple screens which surrounded a large central screen. "Well I'm not sure what your expertise is, if any, but..." She brings up a list of file name on the large screen. "We do have a large variety of compiled data, and as well as samples and other things that I can release to you to use. Most of these files here belonged to the man who used to run this lab. His interest varied to say least. Anyway, if you wish, you may the terminal to research what ever you have a interest in and the tool of the lab are your to us
    1 point
  14. Mint: "S-shut up! You top-two are gonna p-pay for this!" Mint continued to protest as her chest grew hotter and hotter grew hotter and hotter. She moaned loud as Lolli kneaded her sensitive breast and nipples, the mixture he was rubbing on her running down the front of her body in small trails. Lollipop couldn't help but press his body against her as he felt the tendrils toying with his hardening cock and puckering, tight hole. He moaned out as well, sticking his ass out and spreading his legs a bit, giving the tentacles easier access. It didn't take much to tell Lollipop was well trained, or at the very least, eager. One of his hands, still
    1 point
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