Hello hello! My name is Reider and it's a pleasure to meet you all here! Normally I am friendly and will answer any messages sent my way, or bare minimum ask if anyone wishes to play with me. I have relatively long experience i.e. few years. And try to make sure we are both pleased, accommodated and over all satisfied. Give me details, ideas, and let me see your great creativity. Now my my preference as ive noticed some of the lovies who message me back and such. For feminine side i enjoy female, futa, and femboy alike! I also do enjoy men and boys but prefer the cuties to be fully honest as ive played dominants most the time! But should you message me we can discusss terms. I have mainly played males, futa, and shota. Not against playing female, trap, monster, slime, tentacle, and the sort as I have in turned play those for others. I guess just ask me and I will answer even if it's a no I will try to be polite...unless you don't want me to be~
Ahem. Thanks for baring so far. As for known worlds and universes I have played for fact in.
40k, mlp, League, Final Fantasy (varied versions), Family Guy, Overlord (game and anime), Supernatural, Fallout, Skyrim, DC and Marvel (to all you lovely Harley Quinns out there), RWBY, Darkest Dungeon (some great roleplays in that), Hero Academy, Dungeons and Dragons (hey not as obvious to some), Monster Girl encyclopedia, Kingdom Hearts. Umm so far that I believe I can think of.
I try my best to respond periodically as best as I can. My usual time I have best chance is 430 A.M. to 430 P.M. central time. mon- Thur. So those who read have a general idea when I'm online.
Thank you very much for reading. I hope to hear from all you great people and make beautiful and sexual stories together♡♡