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  • A lewd cyberpunk adventure using DnD 5e rules

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I'm looking to DM a game set in the world of Carbon Pink. I'm looking for 4-5 players ready to actively engage in the lurid aspects of Carbon Pink, fine with sexualised modifications to my character, fighting lewd and lurid enemies, and roleplaying in a salacious world. As well as looking to actually get some story in as well 😛 This uses the base rules for DnD 5e (which is useful since I know those rules like the back of my hand) but has a lot of things slapped onto it; namely guns and cybernetics. 

    Kinks: this world has a lot of genetic modification so people tend to be a bit stretchier capable of handle over foot long cocks and liters of cum This link contains art made for the world of carbon pink: https://e-hentai.org/lofi/g/2232001/89d05a63c9/1

    Carbon Pink is a light-hearted cyberpunk themed cosmetic overhaul for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, aiming to create the same roleplaying and combat opportunities as the traditional fantasy setting. Carbon Pink features a multitude of races, genetically altered from Humans, from the elegant E.L.Fs and untrusted Nayalings, to the mischievous and comical Wukong, to photosynthetic Gobbos and nomadic, stocky Jerboans, as well as the recently awakened androids known as Artificiates and the hosts of personality engrams called Remakes, and the cosmetically altered genetic mish-mashes known as Splicers. (more info can be found here) https://slimwiki.com/carbon-pink/welcome

    As far as creating your character goes the general vibe I'm looking for is horny people need money. So you'll likely be a freelancer in search of work to get the mods you desire and being able to retire in a nice lush area to fondle and fuck your days away.

    Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below! Ecchitext me with your desire to play and just what kinks you are looking forward to the most no need to create your entire character though that is fine too!

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