A few important things
I rather not go fully into depth on these but I do suffer from anxiety and depression. Thanks to my anxiety I'm just a bit nervous with new people, especially since I've only been doing these roleplays for half a year now but I will get less awkward the more I get to know you! Sometimes I might have spells of low motivation or low communication thanks to my depression. It's not fun in anyway, please be patient with me. I will probably get a response out as soon as possible when I'm able too!
My timezone is CST. I'm available only during nights, I'm on anywhere from 6pm-4am depending, that's just my usual time window.
I'd like semi active partners.
Not asking someone to be available 24/7, everyone has lives and things to do and it's totally understandable. But if there's delays between replies go on too long, I sometimes tend to lose interest but sometimes I'll stick around if I like the plot enough.
Fully Ghost friendly
I'm totally ghost friendly. Sometimes it's less awkward to just woosh away if you're not feeling the roleplay or lose interest so I get it! I try to give a heads up since I like being able to communicate, but I do forget or my nerves get the best of me if it's still that awkward phase and I'm sorry in advance. But, if you ghost and later change your mind always you're welcomed back to try the plot again or a new one.
Please no one-liners
I just ask for at least one Paragraph when roleplaying. I like quality over quantity but I just can't work with one liners, my writing style is to meet similar energy or bounce ideas off my partner to keep the flow going. I'm a collaborative writer so I rather have equal responsibility to keep the roleplay going. I also ask with OOC brainstorming to try and bounce ideas off with me, even if its just 2-3 sentences it's better than a response that I can't reply to.
I prefer on-site PMs for roleplaying
I'm not really into public threads with anxiety and I'm still getting used to writing smut past drabbles or short works. I won't totally turn them down completely if I was sold on an idea. I just prefer PMs for privacy and comfort.
I'd prefer long term partners, equal plot and smut, if possible
I'd prefer long term partners, I like writing interesting plots and just having fun with it. I don't really enjoy quick one offs after getting the characters, setting up the scenes, world building, it just feels eh to me to cut it off after a single sex scene. But I'd also need some time to decide if I'm into it enough to keep going. I just ask we keep things amicable and respectful if we replay for a bit and I express not being all that interested anymore. For plot and smut I'd prefer a 50/50 or 75/25 depending. I like the build up, the plot, I just personally don't enjoy 100% smut and no plot. The plot doesn't have to be super complex, it could be more laid back with simple troupes and such, I'm just a sucker for build up and development.
- Bulletin Posts linking to this preference: Tales of Sin(F looking for M or F)