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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2020 in Posts

  1. Watching the hotel owner sweat and fidget only turned Sophia on more. It was so easy to do, she was confident she'd be able to do it again next time they saw each other. Along with Kaylaen, she also took note of the ring on his hand. That just might prove useful going forward. A part of her wanted to take advantage of this and meet him in another room right now, but she couldn't just throw her advantage away like that. She was certainly going to see these two men in the near future. Besides, she wouldn't want to keep Kaylaen waiting any longer than he needed to. Still, it seemed like such a waste not to seize this opportunity to sleep with at
    1 point
  2. That familiar growl caused Natia's hear to freeze. It was somehow even more scary this time than before. Yet, she only found the sensation of fear that much more exciting. Before she knew it, his teeth had sunk into her neck, pulling a cry of pain from her body while filling it with a sense of euphoria. Once again, she was marked. She was his property. Her eyes rolled back as her whole body began to grow weak to resist, not that she had any intention to. Natia's blush had returned when she felt Rowan's cock grinding against her sodden underwear. In his growl of frustration,s he instinctively moved her hand to pull her panties down for him, bu
    1 point
  3. There were no words as Anhara's father approached the two girls on the bed. It was clear where his focus was and it wasn't on Rose, just as Anhara knew on the inside. But toying with this girl psychologically proved to be too much fun as she sobbed and cowered behind her cute little doll. Anhara moved to grab the doll from Rose's hands. Due to her conflicted emotions, it took surprisingly little effort to wrestle it from her and set the doll to the side. Her eyes locked with Rose's, even if the girl wasn't looking back. She was going to. In this intimate position, it was impossible to avoid. "Look at me." Anhara instructed. "I want you to loo
    1 point
  4. Bubblegum: After a bit she sits back in her chair, and cover her face with one of her hands and let's out sigh. She had hit a frustrating wall in her review and was having a hard time thinking of a possible solution to the problem. Then slowly with out changing positions or looking, she places her other hand on his Nix's head and runs her fingers through his hair. Her touch was loving and gentle. "...Nix...tell me, are you loyal to me? You do as I say, but you used to belong to someone else. I made your affections mine when they used to belong to that mess of a former master of yours." She grips his hair tightly and pulls him close so his che
    1 point
  5. Location: Thorndown University Campus Her words actually got him to blush a bit. He couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Guess that is a fair and valuable assertion on the matter now innit?" He smiled in return as he seemed to let his natural drawl return. "I don't let it bother me. If we live in the past, then we are going to miss the future. I used it as a life lesson. Now I am always paying attention." He was slowly losing the shell that he had and was more or so opening up. "You learn to spot inconsistencies in your day to day life." He cleared his throat and took a drink from his coffee that had become lukewarm. "Since I am fair
    1 point
  6. Location: Sapphire Mantle Hotel and Spa (Luxury Hotel); Early morning Kaylaen was impressed at how easily Sophia was able to command the room. She had the other men in absolute thrall of her. He had no doubt that she could do the same to him if she really wanted to, although he wouldn’t be as easy to manipulate as these poor saps. But even so, he could tell when someone was in absolute control of a situation and Sophia had it. While he had experience leading, and taking charge, he still respected a chain of authority. Thus, if she told him to jump, he would be a few feet in the air before he asked her which direction he should jump. He w
    1 point
  7. Hands down friends with benefits. That's honestly the ideal for my demisexual bitch-ass. LOL Muffins or cupcakes?
    1 point
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