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  • A couple of cravings.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    So I just wanted to get out a two or three cravings.  Two are ideas I have had rolling around in my head for a bit the other is one that I just thought about here not to long ago. Anyway here we go. 


    The Apprentice -  This one is based in AU where the Empire out right wins the great war that takes place before the events of the mmo Starwars the Old Republic.  Of course this does not mean that the Jedi were completely wiped out nor that the Republic is completely dead. The idea is that the Jedi had found a young girl who is more in tune to the force than any living being. She has the to be able to turn the tide and help the Jedi order.  For 5 years they train her on another planet that they think is far enough out of the way to keep her off the radar of  the Empire.  Enter Darth (whatever name is chosen) who has manged to find out about the girl and her location. The Darth then uses there resources and captures the young teen in hopes of molding not only in to the perfect slave but the perfect weapon as well. 

    In this one I hope to play the young Jedi why someone else plays the Darth they can be of any gender of the person choosing. 

    Big kinks: BDSM, Mind control, Force powers (being used on mc),  Collars&Leashes, Orgasm control/Denial, Sexual Frustration, Impact Play, Piercings & Tattoos, Forced Clothing,  Sex Toys, Sexual/ Non sexual torture, Non -Con/ Rape. 

    This is meant to be brutal for mc the point is to break her and bring her to the dark side. Also want to do more then just turning her to the dark side but all that can be discussed. 


    Harriet not Harry - This is basically and AU  of Harry Potter in this one things play out almost like in the books though when the killing curse backfires some how Voldemort is able to escape with his body intact. However it still weakens him and scares him so he goes deep underground and bides his time. When Harry finally turns ten he of course  gets on the  train to Hogwarts or well goes to the station but never makes it on the train. Voldemort had sent some lackeys to watch for the young boy and grab him. Now that the boy is with him Voldemort plans to turn Harry to his side and in process make the Daughter he has always wanted. 

    Yes this is basically a Forced fem plot with Voldemort turning hair into a girl. Though I do not want it to be instant, first the forced fem and then slowly using magic to change harry. I want my partner to kind of decide how he want her  to look and if you want to keep harry with at least a small dick and make him a futa that is fine  whatever is desired bye my partner

    Big Kinks: Forced fem, transformation, Anal, Rape/ Non con, Piercings, Humiliation, Orgasm Denial/ Control, Forced clothing, Impact play, BDSM,  Mind Control


    Losing control -   This plot is one where my character will be at least 18 the idea is that she (or he ) has just moved from their home town to the big city to attend a nearby university. They have gotten a job and even mange to make enough to rent a small dingy apartment but it is still a place to call there own.  Then some how mc meets the other main character they are quite wealthy and when they meet my character they are reminded of what it was like first starting out trying to make ones way in the world after hs ( I would like them to be at least 30) so muse b (what we will call them for now) decides to take my character under there wing and help them out buy being a friend and giving them small money gifts. Of course this is jsut to hook my character as muse b has designs to  completely take control of mc's life and make them theirs. 

    So I will admit that this is inspired bye an rp I saw else where. IN this mc is a naive small town girl and is so excited that some one is helping her that they do not realize that the person is not good for them. 

    Big Kinks: Rape non con, Loss of control (Pm me if you want to know what this means), BDSM. Forced Fem (if I play a guy), orgasm control/Denial,  Water sports, Sex toys, Impact play,  Chasity, Piercings & tattoos, Collars & leashes, Semi Mind control. 

    These are my three  current cravings. If you are interested in please seem me a pm . As to the kinks those are just the big ones for each idea I am open to any other kinks you want to add as I have no limits. Lastly if you have any ideas to add to the plot  that is fine, and if your convincing enough I will play the dom part but I really do want to be the sub in these so you better bring your a game of convincing if you want me to be the dom. 

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