I'm pretty wide ranging. As my username says, I like to write naughty stories. Often downright depraved but sometimes quite vanilla and sweet. Being the innocent male is not something I get to write often but it is fun. In short, I don't have hard limits.
Some things I especially enjoy are bondage (especially shibari), incest, little breasts, lactation (which is an admittedly odd fit) and nipple play, playing with typical gender appearances and behaviors (femboy and tomboy pairings, androgynous characters) and writing dialogue. Cum play is one that I have a lot of fun with but isn't especially "hot" to me, if that makes any kind of sense. I write a lot of very dominant characters but mostly because that's what seems to "sell". Your lolis and shotas are welcome, as are your prolapsing fembois, big tit futas and realistic trans characters - please, inquire. I may not accept your invitation but I am thrilled to hear your idea.
One kink I particularly enjoy but is pretty rare: I dig urethral play. Sounding and plugging - both male and female characters - are hot for me but generally a bridge much too far for most people. If that's a thing you're into or want to explore, my mailbox is always open.
I'm good with watersports and scat but it's not something I usually seek out. Occasionally I do like violence and blood, and have certainly written snuff but again, far from a requirement.
I struggle to write bestiality, feet and odors - I don't mind them in the least but I don't feel like I do it well. ABDL - I can do this and have. Here's the thing, it needs to be more than just me writing diaper changes, cuddling you and telling you how sweet and cute you are, That's fun for a couple of posts, but after that it becomes a chore. I invite you to inquire, but I warn you, it's a very tough sell.
I know it's not quite the kink list most people want but I really do like writing sexy stories and, because convincing someone to play out getting willingly involved with your older babysitter or sister is a tough sell, I'm really very happy writing almost all of it. If you dig around in my posts and on my wall far enough back, you can find me writing pretty much everything.
- Bulletin Posts linking to this preference: A very specific futa request [MF4Futa]
- Bad behavior at the trailer park
- Barsoom!
- M 4 F Nanny
- Family 4 F