I’ve been roleplaying on and off for a while. I’m not amazing but I am decent, I think. I do make a lot of typos, so if that’s something that hurts your soul I’m probably not the partner for you. I do my best to proof read and catch everything, but after so long things just muddle together. I almost always miss something.
I prefer to write in third person. I generally don’t like first person. It feels really awkward to me. Sometimes I will make exceptions though.
My post length varies. Excluding openers, I tend to write between two and four paragraphs a post. Sometimes I’ll write a bit more but mostly I feel like I start to go off topic or prattle if I write too much. Or that I’m controlling the story.
Character wise. I’ve always been drawn to female characters and voices so I like to play them the most. I wouldn’t mind playing male more often. But ultimately I lean toward the ladies.
I’m pretty open, and always happy to meet potential new partners. So if you’re curious or just wanna say hi, feel free to message me.
Thank you for stopping by! ^-^