Hallo all. Done a bit of an update: So, as I have my title, im pretty much down for anything. If its something I havent tried yet, im willing to give it at least one try.
Things I'm not into: vore, piss, shit. Those three really. No disrespect to anyone, but its just not my thing.
I'm not one to care about message length as long as the story is continuing to move. Same with grammar, as long as I can understand what's going on, I can still have fun. I also prefer rps with a story to go along with smut, but I can also enjoy a good short smut rp too.
I don't normally have plot ideas prepared, but once I know what kinda characters you're wanting, I can make up a pretty decent plot quickly. Every once in a while I do have some pop into my head, and I'll usually post a bulletin for them. Some that I've been wanting to do but haven't found someone yet to do it:
A group (or player that will do multiple characters) for a harem/orgy story
Playing with characters that are cum dumps (don't know why, but i love a good public use/cum dump story/character for me to use whenever I want)
I will play fandoms, but I don't normally play canonical characters (I get self conscious on if I'm playing them true to the character or not.) Fandom I will play in:
Steven Universe
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Horizon: First Dawn
Kingdom Hearts
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
World of Warcraft
There's probably plenty more that I can't think of just ask me and I'll let you know.
I have an album of some ready to play characters if you would like to do something with them. If not, im down to make a new oc for the rp.
So shoot me a PM and let's see what we can do together.