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  • A slow pace into a world of scrap

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    We were losing a war, well back when there was a war. the large tank the crew called home rumbled on in an endless expanse of grey and worn out vehicles, supplies arent an issue just scavenge the closest vehicle or building for fuel, ammo, and food. trapped in this grey world, mist surrounding the tank. Sonja a hungarian woman the gunner of such mechanical beast. has received urgings, the crew is tense and they all care for one another. this world is werid she grows tired but notes and other things tell her to bend herself over undressed. maybe it will ease the rest of the 6 man crew, her included, but the endless expanse goes on and on. metal husk and drab grey buildings bathing is a luxury a bathhouse could be found but those are rare and everyone has a bad feeling around them and only stay to clean and get out.

     just an idea with a single woman amongst of five crew in a large beast of a tank trudging along what seems to be an endless void. the whole crew care for one another, and hte world affects women in strange ways  was looking for someone to control the other crew .


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