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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2020 in Preference Reviews

  1. Dozle is the nicest person out there. Sure, his grammar isn’t great- it hurts my soul as an English student, but I’m don’t mind- but it’s the idea (and challenge of figuring out what he’s trying to say at times) that counts. All jokes aside, Dozle’s roleplaying style is kinky and I like it. He caters to his partner’s wants, messaging them and constantly checking up on them. Sometimes I have to wonder if he’s a robot AI who fakes sleeping. XD 10/10 gonna give him my MILF assassin a try.
    1 point
  2. Such a talented role player that can really make a character come to life. 5/5 Would be made fun of by a brat again.
    1 point
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