The Kind of RPer I Am
Hello there, I'm Saccharine and like the name implies I hope to impart a bit of sweetness in your life!
I'm the kind of personality to like taking their time getting to know my partner as much as the story we're writing. Not to say I like getting in people's heads or anything. I just like to know that we're on the same page and both love the story and worlds that we're building together. I think I'm pretty approachable, so don't hesitate to stop for anything you want to see changed. Active Listening is one of the things I pride myself in and whether or not I agree with you, at least we can talk about it. There's nothing in the world that can't be worked out with a little patience and understanding.
I usually try matching the energy of the person I'm roleplaying with, but I enjoy writing with rich details when I'm really invested. What does the world look like? The setting? The people? I sometimes get a little carried away when my imagination gets the better of me! As much as I love exploring my sexual urges and deepest darkest fantasies, it has to be done in a world I want to care about. If that's the kind of RPer you want to play with, don't be shy. Reach out.
The Kind of RPer I like
Please be a respectful listener and please separate the roleplay from the person. Whoever I play, I am not them. Whoever you play, you are not them either. Parasocial relationships can exist to an extent, but all I ask for is for respect as a person.
You don't have to be a novelist or some critically acclaimed writer. Just be yourself and be interested in adding to the story. There's nothing more boring than someone who writes one liners and expects a paragraph in return.
I want to dom and I want to be dommed. I'm what you would call a sadomasochist. Give me a reason to crawl and I'll crawl. Give me something to inflict pain on and I'll do it with a smile. Power Play is tasty and anything involving power dynamics is something that gets me going. I have almost no limits and can "do it all" for the most part. I draw the line at anything involving underage people. When in doubt? Look at my preference list!
I reserve the right to play whatever character I want. You can make requests, but please do not try to dictate my behavior or the way that I write. If you don't think it's working out, just tell me and we can try to work out a solution or move on like adults.