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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in Preferences

  1. Pretty new here, there were a lot of terms I did not recognize but I'm willing to try anything at least once.
    2 points
  2. So, plenty of words and fetishes that I did not recognize. I love to roleplay and I love trying out things, new and old, so I tried to mostly select what I wouldn't play and that's largely the things that I didn't know what they were. Plus a couple of select few that I just don't want to play or have anything to do with. But anyway. I'm not grammar police; nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. Though I do expect basic english skills. Don't have to be super long posts either but just a couple of lines just don't add anything to the roleplaying. Especially since I like to write long posts, it'll make me feel like we're just not equally in
    1 point
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