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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2024 in Bulletin Posts

  1. Hello! Now that I have been RPing again for a few months, I thought I would update my request thread just a little bit. Add some more details. About Me I am 32 years old female. I took a break from RPing for over ten years. In those ten years, I got married, moved to a new country, and started my professional teaching career. This past January, I decided, to go back to school and work on getting my Master's degree. I am still happily married, and honestly he is my priority. He does some RPing on other sites, and sometimes we like to share our stories. Although I am off for the summer, I am still taking classes for my
    1 point
  2. Welcome! Howdy degenerates! Today I will present to you a few plots that have been rolling around in the old noggin' of mine betwixt the daydreamin' of phallic objects. I'll do my best to tag 'em properly, but these are very much open-ended, in terms of the direction they can go! Some may be lewd off the bat, others may have you scratchin' chins at where the sex is, others are blatant fantasies of mine—in the world of creative writing nothing is impossible, or improbable and I'm very open to slow-burns or rampant fuck-fests. You'll find my kinky time interests in my preference sheet, but otherwise all you need to know now is I'm primaril
    1 point
  3. You and Tiffany have been friends since you were children; as you grew up you found you had developed feelings for her but could never quite find the words to say to her. Tiffany, however, had a secret: she was branded; this meant that the first man to advance on her would own her heart and soul. She loved you and made sure to stay away from other boys, dropping hints that she liked you knowing her brand would stop her from ever confessing. Unfortunately, your bully decided to use her to break you not knowing the goldmine he found. When he asked her on a date he expected to have blackmail her by threatening you but her brand took over an
    1 point
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