Life is too short; I'll try pretty much anything at least once (read: Good luck trying to find something I won't RP ).
I don't care about the gender of the person I'm RPing with, so if you feel the same way, I'm happy to discuss something.
Also, I will say that there are probably things not on this list that I'd do, so if you have an idea not involving any of those preferences, feel free to bring it up; there is pretty much no way, at all, that you'd scare me off.
I tend to give as good as I get, or at least try to, in terms of length of posts. I'd like to consider myself more than competent with spelling and grammar, and would prefer if a partner is at least fairly competent generally speaking, but that depends on what kind of ideas and enthusiasm you can bring to the table; I'm also more than happy to try and help you improve if you need/want my help doing so.
Two general rules that I don't usually like:
People 'playing' my characters. This includes but isn't limited to: moving my characters, assuming their responses, etcetera.
There are exceptions, like for example if my character is injured, or it could reasonably be expected your character could move them, I have no problem with it (though it doesn't hurt to ask anyway). Making assumptions on what their reactions might be is fine too, but don't assume that is what they did. -
'Abandoned' RPs. I don't mind if you don't wanna RP any more, but please do tell me. I'd rather know than wonder.
Along the same lines, not finishing one and wanting to start another kinda bothers me too, excluding things like having more than one going, or temporarily setting one thing aside in favour of another.- As an aside to this; I understand real life gets in the way sometimes. Hell, mine does. So as long as you understand you might not get immediate responses, you equally don't have to apologise if you've been gone a while.
Anyway, feel free to bother me any time. Please do remember though, as a disclosure, that RPing with a Staff Member doesn't mean anything special, and doesn't exempt you from the ToS. If we RP, I would want you to think of me as an RPer rather than Staff in that setting, but if you break the ToS on the forums, I will deal with it if necessary. I'm an RPer... And a friend... But I'm still Staff...
Edited by SMFoxy