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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2020 in Bulletin Posts

  1. I'm looking for some private hardcore roleplay fun with someone. Needed: - Blackmail - Deforming - Abuse - Milf - Daughter - Huge lactating breasts - Torture (Mostly aimed at the breasts) - Bleed but not gore - Degrading I have this nice idea where i would roleplay as Victims, a mother and a daughter that live in a house while the husband is away at work. The Daughter met this old stranger on the internet and they were playing games together untill drama happened, she cursed him and insulted him and he had anger issues and they took it took far. One day he decided to pretend to be so
    2 points
  2. I was thinking of having some fun with dinosaurs, as i would usually plays as the Victim, since i never play as anything else. The Apocalypse of Dinosaurs. - Adventure - Horror - Breed - Milf - Shota - Loli - Incest - Deforming - Lactation - Dinosaur I was thinking making a story where a family was living a hard life, trying to survive a post apocalyptic dinosaur times, they never thought it would come to this moment, but something happened as they had to find ways to survive and find hope somewhere around the world, but little do they know what awaits them. I haven't playd Fall
    1 point
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