Hey, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I'm not a pro but i do find roleplaying pretty fun so i do it when i can. From what i can tell people usually enjoy my style.
If you have a plot you wanna try or want to think about one together don't hesitate to ecchitext me.
Important: I might not reply as fast all the time because the site doesn't notify me all the time when I'm on my phone. I won't ignore any rp and i hope you don't ignore me. If there's something you don't like or want to change just let me know. If you wanna end the rp because you're not enjoying it let me know, no harm in that.
You most likely won't receive a reply from Monday to Friday, cause I got classes and I need to focus on that.
(If I happen to have some extra time I would but don’t count on it)