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  • A Pigman Owned Kingdom

    Queen Esiria awoke on the floor of what used to be the grand kitchen of her castle, around her were several other elves all in a similar situation to herself. They had all been forced to clean the floors after the Pigmen’s victory dinner using only their bodies and a bucket of soap water. They had been worked to exhaustion, the slave collars strapped around their pale necks controlled them just as long as their minds were active, and even so they had barely made a dent in the filth that the pigmen had brought upon in their jovial celebration. 

    Mere feet from the elf queen lay the Pig Chief that had crushed and humiliated her and her kingdom. He snored and snorted raucously, shaking the table that he so unashamedly passed out on darning last nights precedings, between his legs, with her tired, boar cum splattered face just barely holding onto consciousness from the long night, lay her daughter Princess Elara, stroking the vile chiefs cock between her full, perfect breasts. Even while unconscious, most likely dreaming of pumping his thick baby batter into the royal wombs of the elves and tarnishing their lineage, he was able to fire load after load onto the enslaved princess.

    This was their fate, there would be no charity or mercy for their kind until the pigmen grew bored of them however many millennia that would take. Passed from generation to generation of pigmen, even passed on to their beasts if the pigs ever wanted a show. Bodies bound to the pigs whims though their minds would remain forever intact to suffer eternity under their hammy fists. To endure every humiliation and desecration, to forever serve as the perfect slave.

    Hey there! Would absolutely love a person to play one or multiple filthy pigmen that would like nothing more to humiliate and degrade elvish royalty for whatever reason we can come up with. Looking for a creative partner who can come up with lots of different scenarios with me and doesn’t mind heading into more depraved kinks. 

    If you’re interested please send me an idea of what you’d like to do to the noble elves then we can discuss how to move this forward (the darker the better).

    Hope to hear from all of you!

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