I'm always open to conversation. Please reach out to me if your request is on any of my maybe lists. Sometimes I need to be in a mood for certain kinks. Other times they are situational or need a specific character/story to work for me.
No's are pretty firm, but I won't yell at you for asking, particularly if it's unclear.
I have male, female, and futanari characters, but I will only play one of each. I also will only pair one character with one partner. This means that I will only ever have, at most, 3 roleplays at any given time. This is by design. I only have limited time to RP these days, and can't spread my attention more than that. Additionally, my characters' stories will keep evolving. When I'm finished with a roleplay (as in not cancelled for incompatibility and has reached a point where the play is important to the character's story, yet is no longer continuing for some reason), that becomes part of the character's history, possibly altering or replacing story prompts.
Finally, I'm only looking to play opposite female characters. This is simply my preference, subject to change if my own desires ever do on this front.
Take a look at the "About Me" section in my profile for details about my characters and story ideas!
**Updated my About Me and Preferences pages a bit**
**Updated my About Me page with more information on Alexander's stories**
- Bulletin Posts linking to this preference: Seeking Female Characters for Long Term Adult Roleplay