Hello, I'm Shrike, mostly an enby guy meaning that while i identify as male i don't find it restricts my self expression in the way i dress and act IRL.
I'm Bi mostly attracted to men and women on the same level but in different ways. As an example i'm more comfortable with men, i like the way they feel and the way their body is built. But with women it's mostly about their looks, style and i guess perhaps *~mystery~* in a way, or the way they tend to be much more playful~.
I'm a switch mostly, i prefer being a sub usually at least until i get to know someone and trust the enough. While i usually like to start Roleplays sexual i tend to get really get connected to the characters and story much more than that.
If you're interested in messaging me or knowing how to play around me just right: Mind that i might sometimes have immediate replies or it will take me very long, it does not mean i hate or like you in particular, just understand that i'm on a sorta religious university so i kind of need to keep this "hobby" away from prying eyes. What you should know is that the amount if effort i put in my replies does reflect my love or interest for you, the longer i write, the more detail i put and the more effort i make with characterisation the more intrigued i am or by you or by the story.
I'll add that sometimes if i see that you're special, that you're like me, that you're one of a kind, someone that can fit everywhere yet don't, someone as imaginative as i, someone that can read people just by listening to their thoughts, someone that can lie as easily as they can be honest, someone who's actions and mannerisms aren't real and simply them playing a character to fit the society they live in, someone that's both afraid and both brave at the same time, someone at peace and yet strives to improve, someone so unhinged they go back to cling to the same surface everyone does, someone that sees humans for what they are, someone that sees animals for what they are, someone that has dreams so realistic that they confuse them for reality, someone that gets tired of predictability, someone that can terrify and sooth simply with words, someone shy yet confident... someone like I...
...Besides that i usually roleplay Fantasy, Noir, Horror, Urban fantasy, on rarer occasions also sci-fi
My favourite works of fiction is the Cthulu Mythos, Agatha Crystie, Harry Potter and the method of rationality, Paranoia Agent, D&D, Hollow Knight, Undertale, Deltarune, Mother series, Legend of Zelda, Silence of the lambs, The holy mountain, Basic instinct, Demon slayer, Pit People, The Owl House, Gravity Falls. Be aware of those if you want to roleplay something out of those.