rp resume
so I think it is time to update this for everyone looking to rp with me.
I am an experienced Rper, writer and D&D dm for 10+ years. I like to believe I can craft a character and world with ease as long as I have the motivation to do so.
My posts are usually 2-3 paragraphs at a minimum and there is no real limit on the maximum,
I would like my partner to try and my post as best the can, if i consistently drop 6+ paragraphs and I get back 1 or 2 then it’s going to effect how I write.
i prefer high fantasy, sci fi, cyberpunk, magic punk, romance and erotic as my genres.
Up top is my kink list and if there is something that is not there then you can go ahead and ask I will never shame you for your kinks, I will just let you know if that is a thing for me or not.
so go ahead and message me if you want to try and hash out an RP with me, I will always be willing to discuss it with you and I will never ghost you. I will straight up tell you when I went to end an rp and I will give you a reason why.