I'm open to many things ! Plus I'm pretty bored so feel free to rp with me !Â
Despite preferring to play cute girls  , I don't mind playing guys either
little more details about my rp style , but I'll keep it short and sweet!Â
Lowest i can handle is two sentence rps. Personally I feel most comfortable writing around a short paragraph , I can write more but it may take abit longer. Grammer or spelling I'm not picky , especially since my auto correct isn't always the best.Â
I don't think I'll need to spell out stuff I won't do since it's listed above, I'm pretty chill when it comes to what I rp.
I don't really have a set type I rp as. It can vary from young boys or girls , mature men or women.. though being the fact I'm a girl I tend to play those abit more accurate.Â
- Bulletin Posts linking to this preference: Switch up for almost anything!