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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2020 in Bulletin Posts

  1. "Starting up. . . Just for you!" Her computer said. It was strange, really. That computers became so advanced, that they developed emotions for their owners. The girl had ordered a new computer for work. But, she'd only end up getting distracted by the computer's sweet remarks and kind words. The computer she had bought could move it's own wires like hands, talk with her when she got lonely, and helped her with work when she wasn't caught up with talking to it in the first place. She'd come to love this computer, since it showed more emotion than regular people did. Whenever she got down, the little computer would help her get back up.
    1 point
  2. Hello hello, I'm Umbra. This is my thread to hopefully tease and entice my next big predator to come and hunt me down...Well, in a sense. Either way, I'm going to put down some information about what I'm looking for and hopefully someone with similar tastes finds something interesting here to come and hit me up in the EchhiText. BE SURE to actually read the information listed, nothing is a bigger turn off than someone sending my an idea that is so unrelated to what I'm about that it might as well be in a different dimension. I write around 3+ Paragraphs, the more my partner writes the more I write. Single paragraphs or one line
    1 point
  3. So deeply interested in her dark magic, the young girl experimented with dark prayers that would do little, but soon she calls the name of a demon she knew little about on her spare time. Her books glowing, she was suddenly transported to a dark yet fiery world that led to a demon king by the name of Zaroth. Sitting on his throne, expecting an offering. The girl had nothing, yet the demon kind was feeling generous that moment. Deciding to grant her a wish that would benefit her normal life, but in exchange for herself. To be his little toy, to be his one and only that would either be loved, despised, or used to the fullest extent...
    1 point
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