Hi. To keep it short, Im looking to play a female character of verying characters and origin, in this dark, dystopian plot. This is not about rape, corruption or abuse. This is a story about men, protecting the women the love, even in ways that sicken them and bring pain to them both, and the romance developed between them, and yes, impregnation and raising children.
this is not a short term plot, nor is it sex focused. Its about tabboo romance and storytelling with sex mixed in.
The premise covers the vast majority, but as this is intended to be long term, story focused, and worldbuilding, there is much more to discuss.
It is the year 2910, and humanity had united into three nations, the Republic of the Americas, The Eurafican kingdom, and the Empire of asia. These three nations fought endlessly for every little thing for 700 years. Technology has advanced greatly, but not in every aspect, genetics and medicine and warfare were the only priorities. The republic of the Americas won this war, and took control of the earth. They are however, not truely a republic, really lead by oligarchs and a dictator.
War, disease, and the consequences of which, have begun to take hold of humanity. The population dwindles and then, the president, changes the laws. Womens rights are abolished. All women are now property of their fathers, unless married, all wives now property of their husband. Girls are seperated from boys into different schools. The girls schools authoritarian and crushing. Women began to fight back, and dissappear or their family members killed.
Girls begin dissappearing at school and six months later, the "womens enlightenment program" is announced public. Incest is legalized, marriage age for females reduced to 11, and the prime directive is launced 100 million babies must be born within ten years, or punitive action will be taken. All females have 1 year, or until their 17th birthday, to get married, or be married by their father (as now fathers and only fathers can take multiple wives), or be sent to a repopulation camp.
Of desperation, to keep their daughters, wives, neices, cousins, sisters, best friends girlfriend from being taken to "the program", a brutal forced breeding facility, they marry them, or marry their sons to their daughters, cousins to each other, or other family members, or to their friends, coworkers, or others who will take care of and protect them in these dark times.
In this, i am entirely flexible in terms of the character i play, personality, age, and appearance. But my preferences are short, petite, and mid teens to mid twenties in age.
We can discuss in depth your character and deeper details in eccitext. No outside apps or services for this rp. Do. Not. ask.
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