im 24 will likely be 25 pretty soon... most people don't like using this rating thing cuz it comes off as rude, me personally i would prefer if you did. i don't mind some helpful feed back on my rping and such.
by now im starting to realize i have the bad habit of taking on more rps then i can handle at once and that my pacing in rp. my solution is to set up designated slots so that i don't over do it...roleplayers on this roaster will likely be treated as first priority, roleplayers are dropped from this roster when they go a extended period of time without replying, but because my rps act as a buffe where one can dip on and off being off the roster doesn't mean the rp cant continue it just means it'll take longer for me to get to you. the only way the rp actually ends is if you say or decide that you want to end it there...
most of my rps are built on the concept of indulgence but some which are made with systems, goals, or a very specific story line in mind might be conditional, meaning they can only be played under certain conditions or may even become unavalible at times. these type of rps usually regire higher maintence and thus may have seprate rescources that i need to manage since i know no one wants to have to do math in a rp... still i do find them fun in a way , as exhausting as they might be.
The Ick List
things in rp im starting to realize that i don't like
beef cake characters/fc - if this was any other type of rp other then sexual... this wouldn't be a probablem but it messes with my imagination cause i can't really get into writting a response i enjoy with that kind of character, don't get me wrong i could technically rp for it but its like pulling teeth...
the douch-bag personality architype - you probably recognize this as the pimp or the douch bag character in NTR with yellow faded hair cut and tan skin and maybe a silver ear ring. this character type usually objectifies the sub or at least women and is cocky about it... i think you get the point... i don't like this personality type granted there are some rp's that calls for it but for the most part i don't like it and to be more clear ( i don't like the role of a guy playing a dom guy character with this personaility trait specifically) because thats the only kind ive experiances so far...
mini hosting - this has happened twice by now so i need to adress it. as you might now most of my rps revolve around a dnd like style of rp where im the host controling the world around you and you the player controling well yourself...i don't like it when when people do the role that i assigned myself because as ive said once to the first person who did this " there's no point in rping if your going to do both rolls"
Links to rp's