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  • Storywriter Kissa

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    • Partcipate in Private Roleplays: I prefer not to say
      Preferred Roleplay Length: Long Roleplays
      Preferred Grammar/Spelling Competence: No Preference
      Preferred Post Length: Very Long (3-6 Paragraphs per Post)

      I will roleplay these fetishes: Not Specified

      I might roleplay these fetishes: Not Specified

      I will not roleplay: Not Specified
      Genre's I will Roleplay: Fantasy

      Genre's I might Roleplay: Not Specified

      Genre's I won't roleplay: Fan Fiction Roleplay, Sex only
      What kind of characters I will roleplay with: Kitsune (Fox)

      What kind of characters I might roleplay with: Not Specified

      I will not roleplay with these types of characters: Not Specified

    -High activity. This is the most important to me. In a perfect world I would have back and forth roleplay every day, but as that's unlikely to happen, I am comfortable with either six posts per week or back and forth once or more per week. If you can't commit to this, please don't message me because I have to tell you no and it makes me sad when I have to say 'no' to people. I know I'm going miss some amazing writers because of this high activity demand, but it's hard for me to keep motivation up when things move too slowly to my taste.
    -Starting with oneshot to check compatibility and then brainstorming a long term story. I prefer playing the story in episodes/scens.
    -Intriguing story with a dark twist and something original.
    -I will NOT play groupie type chars. With this I mean characters who are like girls from harem anime, falling head over heels for a guy just because he acts like a decent human being. Currently I’m not interested in playing waifu/girlfriend experience chars either. I can play my char as someone’s gf or wife, that isn’t the problem. The problem is if my char is supposed to be always horny, supporting and praising a guy who is a lazy loser and does nothing worth complimenting.

    -FxM pairings only. I play a foxgirl and you play something else, preferably a human, male.

    At the moment I have no ideas, so don’t hesitate to suggest something in PM.

    Something about Kissa
    -I have been roleplaying for over 20 years now. I roleplay in 3rd person, past tense. Roleplaying is going to happen here on the forum. My smaller posts are usually 2 paras, most of the time I post 3-5 paras and sometimes way more. I’m hoping my partner will match that.
    -OOC friendly. In my experience it’s easier to talk about new ideas, make suggestions or tell if something isn’t working if people talk otherwise too. It lowers the bar to speak up if the roleplay needs changing in some direction.
    -I’m over 30 year old cis female, living in Finland. Despite liking the military genre and uniforms I haven’t served in the army myself and it shows in my roleplaying.
    -I do both story and smut, I can play multiple characters, do worldbuilding and weave stories.
    -My favorite genres are modern fantasy, medieval fantasy and occasionally sci-fi.
    -I play only fluffy (fox) girls. 

    If you approach me, I assume you read and agree with everything on this thread. If there is any part you can't or don't want to do for any reason, tell me about it. If I approach you, I'm accepting everything in your thread or I will let you know if I have questions about some details.

    I would like to start with a oneshot scene to see if we are compatible. I have burnt out some good story ideas by starting them time after time and seeing them die in the very beginning, so I would like to avoid that. Let me know what's your realistic activity, that you are comfortable with, and what kind of one shot scene you would be interested in doing and we move on from there.


    This isn't an all inclusive list. Many kinks are more about what suits the situation and the character than what I’m into. My cravings keep changing. If I wrote a full list of everything I want and I’m willing to play, this list would be longer than my arm, so this list is here just to give an idea of what I like. If you are unsure about what I’m okay with, PM me.

    IC ON
    I love it when there is friction between chars. They don’t need to get along all the time. To be honest, I find it boring when chars get along too well and everything is just smooth sailing and loveydovey. I love it when there is tension between the chars because of their social status or because they don’t get along. They can argue and even fight.

    Spicing up vanilla
    You can expect everything vanilla from smut scenes. That’s default. Everything outside vanilla is meant to spice up things, meaning those kinks are optional and even those that will be used don’t have to be used all the time. I prefer using more special kinks now and then only so they won’t lose their shine.

    Don’t be afraid to fail. Sometimes things don’t go as planned. It’s not the end of the world. It’s not even the end of the scene. There are many different routes to the destination and if one of them isn’t working, there are still other routes left.

    Little list of ONs


    -Double penetration
    -Ear play
    -Multiple orgasms
    -Orgasm denial
    -Tail pulling

    Slice of Life

    SoL is a genre I don’t enjoy. I will do it in small doses because not every moment can be full of action and dramatic moments. Slower and more peaceful moments are part of good story development. I just don’t want the RP to revolve around SoL.

    There is nothing in roleplaying I hate as much as ghosting. Have the basic consideration to tell me we are ending our roleplay instead of leaving me hanging. Ghosting is rude and it’s sad it’s so common that I need to write this here.

    Everything goes
    There are people who are okay with everything, but in my experience most of the time people who say they are okay with everything lack interest. These people have been awfully flakey and quite honestly, a burden to play with. I can’t read your mind, so tell me what you like and don’t like. If you aren’t interested in roleplaying, I’m not going to force you to do it or jump through hoops to maybe make you interested. 

    Reactive posting
    This means writing a post where all you do is respond to what was said or done and do nothing else. Move the scene forward. Ask something, do something. Occasional reactive posts are okay and sometimes even necessary, but it’s selfish if one does reactive posts only all the time.

    Winging it
    I’m not fan of roleplaying without some kind of pre-made plan, but I can be persuaded into it. Especially if the chars are interesting enough so it feels like they can carry unplanned roleplay.

    IC OFF
    Hairy guys
    Licking is one of my main kinks. That and I don’t find hairy guys appealing, which is why facial hair and body hair is a dealbreaker to me.

    Anal fixation
    I will be happy to include some anal action in steamy scenes sometimes, but the main focus should be on what she has to offer on the front side. If anal plays a big importance to you, I’m afraid we won’t be a good match.

    I don’t know lore of any setting well enough to play fandom and I’m not interested in studying lore for roleplaying.

    Even smaller list of OFFs


    -Ass to mouth
    -Trans male
    -Gore (sexual), watersports and such

    Basic anime protagonist
    With this I mean a character who has no personality, can’t make decisions and/or complains all the time, but all girls are falling for him because he has manners of a decent human being.

    Happy clueless character
    I have played this type of chars a lot but at the moment I don’t want to play the happy idiot kind of character. Perhaps this will change one day, but right now it’s not something I want to do.

    Subby subs
    I like putting your character in a submissive position, where he has to tolerate what he gets, but I don’t want a submissive sub. I want resistance and defiance, strong will and stubbornness. A character who rolls over, accepts everything happily and asks for more is uninteresting to me.


    || Questions and suggestions, PM me ||

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